Chapter 588

  Mo Xiuchen pushed open the door of the ward and went in. Wen Ran had already woke up and was sitting on the bed. There was a trace of fear that had not yet completely faded on his white little face.

   "Of course, why are you awake?"

  His eyes changed slightly, the corners of his mouth curled up with a gentle curve, he walked quickly to the front of the bed, sat down on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand to hold her soft little hand, "Why don't you sleep more?"

  She didn't sleep during the infusion in the morning, and only then did she lie down to sleep after pulling out the needle. It was less than an hour before she woke up again.

  Wen Ran did not speak, just pressed his lips tightly, and became slightly stiff when he held his little hand.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes tightened, locked her sight, and asked with concern: "Ranran, what's the matter?"

  Wen Ran blinked, and suddenly jumped into his arms, and the hand that was not held by him hugged him tightly. In his mind, there was still the dream state just now.

  Mo Xiuchen was startled slightly, and hugged her even more tightly.

  He could guess a bit without telling her, but he was afraid it was a nightmare.

  Because of what happened last night, she was full of self-blame and fear. It was normal for her to have nightmares just now. However, looking at her like this, his heart felt a pain.

  The two hugged quietly, without talking. For a while, only the sound of each other's breathing remained in the ward.

  After a long time, Mo Xiuchen pulled her out of his arms, smiled while holding his lips, and asked softly, “Of course, do you want to go for a walk and get some fresh air.”

  Wen Ran seemed to have calmed down her inner emotions. After a little hesitation, she nodded and agreed: "Okay."

  The smile at the corner of Mo Xiuchen’s mouth deepened, and he got up and took the coat to put on her, and said, “We’ll be walking around for a while, so we don’t need to take off the hospital gown on this body.”

  Wen Ran watched him put on a jacket for himself, a warm current surged in his heart, and a bright smile appeared between his eyebrows, "Okay, listen to you."

  Mo Xiuchen buttoned her up, put her shoes on again, took her off the bed, took her hand and interlocked her fingers, then raised her eyebrows and said happily, "Go!"

  The two walked out of the hospital, and Wen Ran pointed to the street on the left hand side and said, “We haven’t visited here yet. Let’s visit this street this afternoon to see how far we can go.”

  Mo Xiuchen glanced over there. It was a bustling commercial street. Yesterday at noon, they ate at the snack street where they were shopping: “As long as you don’t feel tired, I’m fine.”

  "Will you go shopping from store to store, okay?"

   walked to the front hand in hand, raised her eyes warmly, and looked at the handsome man with picturesque eyebrows beside him with a full smile. His brows were smiling, and her heart was throbbing.

   "Do whatever you say, I will stay with you."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at her bright and smiling eyes, suddenly lowered his head, and kissed her face.

   "Repair the dust!"

  Wen Ran's face blushed, and she yelled at him.

  Mo Xiu laughed out loud and clasped her fingers tightly. He said happily, "Go, go to the specialty store in front of me first, and see if there are any clothes you like."

  Before they walked to the store, Wen Ran's cell phone rang.

  She let go of her fingers intersecting with Mo Xiuchen, took out her mobile phone, her eyes warmed when she saw the call, and she smiled and said, "My brother is calling."

  Mo Xiuchen grinned, looked a few steps away, and said softly, "Go over there and take a break."

  Walking to the open-air coffee shop a few steps away, I found a place to sit down, and Wen Ran pressed the answer button. Mo Xiuchen ordered a cup of milk tea for her, and his eyes turned back to her face.


  Wen Ran spoke briskly, and on the other end of the phone, Wen Jin’s voice came in a soft and gentle voice, "Ran Ran, what are you doing now?"

   "I and Xiuchen are shopping. Brother, it should be less than six o'clock on your side, why do you get up so early?"

  Wen Ran glanced at the watch on Mo Xiuchen's wrist, and asked casually.

   "Well, I went to bed early last night, and got up earlier today. Of course, don’t go shopping for too long and don’t get tired."

  Wen Jin caringly warned on the phone that if it hadn't been across the Pacific Ocean, he would have flown to see her.

  In the past few days, there was something in the pharmaceutical factory. He couldn't get away. He also thought that after a few days, if she didn't return home, he would fly to see her.

Wen Ran smiled and replied, "Brother, don't worry, if Xiuchen looks at me, I won't be tired of myself. It's you, don't just focus on work, pay attention to rest. If I go back and see you lose weight, I But it will be angry."

   Although she did not tell Wen Jin personally, Wen Jin did not ask her about her current situation. It was all about caring, but she knew that her father Gu Yan and Xiu Chen must have told him.

  I don’t want them to worry about themselves, and I don’t want them to feel sorry for her. She has always been strong and happy during the call.

   Hearing her with three-point coquettish and arrogant words, Wen Jin also laughed. The laughter was clear and cheerful through the radio waves, and got into her ears, "You are too, don't lose weight."

   "Well, since you are shopping, I won't disturb you. Be obedient over there and don't be disobedient."

  Wen Jin warned uneasy. As long as he thinks of Ran Ran's current situation, his heart will throb.


  Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen went shopping for more than an hour, in more than a dozen stores, and there were only a few things that they actually bought.

  Among them, she bought most of them for Mo Xiuchen.

  As the client, Mo Xiuchen did not refuse her to give him a gift, two shirts, a pair of cufflinks, and a tie.

   Her own is just a set of newly listed limited edition dresses and a very delicate and beautiful blue diamond bracelet.

  In her words, buy less things and don’t have to work hard with Mo Xiuchen.

   "Of course, no matter how much you buy, I won't find it hard to mention, and you don't need to save me money."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at the chain on her wrist, reflecting the blue light in the afterglow of the setting sun, beautifully lining the skin of her wrist as white as jade.

  She doesn't like to wear jewelry, in fact, she wears jewelry is very beautiful.

Wen Ran saw his gaze on her wrist, she smiled and raised her hand and shook it in front of him, and said jokingly, "You said you don't need me to save money, but in my heart, in fact, it's already heartache, or else I won’t keep staring at my bracelet. I can tell you that even if you feel bad now, I won’t return or sell it."

  Mo Xiuchen was amused by her, the light from her bracelet reflected into his deep eyes like Tan, shining brightly, "Of course, I really don't feel sorry for it. I think I gave you too little."

  Speaking of the back, a flash of self-blame flashed in his eyes.

  In their marriage, he didn't even give her a wedding because of the lack of affection at the beginning.

  Later, he just bought her a ring at random, and later, he gave her a necklace.

  Except for this, there seemed to be no precious gifts, and she never asked him for gifts.

  (End of this chapter)

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