Chapter 574 A coincidence

  Corning Hospital

  Xiao Yuting's mother had a successful operation.

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Mu came to visit, she deliberately pulled Bai Xiaoxiao to chat, and asked Xiao Yuting to accompany Bai Xiaoxiao to go out for a walk.

   "Xiao Xiao, let's go, the weather is fine today, go out to bask in the sun."

  Xiao Yuting put the cup that her mother had drunk back on the bedside table, turned his head, and looked expectantly at Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Bai Xiaoxiao instinctively wanted to refuse. Unexpectedly, Bai Mu even said in agreement: "Xiao Xiao, you and A Ting go out for a walk, I will talk to your auntie."

  Walking out of the ward, Bai Xiaoxiao said quietly, “You can do whatever you want, don’t worry about me, I’ll go see Doctor Gu.”

   "I will go with you."

  Xiao Yuting said without thinking, causing Bai Xiaoxiao to frown slightly.

  She looked at Xiao Yuting's smiling eyes, and she was a little suspicious. Is he really the prince of the Xiao family who had never looked down upon her before?

  Why, it seems like a different person now.

  Of course, his change is only for her. Although she rarely meets him again after breaking up, he still has that kind of arrogant and indifferent attitude to others in the two days of getting along.

  Only to her, it doesn't seem to be the same anymore.

If she changed to the previous Bai Xiaoxiao, she would definitely be ecstatic, but now she didn’t feel anything. Out of politeness, she raised her lips and smiled, and tactfully refused, “No, I’m going to see Doctor Gu. It’s kind of thing."

  A hint of hesitation flashed in Xiao Yuting's eyes. He seemed reluctant to let her go alone, but he was afraid of making her unhappy, so he agreed, "All right."

  Wen Ran came to Gu Kai’s office and knocked on the door.

  After a while, the door of the office opened from the inside, and the person standing in the door was not Gu Kai, but Luo Haofeng.

  The eyes of the two met, Luo Haofeng's long and narrow peach blossom eyes flashed a little bit of astonishment, it seemed a little surprised that she appeared here.

  Bai Xiaoxiao also had a surprised look. She looked past him and glanced at Tan Mu who was sitting on the sofa. She smiled awkwardly: "Is Doctor Gu away?"

  Luo Haofeng’s handsome face changed slightly and returned to normal in an instant. He turned sideways and let her in, "Akai has entered the operating room and will be back in a while. Come in and wait."

  Bai Xiaoxiao looked at him taking a step away. If she left at this time, it seemed a little hypocritical. Maybe he would think that she was unwilling to stay and wait because of him.

   "A Kai's operation will not take long. We are also waiting for him here. Come and sit down."

  On the sofa, Tan Mu was holding the cup in both hands, his eyes lightly looking towards her, the corner of his eyes swept over Luo Haofeng, and he spoke unhurriedly.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled at Tan Mu and walked into the office. Luo Haofeng saw her come in, reached out and closed the door, followed her to the sofa, did not immediately sit down, but asked like a master, "You What would you like to drink, coffee or tea, or a drink?"

   "No, I'm not thirsty."

  Bai Xiaoxiao shook his head and sat down on the single sofa.

  Luo Haofeng returned to his previous position.

  Before Bai Xiaoxiao came, he and Tan Mu were chatting about the MS Group. At this moment, there was one more of her. Their previous topic seemed inappropriate. For a while, they didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

   Tan Mu glanced at Luo Haofeng, who was usually good at speaking, and saw that he was leaning lazily on the sofa with a mobile phone in his hand, not knowing what he was playing or what he was watching.

  He frowned slightly, and said slowly, “A Feng, why don’t you call Xiu Chen and ask him about his situation there.”

"right now?"

  Luo Haofeng raised his head, looking at Tan Mu with weird eyes.

  It's early in the morning in Country D. He asked him to call. Can Xiu Chen give him a good tone?

   Tan Mu glared at him, but Bai Xiaoxiao, who was sitting opposite, interjected at this moment, "Did Mo Xiuchen really resign from the position of president of MS Group?"

Tan Mu didn't really ask Luo Haofeng to call, but wanted to find a topic.

  He was not familiar with Bai Xiaoxiao, Luo Haofeng was familiar with Bai Xiaoxiao before, but between them, it became like this again.

   Hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's question, Tan Mu did not intend to answer, but faintly swept towards Luo Haofeng, who received his eyes, and the narrow and charming peachy eyes looked at Bai Xiaoxiao.

Her eyes were clear and indifferent, and she looked at him, and she didn't see the slightest unnaturalness, and she didn't see any ripples in her eyes. His heart moved slightly and said, "It's true. It's not just that Xiuchen resigned, I and A Mu I have already resigned, and I am ready to come and get together again with A Kai, and then leave."

  Bai Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in surprise, looked at Tan Mu, then looked at Luo Haofeng again, "You two have resigned?"

Tan Mu smiled faintly, his tone was very calm, "Yes, we stayed in City G, originally for the purpose of repairing dust. Now he has left, and we have no need to stay. It happened that A Feng’s family urged him to go back and take over the company. We will go home tomorrow."

  He specifically said that Luo Haofeng was going back to take over the company, observing the changes in Bai Xiaoxiao's expression without a trace.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt a strange sensation in her heart. She couldn't tell the truth, it seemed stuffy, and it seemed to be slightly painful.

   still carrying a vague sense of astringency, she unknowingly clasped her hands on her laps together.

  The early morning came to mind for the first time. He hugged her and got out of the car. He looked concerned and worried, and eagerly asked her if she was injured. His heart felt a little uncomfortable.

  Tin Mu’s cell phone rang at the right time. As soon as the bell rang, he immediately stood up and said, "You guys are chatting, I will answer the phone."

   took his mobile phone, strode out of the office, and closed the door thoughtfully, leaving only Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao in the back office.

  The call was made by his father. He answered the phone and asked directly, "Dad, is there a result?"

   "Where is it so fast, I'm telling you, I have arranged someone to investigate, and the task force is just going to City G. Please stop intervening in this matter."

   Tan Mu's eyes flashed deep, and he raised his eyes to look at the white ceiling above his head before saying, "I called you, but I didn't plan to intervene by myself."

"When will you come back?"

  On the other end, the old man’s voice came a little heavy.

  He has been reluctant to obey his arrangements over the years. In the past, he said it was for Xiuchen and wanted to avenge him.

  Now that Xiu Chen has left the MS Group, he has no excuses.

   "I will go back in two days, I can catch my mother's birthday."

   Tan Mu pondered, and said a specific time, one week before his mother’s birthday.

  He wants to stay in G City for two more days. Staying here, he can learn about the situation of MS Group and the latest situation of Wen Ran. If he returns home, it will be different.

  (End of this chapter)

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