Chapter 632 Dare to love is not to praise me

Chapter 633

  Wen Ran, it seemed that a warm current warmed Mo Xiuchen's heart.

  Her affirmation and compliment were more touching and proud of him than anything else. He held her hand tightly, lowered his head slightly, and kissed her on the face.

   "Of course, I am very happy, in your eyes, I am so good."

  His words were three-point ridicule, which expelled the sadness caused by the topic just now.

  With a witty smile, he said triumphantly: "I have always had a good vision, my husband, of course, is the best."

   "Hehe, dare to love me is not to praise me, but to praise yourself." The corner of Mo Xiuchen's mouth rose, and a smile spread from his lips to his deep eyes.

  Wen Ran just laughed.

Mo Xiuchen stared at her for a few seconds, and then said: "The assassination of Xiao Wenqing was in exchange for A Feng and A Mu entering the company. After that, it took me ten years to replace all of Xiao Wenqing's people. , And have been secretly investigating the truth of the year, as well as the evidence that she killed my mother and the evidence that she killed me again and again."

   "You are still looking for me."

  Wen Ran added, as long as she thinks that he has been looking for her for so many years, her heart will be soft and sorrowful.

  He kept looking for her, but she never knew.

Mo Xiuchen hugged her tightly and entangled the breath of the two, "Well, I have been looking for you, but it was still too immature at that time to let Xiao Wenqing know that I was looking for you and got one. Cheng Jia comes out."

  "She must have never imagined that even if she got Cheng Jia who had a mole on her chin, she carefully nurtured her for ten years, but in the end, you denied her because of your instincts."

  Wen Ran’s eyes are full of love and pride.

  Her Xiu Chen is really amazing.

  If Xiao Wenqing knew that Mo Xiuchen found Wen Ran by intuition, it was also because of that **** intuition that he would not believe Cheng Jia at first, for fear that he would vomit blood with anger.

   "Well, she wouldn't think of this."

  Mo Xiuchen hooked the corner of his mouth, ridiculingly.

Calmly said, "Three years ago, I found some clues that Xiao Wenqing killed my mother back then. A Feng, A Mu and I founded another company named'Hao Chen' and registered in country D. I didn't want to Mo Jingteng knows that the company’s legal representative is not one of us, but Tan Mu’s faculty and our school sister, An Lin."

  An Lin?

   "Is that the An Lin whom Luo Haofeng mentioned that day?"

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen in a little surprise. He nodded and gently brushed away the broken hair on her forehead, "Yes, that's her. For the past three years, Hao Chen has been taking care of her."

  Mo Xiuchen paused slightly, and added, "An Lin is a very good, capable, and beautiful woman."

  Wen Ran looked at him curiously.

   "Why never heard you mention it before."

   "It's not too late to tell you now."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled lightly, stroked her hair with a big hand, and acted dozingly, "According to my original idea, I want to bankrupt MS Group and let Haochen replace MS Group."

  Now, I suddenly feel that it doesn’t make sense to do that.

  So, he resigned decisively as president.

  He used to look for her, but didn't really meet.

  Now not only meet, but also know and love each other. He felt that nothing is more important than being happy with her.

  Wen Ran gently pressed his lips, ignoring a certain emotion in his heart.

   was silent for a moment, then asked gently:

"Xiu Chen, you tell me this now, isn't it? You will go to Haochen next. The group of senior executives and professional technicians who resigned from MS Group a few days ago all went to work at Haochen. During this time, Haochen is the biggest competitor of MS Group."

  One is in City G and the other is in City C. The competition between the two companies is so fierce that not only has it heated up, it has also been reported in the media.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and nodded, "Well, you went to work in the pharmaceutical factory. I have nothing to do these days, and I always feel like eating soft food. Why, I'll go to work in Haochen..."

   "Xiu Chen, you have a nosebleed!

   Wen Ran's voice sounded in horror, interrupting Mo Xiuchen's unfinished words.

  She sprang out from the body that was leaning against him, crawled over his lap, and pulled out a few tissues from the tissue box on the bedside table and handed it to him.

  Mo Xiuchen has raised his face and wiped the blood with the paper towel that Wen Ran handed over.

   "Xiu Chen, why do you suddenly have a nosebleed? Let's go to the hospital now and let my brother check it for you."

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen with a worried look. His face was calm. Compared to her worry, his expression did not change at all. Even the smile just now was still maintained.

  He wiped the blood unhurriedly, and Yun said lightly, “Of course, don’t worry, nosebleeds are not a problem.”

  Where can Wen Ran not worry, she has jumped out of bed, "Xiuchen, I don’t worry, let’s go to the hospital for a check, okay?"

  She clear eyes like water, looking at him worriedly.

  She had never seen him sick, nor had he seen a nosebleed.

  Actually, nosebleeds are really not a disease. She has had nosebleeds before, and she has also seen nosebleeds from friends around her, but at this moment, she saw Mo Xiuchen's nosebleeds, but her heart suddenly choked.

  An uncomfortable anxiety grabbed her instantly.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at this kind of gentleness, and couldn't tell whether he was moved or distressed.

  He threw the tissues in the wastebasket on the side, pulled her past her, and approached her ear with a slightly hoarse voice, "Of course, I have a nosebleed. It's not a disease, just because I miss you too much."

  Wen Ran’s originally worried eyes widened, and in his ambiguous smile, the worry on her little face was replaced by other emotions a little bit.

"Is it really?"

  A few seconds later, she asked in disbelief.

  Before, she had heard of it, because that kind of thing would cause nosebleeds.

  But, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she just thought it was an exaggeration. What's more, Mo Xiuchen is such a good man of concentration, how could he get a nosebleed because of "missing her".

  Mo Xiuchen nodded affirmatively, "Well, yes."

  (End of this chapter)

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