Chapter 612 I'll Hold Her Back

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at him coldly, and said indifferently: "If you have nothing else, I'll go take it, she hasn't rested on the plane."

  Luo Haofeng was staring at Mo Xiuchen inquiringly, and wanted to ask a few more questions. Hearing what he said, his eyes flickered, and he immediately stood up with a smile: "Okay, then we will talk about it next time, Xiu Chen, don't forget what you promised just now."

  Leaving the room, Luo Haofeng followed Mo Xiuchen to Bai Xiaoxiao's room.

Mo Xiuchen raised her hand and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened from the inside, and Bai Xiaoxiao stood inside the door. Seeing Luo Haofeng also following Mo Xiuchen, her heartbeat was beaten uncontrollably, and she whispered: "Mo Xiuchen, after falling asleep, let her sleep with me for one night."

   "No, I will hold her back."

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes swept over Luo Haofeng beside him, and walked into the room, looking at Wen Ran who was sleeping on the sofa, with tenderness floating in his eyes, and strode towards her.

   "Xiao Xiao!"

  Luo Haofeng stood tall and straight at the door, with a smile on his eyebrows, his eyes blazing at Bai Xiaoxiao.

Without saying a word, it's just three points of gentleness, two points of ambiguity, and one point of smiling eyes, which messed up Bai Xiaoxiao's heart. She didn't know if all women were the same as her, facing My heart beats faster when I am a man I like.

  But she really can’t be calm. Luo Haofeng's charming peach eyes, as if with magical power, attracted her deeply.

He took a step forward, and the masculine breath with the smell of alcohol suddenly penetrated into the wings of his nose, followed her breath into the lobe of the lungs, and spread at an extremely fast speed through every cell of her limbs, her small face was unknown. It feels hot.

  In the room, Mo Xiuchen's tall figure is standing in front of the sofa, her eyes tenderly watching Wen Ran sleeping crookedly on the sofa, her eyebrows are delicate, her cheeks are fair, her expression is quiet, pure and beautiful, as if she were a newborn baby.

  The corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously, handsome and gentle.

After staring at her for a long time, he bent down and stretched out her big, jointed palms on her face. He gently pushed away the strands of hair that fell on her cheeks. His arms stretched over her neck, and his other hand was Reached under her legs and carefully picked her up from the sofa.

Wen Ran was too tired and slept soundly. She was picked up by him and did not wake up. In her sleep, she seemed to know that she was embraced in a familiar warm embrace, buried her small face in his chest, and found comfort Sleeping position, continue to dream.

  Mo Xiuchen was shocked because of her small gesture. He couldn't help lowering his head, lightly branding a kiss on her forehead, turning around, and walking towards the door with her in his arms.

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng stood at the door, the atmosphere between them was a bit subtle. Mo Xiuchen said faintly: "I'm going back to the room first." Then he walked out.

"I also sleepy."

  Bai Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, her eyes flashed with panic, and she reached out to close the door.

   "Xiao Xiao!"

  Luo Haofeng was standing at the door, knowing that she wanted him to leave, but he didn't want to leave.

   "What else do you have, wait until tomorrow, it's late now, you should go back to the hotel and rest!"

  Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, and closed the door again.

  "Xiaoxiao, I’m a little dizzy. Tonight, can I be with you? Don’t worry, I’m just sleeping on the sofa and I promise I won’t do anything to you."

  As Luo Haofeng spoke, he raised his hand to caress his forehead, and his handsome eyebrows were also slightly raised, which seemed to be really uncomfortable.

  Bai Xiaoxiao seemed a little surprised at what he said, but quickly said: "If you don't want to go back to the hotel over there, then I will open a room for you."

Before she returned to the sofa, she took her purse and was about to open another room for him. When she passed Luo Haofeng, he grabbed her wrist, and the sudden strength made Bai Xiaoxiao stop and raise her eyes. , At Luo Haofeng's eyes with a wry smile, listening to him quietly say:

   "Xiao Xiao, you just don’t believe me so?"

  His voice is bitter and self-deprecating.

  Before, he had never felt that there was anything in his past, but when faced with Xiaoxiao, he regretted the few loves he had and regretted the romantic evaluation of him from the outside world.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was taken aback, looking at his somewhat bleak eyes, her heart hurt inexplicably, she lowered her eyes for a moment, and said lightly: "I didn't believe you, you come in."

  Luo Haofeng was overjoyed, and a charming smile immediately appeared on his handsome face. The handsome dandy who is usually pure and pure at this moment is as pure as a big boy, and he repeatedly promised: "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I'm talking about it."

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, "Hmm!"


  Mo Xiuchen took Wen Ran back to the room, and after putting it on the bed, he turned and went into the bathroom to put the bath water.

As soon as he walked to the bathroom door, the cell phone rang. It rang exceptionally in the quiet room. He immediately turned his head and looked at Wen Ran on the bed. Seeing that she was still sleeping, and there was no sign of being awakened by the abrupt mobile phone, he quickly Press the answer button, "Hey, Kai."

   "Xiu Chen, my dad said that you have returned home peacefully, why didn't you come back to G city, where did you go?"

  On the other end of the phone, Gu Kai’s voice came through the radio wave, with a bit of concern.

Mo Xiuchen smiled and said calmly, "Aunt Tan, Ranran and I came to City A for her birthday today. Bai Xiaoxiao happened to be on a business trip in City A again. Ranran promised to stay here for a few days and wait for her. Go back together, you don't have to worry."

   "You went to city A?"

  Gu Kai asked strangely.

   "Well, I arrived in the morning and ran into Bai Xiaoxiao and A Feng at the hotel. However, they didn't sleep for a whole day. When I came back, I fell asleep tiredly."

Mo Xiuchen explained briefly, his eyes cast towards the big bed not far away, and the soft orange light reflected the gentle white jade cheeks, with a faint halo, indescribably beautiful and arousing. Heartbeat.

   "Xiu Chen, I know all about your peaceful situation."

  There was a moment of silence on the phone. When Gu Kai's voice came again, there was a hint of complicated and depressed emotions.

  The arc of Mo Xiuchen's mouth was condensed, and his eyes stayed on Wen Ran's white face. Looking at her quietly like this, he felt happy and content in his heart.

In this life, being able to meet, know, and fall in love with each other is God’s deep love for him. He once thought he could stay with her all his life. He even thought about it. In the decades-long life, she will never Feel lonely and boring.

  However, the **** of fate does not want to give them the chance to stay together for a lifetime.

He heard his own voice spit extremely softly, and couldn't hear any emotions coming to the other end of the phone, "Really? Of course, it's okay now. As long as he adjusts his body for a while, he will really recover completely. In the future, it won't affect him. Give birth to children."

  (End of this chapter)

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