Chapter 546 Will it be uncomfortable?

  MS Group

  Mo Xiuchen returned to the office, Wen Ran was burying his head on the computer screen, and did not look up intently.

  Deep eyes condensed on her beautiful face, and a layer of warmth floated under Mo Xiuchen's eyes. It seemed that only when he saw her in front of his eyes, he could feel confident and relieved.

  He did not return to his seat, but walked towards her with graceful steps.

As he approached, Wen Ran raised his eyes and looked at his tender eyes, her brows and eyes bursting into a bright smile, and her voice was soft and soft, like a breeze in this spring, blowing through her ears, making People are in a good mood.

   "Did you finish the call?"

She just asked casually, and didn't mean to inquire who he was talking to on the phone. Mo Xiuchen's mouth curled up with a shallow arc, walked behind her and stopped, brushing her shoulders with well-knotted hands, with moderate strength and proficiency. Massaging her shoulders, the voice that fell to her ears was gentle and clear:

   "Well, Lu Zhiwei called, saying that they have arrived in G city."

   Wen Ran blinked, raised her face and looked at Mo Xiuchen: "Wu Tianyi was brought back?"

  She was a little excited. Wu Tianyi was brought back. Maybe he asked about the whereabouts of Fu Jingyi?

"Yes, he was brought back. Maybe, he can learn where Fu Jingyi is hiding." Mo Xiuchen's movements deliberately slowed down a bit, and his gentle eyes became softer and gentler. Distress penetrated into the tenderness of the eyes, and said softly: "Of course, as long as you find Fu Jingyi, you can get rid of the poison he has placed on you."

  If he finds Fu Jingyi, no matter what method he uses, he must tell him how to solve the poison on Ranran's body, Mo Xiuchen thought bitterly in his heart.

  Wen Ran's body stiffened slightly, and a strange light flashed on her face, and soon she recovered her calm, her brows were clear, and she said quietly: "Xiuchen, don't massage for me, go back to work."

  She didn't want to talk about her situation. When she talked about this topic, she couldn't control the sadness and fear in her heart. She was afraid that she would not stay with him for long, and she was afraid that her departure would make him sad.

  Mo Xiuchen seemed to feel her emotions, a touch of distress slid across his eyes, he bent over, his sharp, angular face pressed against her cheek, and told her in this way that he was by her side, don’t be afraid.

   "Of course, if you are tired, don't do it and rest for a while. I will do the rest for you."

He said, pulling her up from the chair, sitting domineeringly in the chair she was just now, and then pulling Wen Ran into his arms, letting her sit on his lap, one arm around her waist, Hold the mouse in the other hand and do the unfinished work for her.

   "Repair the dust, you don't need your help."

  Mo Xiuchen was too overbearing, and she reacted warmly. She was already trapped in her arms, her familiar masculine breath entered her nose, and her heartbeat speeded up uncontrollably.

  White cheeks were also slightly red in such an ambiguous atmosphere, Mo Xiuchen turned his face on his side, and his **** thin lips were close to her ears. When speaking, the warm breath penetrated into her eardrums and reached her heart:

   "I am your husband, I should do things for you."

  He said it for granted, with a hint of pride in his tone. It seemed that the best thing was to help her do everything and let her do nothing.

  Wen Ran frowned, being held in this way, she was very uncomfortable, struggling, trying to get up, but unexpectedly, as soon as she struggled, his hand around her waist tightened.

   "Of course, don't move, you are sitting on my lap now, and when you move, I can't help feeling that way."

Mo Xiuchen's voice suddenly became a little low and hoarse, and his eyes were deep in her slight struggle. Wen Ran looked at him with a gloomy eye stained in surprise, his heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and he sat on his leg. The upper body never dared to move again.

  Suddenly she thought of what happened in the middle of the night yesterday, her face was hot, but her heart was suddenly astringent. He pursed his lips and asked softly, "Xiuchen, will you feel uncomfortable?"


  Mo Xiuchen didn't seem to understand her meaning, his deep eyes blinked, and he looked at her deeply.

   "You let me go first, I want to drink water."

  Wen Ran didn't have the courage to ask again, nor did she have the courage to explain her meaning under such circumstances, she changed the subject, and Qinghong looked at the cup on his side.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, stretched out his hand to take the cup and handed it to her, holding her slender waist, also let go.

  Wen Ran was free, immediately left him and stood up.

Mo Xiuchen smiled lightly. He didn't pull her back to sit on his lap, but instead concentrated on doing the rest of her work for her. He stood aside gently, holding the cup in both hands, and watching gently. A man focused on work, his heart softens unconsciously.

  I did it for an hour.

  Wen Ran’s work for tomorrow has been completed.

  "Can I stop using it tomorrow?"

  Wen Ran laughed and teased when he saw him turn off the computer.

Mo Xiuchen curled his lips and smiled, his eyes stopped between her delicate eyebrows, he couldn't help but raised his hand and brushed her face, and said happily, "I helped you finish tomorrow's work, and you will be with you tomorrow. Me, just serve me tea and pour water."

  His secretary is not the only one.

  In fact, a lot of complicated work was done by another secretary. The work that Wen Ran did in the past two days was just for her to be busy and not to think about it.

  It can be seen that she is concentrating on work, and he feels distressed to help her.

This is really a contradictory thing, Wen Ran did not move, her face smiled softly, she looked at him with clear eyes, let him stroke her cheek with his big palm, she ignored the flashing emotions in her heart, jokingly He replied: "No problem, it is an honor for the little girl to serve the president of MoU."

Mo Xiuchen was amused by her joking words. When he was about to say something, the cell phone bell suddenly rang but interrupted him. He took it away from her face reluctantly and took out the phone. When he saw the call, his eyes The light flickered.

  "Who did it?"

  Wen Ran asked casually, looking at his mobile phone, touching the caller ID on the screen, a trace of confusion appeared on his face: "Is it the chairman?"

  The caller ID only has the word ‘dad’. Wen Ran would think it was Mo Jingteng, which is normal.

"not him."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, his slender index finger pressed the answer button, and his voice overflowed with a deep and gentle voice, "Hey, Dad!"

  Wen Ran was startled, listening to the ‘dad’ shouted by Mo Xiuchen, she suddenly understood that it was her dad’s ‘Gu Yan’ calling, not Mo Jingteng.

  Mo Xiuchen would not have such a polite and gentle tone to Mo Jingteng.

  Gu Yan on the other end of the phone didn’t know what he said, Mo Xiuchen suddenly changed his expression and blurted out, “Dad, how could that happen?”

  (End of this chapter)

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