Chapter 577 Provocation

   Cheng Jia did not succeed in the end.

  The car was forced to stop by the side of the road, and when Jiang Liu rushed to press the central control lock, she hugged him without hesitation and kissed him hard...

  Jiang Liu was startled for half a second, pushed her away angrily, and cursed her again, then pulled the door and got out of the car, pulled down a taxi and got in.

  Looking at the rental that Juechen left, Cheng Jia smiled sullenly at the corner of her mouth. Does Jiang Liu think it’s okay not to sleep with her? He was wrong. If she wasn't for him to go to bed, the perfume would only be used to confuse him.

  And what she wants is just a kiss with him.

  As long as she has this kiss, she can coerce him and let him act with her.

  She knew that Mo Xiuchen had accompanied Wen Ran to Country D yesterday, and maybe he won't be back in a short time. But she believes that he will never come back, and if something goes wrong with the group, he will still come back.

Last time, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran really had a divorce. She later determined that the gossip news was not fake. Although the two have reconciled now, Wen Ran will not be able to give birth for one day. She feels that they will be separated. Possible.

  If she could be pregnant with Mo Xiuchen's child, that would be the best. In order to get the man she loves, she is willing to use all means, as long as she can get that man and become his woman.


  Corning Hospital

  In the ward, Mo Jingteng's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger. This Zixuan unexpectedly let Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu leave the company as soon as he was hospitalized.

  He is really stupid.

  Thinking that Mo Xiuchen, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu left the company at the same time, he alone can control the company and let it run as usual. According to his approach, the company will have problems within a month.

  "Chairman, don't be angry and hurt your body."

   Cheng Jia looked at Mo Jingteng with a concerned face, and there seemed to be a little panic in her eyes.

  Mo Jingteng looked at her coldly, and asked coldly: "What else did Zixuan tell you?"

   Cheng Jia seemed to hesitate. She is now Mo Zixuan's secretary. If she tells Mo Jingteng everything, Mo Zixuan will definitely not let her go.


  Mo Jingteng saw her not speaking, his voice suddenly rose, and Cheng Jia's body was shocked by the sharp aura.

  "Chairman, Vice President said that the company belongs to the Mo family. After President Mo has left the company, it is naturally his turn to inherit, saying that Chairman, you should not be confused and want to give the company your hands to outsiders..."

   Cheng Jia's voice became smaller and smaller. I wonder if he was afraid that Mo Zixuan would not let her go, or because he was afraid of the fierce aura released from Mo Jingteng's body.

   "He's a wicked man, idiot."

  Mo Jing scolded out of anger. Mo Zixuan didn't care about fame and fortune before, but he didn't expect to become like this now.

  Since he was born with a desire for a company, he knew that he was no longer the Zixuan of the past. If he had that ability, he could not control the current group.

Cheng Jia was overjoyed in her heart, but her face was respectful and fearful. "The chairman and the vice president are actually doing the good for the company, but he was too eager. When President Mo took office, the old shareholders paid They make things difficult one by one, let alone him."

  Mo Jingteng's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Cheng Jia carefully, waiting for her to continue.

Cheng Jia pursed her lips, her voice was soft, and continued: "Mo is always a rare business genius, and he has a wealth of experience, shrewd and wise, resolute, and relies on his true strength and the profits he brings to the group. It blocked the mouths of the old shareholders. If the group can always have a leader like him..."

  Mo Jingteng's eyes gradually darkened, and what Cheng Jia said was what he thought in his heart.

   "I heard, you like Xiuchen?"

  He asked inexplicably, his eyes staring at Cheng Jia became sharper, as if he wanted to see her inside.

Cheng Jia was stunned, and then generously admitted: "Chairman, I like President Mo. The reason why I work so hard and study hard to improve myself is to get closer to President Mo. Although, I know that I am still equipped. I won’t join President Mo, but one day, I will make myself a woman who can stand shoulder to shoulder with President Mo.”

  Mo Jingteng snorted coldly, "You are very confident."

   "Thanks for the praise, Chairman, I just work hard for my love."

   "Since you like Xiu Chen so much, do you have a way to get Xiu Chen back to the group?" Mo Jingteng asked in a deep voice.

  Cheng Jia smiled: "Chairman, I just thought of one, I don’t know, can’t it work."


  D country

  I went to bed very early last night, Qingli and Wen Ran woke up very early.

  The sky was dark, she opened her eyes, Mo Xiuchen beside her was still asleep, and her handsome eyebrows were extraordinarily serene and quiet. Under the soft light of the room, she was exquisite and beautiful, yet sexy.

She supported her body with one hand, held her cheeks, and looked at him with gentle eyes. She looked attentively and carefully, as if she wanted to keep him in her heart. If she could use a knife to carve him in her heart, it would be great. .

  Mo Xiuchen slept very deeply, and did not wake up because of her gaze. She said silently in her heart: Xiuchen, if I really forget you one day, you must not be sad.

  Today, I will go to the hospital to see Dr. Brown. She will undergo a series of examinations. She is both nervous and nervous, expecting and afraid.

  Last night, her father Gu Yan came back and told her briefly what she was going to see today was a few medical authorities, so she should not be nervous today.

  From Gu Yan’s conversation, she already knew that even the authoritative experts he was talking about were not sure.

  Holding for a long time, there was some soreness in her wrist, she got up, put on clothes and got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to wash.

When he came out, Mo Xiuchen had already woken up, his dark eyes were as deep as a pool. Seeing her coming out of the bathroom, a charming smile immediately appeared in his eyes. His voice was lazy and sexy, and he said, "Of course, what are you doing? Wake up so early?"

  Wen Ran smiled slightly, walked towards him, and said: "I slept for a while yesterday afternoon, and I went to bed very early at night, so I naturally woke up early."

  Mo Xiuchen raised the corners of his mouth and kept his eyes on her. Seeing her approaching, he stretched out his hand to hold her little hand, and asked casually: "What are you doing with the towel out?"

  Wen Ran was asked by him, and a daze flashed across his face.

  Next, she lowered her head, looked at the towel in her hand, and raised her eyebrows. His face also changed slightly.

  Mo Xiuchen caught the subtle expression changes on her face, his heart tightened slightly, regretting the question he had just made. The smile at the corner of her mouth did not diminish, she took the towel in her hand, and changed the subject and asked, "Have you washed up?"

   "It's done."

   Pulled the corners of his mouth gently, smiling again on his face, not explaining why he forgot to put the towel in the bathroom and brought it out.

  (End of this chapter)

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