Chapter 553

  Instead of saying that Mo Xiuchen went to the guest room to prove that he would not violate her, it was better to say that he slammed the door and left. He, like her, didn't know what to do.

  In order to keep her by his side, he has exhausted everything.

   Both soft and hard, he took her, there is really no way, tonight, will say that resolute words, hurt her at the same time, his heart hurts no less than her.

In the guest room, Mo Xiuchen stood coldly and lonely in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, between his right index finger and middle finger, there was a piece of smoke that was half-burning, and the swirling smoke rose up, covering his deep dark eyes like a pool, filling his whole body. The breath, lonely and lonely.

  In his mind, Wen Ran's face, as white as snow, once again appeared. The cigarette in his hand suddenly broke in two and fell onto the carpet at his feet.

  He pursed his thin lips, bent over, picked up the cigarette **** on the ground, turned and walked to the sofa, threw the cigarette **** into the ashtray on the coffee table, and sat tiredly on the leather sofa.

  There was a touch of coldness and perseverance half-closed in the pitch-black eyes. He leaned on the back of the sofa with a long stature, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a phone number.

  The phone rang a few times, and on the other end of the phone, an old and slightly tired voice came: "Hey!"

Mo Xiuchen’s handsome facial features condensed a bit cold, his long, well-knotted fingers squeezed the phone, leaned his head slightly on the sofa, and said coldly: “I’m going to resign as president of MS Group, and I will Recommend Mo Zixuan to the board of directors."

   "Xiu Chen, why are you?"

  On the other side of the phone, Mo Jingteng's voice was surprised and puzzled, faintly, and a hint of unnoticeable discomfort.

  Although he had heard Mo Zixuan mentioned before and knew that the two of them had made a deal, Mo Xiu Chen would give Mo Zixuan the president, but he did not agree.

  He knows his two sons. At least he knows that Xiuchen is more suitable for managing the company than Zixuan. Zixuan does not have his wisdom, courage, and shrewdness!

  If the company is handed over to Zixuan, there is no guarantee that he will have the ability to manage and develop the company. Uncertainty, the company will be destroyed in his hands.

   Mo Xiuchen’s lips curled up, and his voice seemed cold and merciless in the middle of the night: “No, why, I don’t want to waste my life on work. I’m going to quit my job and live the life I want.”

  He is tired!

  Since he was a teenager, he has worked hard to strengthen himself and to avenge his mother. For more than ten years, he has not lived a good day for himself.

  Now, he doesn't want to live like this anymore, he doesn't want to bear such a heavy responsibility. He wanted to quit his job and spend time with his beloved woman.

  In his heart, he planned for the worst.

  If Akai and his father really can’t find a way to cure Ran Ran’s illness and detoxify, he will use himself to detoxify her. However, it doesn't matter whether he agrees or not, he has decided, and naturally there will be a way to force her to commit the crime.

  As long as she lives well, even if he has no children, even if he introduces the poison into his body, in the end, he can't accompany her, so he wants her to live well.

   "Xiu Chen, did you want to resign for Wen Ran?"

  Mo Jingteng's slightly cold voice came with questioning, and he knew that Xiu Chen would abandon everything in order to be gentle.

  That Wen Ran, who has not been able to give birth in her entire life, some time ago he thought she would really divorce Xiu Chen, and was a little happy. He didn't expect that after a few days, she returned to Xiu Chen.

  Mo Jingteng was thinking, or find time to talk to Wen Ran, but he didn't expect that before he went to Wen Ran, Mo Xiuchen told him to resign.

  When he said this, it showed that he would do it immediately.

"For whom I am my own business, I just let you know, your company, I am not interested. Whether you take care of yourself, let Mo Zixuan take the post, or hire a professional manager, it's all you Matter. I will submit my resignation tomorrow."

  Mo Xiuchen has no extra energy to explain anything.

   also didn't want to explain to Mo Jingteng. In his heart, Mo Jingteng was not a qualified father at all. He was cold and accustomed, and had no affection for Mo Jingteng.

Before   , he even hated him.

   But now, he suddenly discovered that hating him is meaningless.

  Now, Xiao Wenqing is being held, Wu Tianyi is dead, and there is only one Fu Jingyi who almost killed him back then, and the **** who wanted to hurt Ranran.

  He will not give up looking for Fu Jingyi, even without the help of MS Group, he himself already has enough wealth to find Fu Jingyi. Because he is not the only MS Group.

"Xiu Chen, how can you say such irresponsible remarks? Is MS Group my own? I am a person who has entered the loess for most of my body. The company is now owned by you and Zixuan, as a descendant of the Mo family. Still the eldest son, you have the responsibility to inherit..."

  "Responsibility? Don't tell me the word responsibility, let alone tell me anything. I am the descendant of the Mo family, the eldest son?"

  Mo Xiuchen interrupted Mo Jingteng disdainfully, with a sneer arc at the corner of his mouth. Through the phone, Mo Jingteng could hear the ridicule on his face even if he couldn't see the ridicule on his face, the disdainful sullen in his tone.

   "Xiu Chen, I know you hate me, but this can't change the fact that you have Mohist blood in your body."

  Mo Jingteng's temper has never been bad. Every time, if you can't say a few words with Mo Xiuchen, you will be irritated by him. Tonight is no exception.

  He just thought that if Mo Xiuchen stayed, he couldn't let him abandon the company.

   In anger, I forgot that this son is not afraid of his majesty at all, he is not Zixuan.

   "I am not rare at all."

Mo Xiuchen spoke indifferently and mockingly. It is more than rare. He once hated himself for being Mo Jingteng's son. Especially in those years, he was unable to protect himself. He was framed repeatedly by Xiao Wenqing and died several times. When he escaped, he hated Mo Jingteng to death.

  "Do you even care about those shares? No money, how can you make Wen Ran happy."

  Mo Jingteng was actually very clear in his heart that Mo Xiuchen had made a lot of money over the years, but he thought that Mo Xiuchen, like everyone else, would have a keen interest in wealth.

  After all, no one would think that there is too much money.

"I don’t care. Give those things to whomever you want. Don’t try to persuade me anymore. The thing I decide is not something you can persuade. Mo Zixuan is very interested in your company. He showed his skills."

  Mo Jingteng on the other end of the phone was suddenly silent, thinking hard in his heart, how can Mo Xiuchen dispel the thought of leaving the company.

  However, he did not dare to remain silent for too long. He was afraid that Mo Xiuchen would hang up. He was silent for a moment. When the voice came again, he lost a bit of anger and hesitated:

  (End of this chapter)

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