Chapter 562

  After lunch, Wen Ran washed another plate of fruit, sat on the sofa with Mo Xiuchen and talked for a while, drank the medicine, ate some fruit with him, and then went upstairs to urge him to sleep.

In the past, she insisted on drinking medicine with Mo Xiuchen. Now, Mo Xiuchen wants to accompany her to drink medicine, but she is stopped. Mo Xiuchen no longer insists, but when she drinks the medicine, her eyes are gentle. Holding her.

   "I slept in the morning, this afternoon, it's up to you to go to bed."

Wen Ran pushed Mo Xiuchen's tall body and walked to the bed as he talked. He chuckled and followed her, walking to the bed, but he suddenly stretched out his hand to pull her, Wen Ran only felt his body turn, For a second, his thin body was overwhelmed on the bed.

His tall and thin body pressed tightly on her, but his weight was half supported by his arms. His eyes were deep with a smile, and the corners of his mouth were curved with charm. The hot and strong masculine breath was all gushing out. Her white little face, such a posture, was ambiguous to the extreme.

Wen Ran exclaimed first, and when she met his smiling deep eyes, her small face suddenly became hot again, Qinghong's water eyes flashed with panic, and her hands instinctively pushed him, and her voice was infiltrated with a tremor: "Xiuchen!"

   "Don't be afraid, I won't treat you anything."

  Mo Xiuchen's smile at the corner of his mouth remained unchanged, his voice low and sexy, listening to Wen Ran's ears, his heartbeat, the rhythm was uncontrollable.

  Wen Ran heard him say this, her eyes flickered, pushing his hands, and letting them go.

  Mo Xiuchen leaned over, his thin lips lightly kissed her forehead, his voice was gentle and pitying: "Of course, sleep with me."

   "I have already slept in the morning."

She declined gently, but Mo Xiuchen was very domineering. He held her and turned over, and the position of the two changed. She was pressed underneath him, and her slender body was lying on his body. on.

   "Of course, I like you to be with me, otherwise, I can't sleep."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at her with a gentle and expectant smile. His words contained the affection that made Wen Ran distressed, and he also had a strong and overbearing inherent in him. With such a combination of hard and soft, Wen Ran couldn't even say a word of rejection.

  She stared at him, looking deeply into his eyes filled with tenderness and love.

  After looking at each other for a moment, she sighed softly in her heart, and softly agreed: "Okay, I'll be with you, but you let me down."

   Hearing her promise, the smile in Mo Xiuchen's eyes became stronger, and his handsome face was lit up by the smile, as if it was plated with a thin layer of golden light, charming and handsome, no one could match.

  He put Wen Ran down and asked her to lie on his side beside him. At the same time, he was also slightly on his side, holding her with both hands, and the two embraced her tightly.

  Wen Ran's body trembled slightly, and at any time he returned to his strong and **** waist.

   "Xiu Chen, go to sleep!"

  She murmured softly in his ear, her tone was unspeakably gentle.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, satisfied and happy, and the feeling of sleeping in his arms was really good. She no longer thinks about leaving, it feels better to be by his side sincerely!

   "I really want to sleep for a while."

  He kissed her on the forehead, and did not take any further action. He just hugged her so tightly, it seemed that this was enough.

  Deep eyes slowly closed. He was really sleepy. Last night, he was alone in the guest room. He didn't sleep all night. Now, with Ranran accompanied, he relaxed. He quickly fell asleep.

  Wen Ran listened to his even breathing, knowing that he was asleep.

  She was a little uncomfortable in this posture, and wanted to adjust her posture. However, as soon as she moved, the hand on her waist became tight.

  It seemed that she was afraid of leaving.

   Her heart trembled, condensing her face in front of her, which was as beautiful as an axe, a slight pain, quietly spreading from the bottom of her heart.

   With a small hand, she gently stroked his handsome face, and whispered: "Xiu Chen, I won't go."

The sleeping man seemed to have heard her. The hand that hugged her waist was slightly loosened. She moved her lower body gently and changed to a more comfortable position, but still lying in his arms. in.

  I slept in the morning. Wen Ran is not drowsy now, just like he looked at himself in the morning, she just looked at him quietly.

  Xianxian's hand stroked every inch of his face, gently and softly, with full of love.

  Xiu Chen, I will never leave you again, really.

  She said silently in her heart.

  The scene in the hospital in the morning gave her too much shock. When she thinks of the scene now, her heart will be suffocated with pain. She can't imagine, let alone bear the pain.

  Mo Xiuchen said, no one can predict the future and don’t know what will happen in the next second.

Suddenly she figured it out. She had insisted on leaving him before, thinking it was for his good, but when she heard the sound of two cars colliding on the other side of the phone, she called him again, and when no one answered, she had a heart. , It's like being replaced.

  On the way to the hospital, she prayed silently, hoping that he was okay, he must be okay.

   Seeing Mo Xiuchen being pushed out of the operating room, covered with white cloth, at that moment, her whole world collapsed.

  She rushed over desperately and fell on him, tears gushing out like a flood of a bank. She called him sadly to wake him up, as long as he wakes up, she promised him everything.

  In her heart, she really thought that way.

  As long as he is well, she will never say to leave again, she will stay with him until the second of her life.

  Thinking about it, her eye sockets became moist again, and tears were spinning in her eyes. She slender hand stopped on his cheek, her index finger gently stroked his thin lips.

  This man who was supposed to be the proud man of heaven, so good, handsome, and devoted, there is no second woman in his heart besides her. He loves her so much, how could she break his heart.

  She moved away from her hand stroking his lips, and her little face gently leaned over, gently kissed his lips and left.

  Xiuchen, I will be with you. You must always be well and live a long life.

  Mo Xiuchen slept for more than two hours at this time. Wen Ran looked at him like that for more than two hours, holding her, he slept very peacefully, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  If Wen Ran wanted to go to the bathroom, he held her in his arms, she said something softly, and he woke up. Maybe, he will sleep for a while.

   opened his eyes, he looked at the woman in front of him with a frown, the sleepiness under his eyes instantly disappeared, and he whispered to her, "Of course, what's wrong?"

   "I'm going to the bathroom, you let me go first."

  Mo Xiuchen was stunned, his eyes looked at the big hand he was holding on her waist, and then he smiled apologetically, but his voice was delighted and joyful: "Ranran, have you been with me all the time?"

  (End of this chapter)

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