Chapter 630 Don't need salary, just you

  Mo Xiuchen looked at the door with dark and deep eyes. This door is soundproofed. Not to mention that Wen Ran is asleep at the moment. Even if he is sitting outside awake, his voice in the study is quieter, and she can't hear him.

He heard his own voice a little dazed. This is something he never had before: "Dad, I don’t feel any discomfort in my body. I just made a small mistake last night. I don’t know if it counts. abnormal."

  Mo Xiuchen believed some things that Fu Jingyi said to him on the phone last time, and some did not believe them.

"What is wrong?"

  Gu Yan is very nervous.

  That's because of caring. Mo Xiuchen traded his health for natural health. This kind of love is rare in the world.

   And Mo Xiuchen, a man who can die for the person he loves, he has lived for most of his life, and he has not had a few. It happened that his daughter ran into it.

  He didn't know whether to be proud or to feel bad.

  "It’s not a serious matter, but I suddenly remembered something that happened recently. Dad, don’t worry, I don’t think I have any problems."

  Mo Xiuchen's tone is very calm, revealing a little indifferent, with the power to soothe people's hearts. Across the Pacific Ocean, Gu Yan couldn't see Mo Xiuchen's expression, but he didn't feel relieved because of his words.

  On the contrary, he felt very serious.

  "Xiu Chen, you should take those medicines first. Don't be careless. If you feel uncomfortable or abnormal, call me immediately, or tell Akai."

  Gu Yan sternly told on the other end of the phone.

   "Dad, I see."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't want him to worry too much, and smiled gently. Gu Yan took the initiative to tell him that as a result of their experiments these days, they failed again, and another small animal died for the experiment.

   However, for Brown and Jochenf, this failure aroused their interest and fighting spirit. If the sick person were not their relatives, Gu Yan would probably be the same as them.

  But because of worry, he became a little anxious.

   "Dad, don't worry, my body has always been very good, and there will be no problems in a short time."

  Mo Xiuchen comforts Gu Yan.


  The next day, Wen Ran really went to work at Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory. On the way to take her to the pharmaceutical factory, Mo Xiuchen said jokingly, “Of course, I will be your full-time driver in the future and will pick you up and go to get off work.”

  Wen Ran deliberately gave a clear cough, holding a queen's aura, and asked majesticly: "Xiao Mo, you can ask for any salary you want."

  Mo Xiuchen's hands holding the steering wheel stagnated, and a strange expression appeared on Jun's face with a small smile. This girl actually took advantage of him.

  However, he quickly returned to normal, turning his eyes, looking at her meaningfully, "Miss Wen, I don't need a salary, just you."

  Wen Ran a glance at him, and said angrily: "You are not so courageous. How can a driver make such a request?"

   "Haha, of course others dare not, but I dare."

  Mo Xiuchen laughed, Wen Ran originally wanted to molest him, but he was molested instead. He was a little unwilling to do so. However, seeing him smile so handsome at this moment, she couldn't help but feel fascinated for a moment with the indescribable charm.

  Looking at him, forgot to react.

  Luxury Aston stopped at the entrance of the pharmaceutical factory, Mo Xiuchen really looked like a conscientious driver, got out of the car and opened the door for Wen Ran.

Wen Ran got out of the car and saw that Mo Xiuchen didn't mean to step back a little. His tall body was standing in front of the car door, causing his body to stick to the car door, but he caught him at the factory door where people came and went. She lowered her head with one wrist, kissed her forehead, and then took a step back, "Of course, I will pick you up at noon."

  Wen Ran's face was a little hot, did not dare to look at Mo Xiuchen again, turned around and quickly walked into the pharmaceutical factory.

  Wen Jin asked Wen Ran to come back to help. He originally just said casually that he didn't want Mo Xiuchen to really agree to her coming to work, and he couldn't make her tired.

  However, Wen Jin is still very happy to come back to work. At least, he can see her anytime now.

Mo Xiuchen really sent her to work and picked her up from get off work. Normally, he didn't know what he was doing. Wen Ran didn't hear him say that he was boring, and he never saw him busy, but he seemed to like it very much, and enjoyed it very much. Kind of leisurely.

  Every night, Mo Xiuchen accompanies Wen Ran to watch TV. Before ten o'clock, she will definitely be urged to take a shower and drink milk to sleep.

  Life seems to be back to the past, calm and happy.

   "Of course, I forgot to tell you, I asked Xiao Liu to leave the storage room for the things you returned by express delivery last time."

  This evening, Mo Xiuchen came out of the shower. Wen Ran was leaning on the bedside to send a message with his mobile phone. Mo Xiuchen also sat on the bed, stretched out his arm, and embraced her.

  Wen Ran heard his words, her eyes flashed with stunnedness, she just remembered that she had delivered the skin care products back when she was in City A. As a result, she had forgotten about it when she went to work these days.

   "If you don't tell me, I really forgot."

  She clicked the send button, and her clear eyes looked at Mo Xiuchen's delicate and perfect face.

Mo Xiuchen's long fingers gently picked up a strand of her hair, twisted and loosened it between her fingers, playing with it, and said, "You are so excited about going back to work in the pharmaceutical factory, you have forgotten my husband, let alone. It's some useless skin care products. It's normal to forget."

  His voice is actually smiling.

   However, Wen Ran seemed to hear a hint of jealousy from his words. She blinked her eyes, looked at his deep eyes, and said with a smile: "Xiu Chen, are you jealous?"

   "Well, I'm jealous."

  Mo Xiuchen admitted generously.

  Looking at Wen Ran's eyes calmly, he made no secret of it. Seeing her smiling, he couldn't make a straight face, and the corners of his mouth bent unconsciously: "Of course, I suddenly regretted agreeing you to go back to work. Look, since you go back to work, I have become dispensable. Up."

  "Who says you are dispensable, you are my full-time driver. I want you to pick you up every day. You are very important."

  Wen Ran put down the phone and stroked his handsome face with white and delicate fingers. She had only been on the three-day shift, but she felt that she hadn't been with Mo Xiuchen for a long time.

Alas, it seems to be staying together for 24 hours a while ago, and you can see each other as soon as you raise your head and open your eyes. It makes her accustomed to the kind of staying together every second, but she is not suitable for this lifestyle Up.

  Mo Xiuchen was amused by her words.

  His laughter was low, deep, and very magnetic. He pursed his mouth gently, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Xiu Chen, don't you believe what I said?"

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his head, pressed her **** thin lips against her forehead, and whispered, “Of course, I believe you, but, during this period of time, I am used to being with you for 24 hours. Suddenly, I am not used to it.”

  (End of this chapter)

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