Chapter 594 How to blush

  Wen Ran felt very strange.

  In the past few days, she has always had such dreams. Could it be that it was a sequelae of lingering with Mo Xiuchen that night after being drugged.

  Recalling the scenes she dreamed of every night, her white cheeks flew into a blush unconsciously, she raised her hand to touch her hot face, frowned, shook her head, not letting herself think about it.

  The door of the ward was pushed open, and Mo Xiuchen came in with the bag. This was the blueberry he bought her specially just now.

   "Of course, is it hot, why is your face a little red?"

  Mo Xiuchen walked to the bed, put the bag in his hand on the bedside table, and reached out to touch her forehead.

  When the back of his hand touched her skin, Wen Ran's heart jumped slightly, and the scenes from last night's dream came to mind again, and her hot little face instantly became hot again.

   "Well, it's a little hot, maybe it's because of my quilt."

  Wen Ran flickered a little to avoid his concerned eyes, turned to look at the blueberries he placed on the small table, and changed the subject: "Xiu Chen, I want to eat blueberries."

  Mo Xiuchen put his hand on her forehead for a moment, and did not feel that her forehead was hot, and his hand touched her blushing face again, which was much hotter than her forehead.

  He thought about it, took his big hand away from her face, opened the drawer, took out the thermometer and handed it to her, smiled and said, “Of course, you can measure the temperature first, and I will wash the blueberries for you.”

  Wen Ran looked at the thermometer he handed over. She wanted to say that she was really fine, not to mention the fever he thought. However, I don't know how to explain it.

   "The temperature in this ward has not changed. You didn't call it hot a few days ago. Why did you say it is hot today? Of course, I should measure the temperature so that I can rest assured."

  Mo Xiuchen saw her frowning, and softened his tone again, coaxing her like a child.

   "Well, I will measure it."

  Wen Ran pursed his lips and nodded obediently.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled softly, stroked her head with a big palm, and carried the bag to wash her blueberries.

  A few minutes later, Wen Ran was eating blueberries happily. Mo Xiuchen looked at the thermometer she had just measured for a few minutes, and it was only 36 degrees and six, which was within the normal range.

  Looking again that the crimson color on her face has faded, and the whiteness of the gelatinous jade has been restored. His beautiful eyebrows were frowned without a trace, but in his heart, he was relieved. Fortunately, it was not a fever.

  According to what Gu Yan said that day, if her condition worsened, she would have fever, vomiting, exhaustion, and other symptoms. He has been taking care of her very carefully these days.

  But, she didn't seem to have changed much, she was still as usual.

  It’s been ten days since tonight. He hopes that what he has done in the past ten days will be effective. If it is effective, then it will be fine.

  "Are you not having a fever?"

   Seeing him staring at the thermometer, Wen Ran raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

   Mo repaired dusty lips, his eyes were as warm as the sun outside the window, "Well, no fever, is this blueberry delicious?"

The blueberry in Wen Ran's hand was just about to be fed into his mouth, listening to him, giggling, stretched out his hand to his mouth, and the voice was soft and soft. In Qinghong's water eyes, there is the tender love that can only be seen when you look at him: "Yourself Just taste it, it tastes very good."

  Mo Xiuchen ate the blueberries she fed to her mouth. The taste was really good. The pampering in his eyes became thicker. He took the box directly and said softly: "Of course, I'll feed you."

   "This, don't feed it!"

  Wen Ran looked at the box in his hand and smiled a little embarrassedly. She was not very sick. These days, he has to feed her even to eat, and he also said that it is his right, and she can't refuse.

Not only the nurses envy them, but even those guests who looked at them so lovingly during the meal also cast envy eyes. Walking on the street is also attracting people's attention. Who makes them handsome men and women with elegant and noble temperament, even in a foreign country. It's eye-catching.

   "I like to feed you."

  Mo Xiuchen had a thick smile at the corner of his mouth, and his deep eyes were full of doting.

  Looking at the big hand that had reached her lips, Wen Ran's heart was filled with sweetness. She laughed and opened her mouth in his gentle voice.

   "Xiu Chen, you also eat."

   Seeing that he was just feeding himself one by one, but he didn't eat, Wen Ran couldn't help but speak.

"you eat."

  Mo Xiuchen just looked at her tenderly, as if afraid that she would disappear in the next second. Seeing that she likes to eat blueberries so much, he really couldn't bear to rob her, although he didn't have the money to buy it.

  But this is not a question of whether there is money or not. It is an instinct. He will let her eat what she likes, whether it is fruit or the dishes she likes when eating, he is also the same.

   "Xiu Chen, I have had the same dream these days and nights."

  In the ward, the atmosphere is indescribably warm and romantic. Two people leaning on the bed and sitting on the edge of the bed, one is responsible for feeding, the other is responsible for eating, and occasionally say a sentence or two, all in soft words, even if this is a hospital, it is still a picturesque scene.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his handsome eyebrows, freed his other hand, and gently brushed away the strands of broken hair on her forehead, revealing her bright and white forehead, and asked softly: "What dream?"

   Wen Ran's eyes flashed, and under his gentle gaze, she blushed with embarrassment.

  Such a dream, I am afraid of being laughed at by him. However, she didn't know why, and wanted to tell him again. She lowered her eyes, her slender eyelashes concealed a flash of shyness, and when she raised her head again, a thin pinkish color appeared on her white cheeks.

"Ran Ran!"

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes darkened slightly, and the big hand feeding her lips paused.

  She glanced over his slender, white, big hand with well-defined joints, but the picture of him touching her skin in her dream appeared in her mind, and she suddenly felt hot.

   "Of course, what dream?"

  Mo Xiuchen saw her cheeks flushed, her eyes were watery, her thoughts moved slightly, and her voice was muffled.

He also remembered what he had done to her in the past few nights. She slept very deeply because of the medicine. He loved her in a thousand ways, and was so gentle. From the beginning to the end, he cherished his compassion and love for fear of hurt She did not dare to leave any trace on her body.

  Her skin is already tender, smooth, white and condensed like jade. A little bit of force will leave a hickey. In the past, he often left that ambiguous and seductive trace on her, but now, except for the first night and the following nights that she didn't know, he didn't dare to be a little careless.

  I was afraid that she would know about it.

  But now, seeing her incomparably coquettish look, his heart trembled, it's hardly possible that she thought she was dreaming these nights.

Thinking of this, he suddenly leaned forward, his eyes scorchingly locked in her water-colored eyes, the warm breath sprayed on her reddish cheeks, and the low and dumb voice brought out a heart-pounding tease. : "Of course, you won't, do you dream of me and you lingering in your dream?"

  (End of this chapter)

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