Chapter 617 I'm Very Pure


  Washing out gently, and seeing Mo Xiuchen putting her phone away, she walked to the dressing table, he followed, reached out and picked up the delicate wooden comb on the dressing table, and combed her hair gently and gently.

   "I just called Amu, and he will be here in a while."

   He spoke casually, looking into the mirror with a smile in his narrow eyes.

   Wen Ran raised his eyebrows, "You have something to do with Tan Mu?"

  Mo Xiuchen laughed, his tone was very cheerful: "Sell him to come and watch the excitement. If he is okay today, he will be able to act as a driver for us."

  He lowered his eyes, his eyes fixed on her hair, deep in his eyes, a touch of unreal emotion passed by, and the action of combing her hair was slightly slowed down.

   smiled gently, looking at his exquisite and handsome facial features in the mirror, with a hint of coquetry in his tone: "Xiu Chen, are you not familiar with City A? I think we will go out to play."

An accident flashed across Mo Xiuchen's face, and his hands paused slightly.

Hearing words in his ears, he felt a slight wave of happiness in his heart, and a feeling of happiness surged up in an instant. Looking at the clear and expectant eyes in the mirror, the corners of his mouth evoked a touch of pampering: "Okay, just us. Two people. I will ask Amu to leave the car behind."

   Seeing his promise, Wen Ran smiled brightly: "Xiuchen, you are so kind!"

  Mo Xiuchen also smiled, "It's good if you are happy."

   combed Wen Ran's hair, Mo Xiuchen bent his body slightly, arched his hands on her shoulders, looked at her in the mirror for a moment, and suddenly said, "Of course, I will draw my eyebrows for you."


  Wen Ran was a little surprised, he dried her hair for her, combing it frequently, she was used to it. However, she was really surprised that he had to stroke her eyebrows and make-up for her.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded, his eyes were full of tenderness, and the warm breath also sprayed into her ears with his words, causing her to soften her heart: "Well, I will stroke your eyebrows and make up well."

   "Does my face look bad when I have no makeup?"

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at him, his slender eyelashes blinked slightly. Because of his closeness and breath, a crimson color appeared on her originally white cheeks, reflecting her condensed skin, which was indescribably beautiful and attractive.

  Mo Xiu Chen's eyes flicked deep, "It looks good, of course it looks good."

  In his eyes, she is always the best, and she is the most beautiful regardless of makeup.

  Wen Ran's eyebrows are a little pale, but they are pretty. Especially when she raised her eyebrows, those two eyebrows were raised high. It's so beautiful.

  She looked at him, thought for a moment and said, “If you want to use me to practice skills, I also agree. But, another day, we will continue to toss, Luo Haofeng should go.”

   "Well, then another day."

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes flashed with deep meaning, he only picked up the skin care products on the side, smeared her, and pulled her out of the room and went downstairs.

  I don't know whether to say that the two of them are slow or Tan Mu is fast.

When Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived at the cafe downstairs, Tan Mu was already sitting opposite Luo Haofeng. Seeing them come in, he immediately smiled at them and said hello.

   "Tin Mu, why are you so fast."

  Wen Ran sat down in front of the chair Mo Xiuchen pulled away, and asked with a smile.

   Tan Mu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Mo Xiuchen, stopped his gaze on Luo Haofeng, and said jokingly: “I heard that A Feng didn’t return to his hotel last night, so I came over curiously.”

  His words fell, Luo Haofeng's gaze suddenly looked at Mo Xiuchen, his eyes were dissatisfied, this nasty and black-bellied man, when did he gossip like this.

  Mo Xiuchen laughed, and sat down beside Wen Ran, stretched out his big hand, and naturally took Wen Ran's soft little hand and placed it on his lap.

   looked at her with a gentle smile, and said softly, “Of course, aren’t you also curious why Ah Feng didn’t go back to his hotel last night?”

  The waiter came over, Mo Xiuchen ordered breakfast for Wen Ran, and Tan Mu ordered a cup of coffee.

Wen Ranqing looked at Luo Haofeng inquisitively with water eyes, until he saw Luo Haofeng, who had always been thick-skinned, his scalp numb, and surrendered to himself and explained: "I'm really afraid of you, shouldn't it, the three of you are sitting here It’s all here to know how I spent last night, right?"

  All three of them have smiles on their faces and are noncommittal.

Luo Haofeng wailed exaggeratedly, then stared at the culprit Mo Xiuchen in annoyance, and said awe-inspiringly: "I was in Xiaoxiao's room last night. Don't think about being crooked, I'm very pure. Last night, I just slept on the sofa, and nothing happened with Xiaoxiao."

If Bai Xiaoxiao is not the kind of woman whose emotional life is almost zero, Luo Haofeng might have something to happen to him last night. In this fast-food era of love, let alone two people who like each other, they would go to bed as soon as they meet. There are too many men and women to go.

  It's normal for a situation like them to have a relationship.

  Furthermore, Luo Haofeng is not an innocent boy. He has experienced feelings, and naturally it is not a platonic spiritual love. He knows everything about men and women.

  How can it not be surprising that such a man spends the night peacefully in the room of a woman he likes, even just sleeping on the sofa.

  Tin Mu’s smile became thicker, and he made a slightly ‘oh’. He glanced at Mo Xiuchen and asked casually, “A Feng, are the sofas in this hotel so comfortable?”

Luo Haofeng blinked his eyes blankly. He didn't realize the deep meaning of Tan Mu's words for a moment. Although he thought his eyes were full of meaning, he answered honestly, "This is a star hotel, or a star in the imperial city. The hotel, of course, the sofa is comfortable. If not, would I sleep on that sofa for one night?"

  It seems that he was trying to emphasize that he really slept on the sofa, and he deliberately stretched out his arms, moved his muscles and bones, and his face was full of energy.

  Tin Mu laughed hard. After the laugh, he turned to look at Mo Xiuchen and said jokingly, "Xiu Chen, it seems that your sofa is really far from this hotel."

  Hearing this, Wen Ran's face was already astonished.

She looked at Mo Xiuchen in surprise, and asked him with her eyes. Mo Xiuchen understood the meaning in her eyes, smiled and shook his head, saying that he hadn't told Amu beforehand, let him ask Luo Haofeng about this. words.

   Tan Mu will ask what he thinks, all because of the tacit understanding of their brothers for many years.

   "Well, Luo Shao, such a romantic and noble man, has slept a lot in the hotel, so he will naturally get used to it. In that case, it's better not to step into my house again.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his tone was casual.

   But the unpleasant and threatening meaning in these words changed Luo Haofeng's expression.

  He finally realized that A Mu had dug a hole for him!

  (End of this chapter)

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