Chapter 607

   Tan Mu asked Mo Xiuchen, Wen Ran and others to go to a private kitchen, membership-based, and expensive.

  But it’s not a restaurant that the rich can afford. Those nouveau riche are not qualified to come in. The VIPs here are all real family aristocrats.

   is just eating a meal, making it so harsh. Where to eat, it is clearly to eat status.

  I found out that the decoration service here is also top-notch, which is different from some high-end restaurants that only decorate hotels with luxury, which is obviously tacky.

  And this restaurant, but it reveals an antique elegance and nobleness, but also makes people have a kind of casual and peaceful home, two completely different styles, but they are cleverly combined by the designer, and they are not abrupt.

  The dishes and the taste are also impeccable. Each is carefully prepared, and it feels like an ancient palace emperor’s meal. Everyone has a waiter standing by his side.

   "Let them go down."

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at the waiter standing there, and said to Tan Mu who was on the side. Tan Mu waved his hand, the waiters bowed together, said "please take your time," and walked out of the room.

  The door of Yajian was closed from the outside, and Wen Ran blinked his eyes and exclaimed, “City A is really different. The feeling of eating in this restaurant is different from what I have been eating for more than 20 years.”

   "Well, it's no wonder that consumption here is expensive, whether it is on the wall, on the floor, or on the table, whichever is of great value."

  Bai Xiaoxiao is also very emotional. They are not people who have never seen the world. In G City, the high-end restaurants and private clubs that are often used in G City are completely different from this private kitchen.

  A restaurant with an ordinary name sells high-priced dishes, which are clearly valuable, but they feel like ordinary.

   "Of course, eat more."

  Mo Xiuchen's crabmeat was put into the Wen Ran bowl, aside, Luo Haofeng saw it, and hurriedly picked up dishes for Bai Xiaoxiao. But, she refused: "You eat your own, don't care about me."

  "Bai Xiaoxiao, how many days have you been on business in City A?"

   Tan Mu swallowed the food in his mouth, glanced at Mo Xiuchen who was waiting for Wen Ran, and asked casually.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Five to seven days."

   After finishing speaking, she immediately turned her head and looked at Wen Ran, "Of course, you will play here for a few more days, and wait for my side to handle it. Shall we return to City G together?"

  Wen Ran raised her head and was about to speak, Mo Xiuchen on the side agreed to her: "No problem, I will play here with Ranran for a few more days. When will you finish your official business and return to City G."

  Mo Xiuchen pulled out a tissue, reached out to wipe a little bit of juice from the corner of her mouth for Wen Ran, causing Luo Haofeng to whistle ambiguously.

   "Xiu Chen, if you want to show your affection, can you wait until you return to the hotel and show it slowly. It also prevents us singles from having a good meal."

   Tan Mu hooked his lips and said faintly: "Aren't you working hard to join the Xiu Enai clan?"

  He finished speaking, and Bai Xiaoxiao, who was sitting across from her, was choked uncomfortably and coughed violently. Luo Haofeng's eyes tightened, and he quickly raised his hand to pat Bai Xiaoxiao's back, and held water with his other hand: "Xiao Xiao, come and have a drink."

  Bai Xiaoxiao coughed, her face flushed, and after drinking Luo Haofeng's water, she calmed down slowly.

  Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen looked at each other, then turned to look at Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng. The smile at the corner of Tan Mu's mouth was deep, and he gracefully picked up the vegetable and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Luo Haofeng likes Bai Xiaoxiao for a day or two. If he can be with Bai Xiaoxiao as he wishes, he will feel very happy. It is also a happy thing to see that his friends around him are happy.

Bai Xiaoxiao finally stopped her coughing. When she raised her head, she saw that they both looked at her and Luo Haofeng with ambiguous eyes. Her red face was even hotter, and she felt that Luo Haofeng's hand was still touching her. She never took her back away, she suddenly stiffened again, trying to get his hands away, but she was afraid that words would make him embarrassed.

  Luo Haofeng was originally a veteran in love. Bai Xiaoxiao was shy, embarrassed, even angry and hesitant, he saw it all, and took his hand back. Turn the topic away and ask:

   "Wen Ran, I know there is a good beauty salon here. You and Xiao Xiao have time to try it."

  Mo Xiu Chen's eyebrows frowned, and his eyes looked a little displeased when he looked at Luo Haofeng.

  The beauty salon in Luo Haofeng’s mouth was of course the one he told him. This was originally his mission in City A, but now, he actually asked Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran to go.

He didn’t want to show up there. Even if there was no evidence to prove it, he had already connected Liao Dongxing and Fu Jingyi. Just imagine that Fu Jingyi had harmed him He Ranran so badly, how could he let Ranran come into their sight again? .

  Isn’t that sending sheep to the tiger’s mouth?

Receiving Mo Xiuchen's cold eyes, Luo Haofeng smiled and added: "Xiuchen, if you don't feel comfortable, let's go too. It just happens that Xiaoxiao didn't arrange this afternoon. After lunch, let's go. I have already inquired about it. There are various services in there..."

  "You are so familiar with City A? You have all kinds of services. What do you mean? Is it possible that there is another kind of service?"

  Wen Ran smiled and looked at Luo Haofeng. She deliberately misrepresented his meaning. Sure enough, Bai Xiaoxiao changed her face very cooperatively when she heard her words, and looked at Luo Haofeng with questioning eyes.

  He was immediately frightened and shook his head and waved his hand to explain: "Wen Ran, don't think about it crooked, I'm not talking about the kind of service you think."

  Wen Ran asked amusedly: "What do I think is crooked, ah, what service do you think I am thinking about?"

   "Yes, you have a dirty mind, but you are so simple, what can you think of crookedly, Luo Haofeng, can it be that you often enjoy the ‘that kind of service’ you say?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran are really good sisters, and the two have a tacit understanding that Luo Haofeng is about to cry.

  If he changes time and person, he will definitely not be like he is now, but the person in front of him is the woman he likes.

   And he did have a history of romantic love before. Although he was not that kind of affair, he still had several love experiences. In front of Bai Xiaoxiao, there is always a sense of guilt.

  Now, when she said this, he couldn't help but think of his absurd past. He, who has always been good at speaking, was actually too much to explain by the two of them.

  Mo Xiuchen and Tan Mu couldn't help but laugh, but they just listened, smiling at the corners of their mouths, and they had no intention of helping him at all.

  Nor can we blame the two of them for not helping. In this case, we can’t help without a stand.

Wen Ran is the woman that these two men love, no matter whether it is open or dark, after all, they are the person in their hearts, and Bai Xiaoxiao, who has an ambiguous relationship with Luo Haofeng, can only be a spectator. , So the best.

  (End of this chapter)

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