Chapter 542 The Barren Woman

   "Of course, you are awake!"

  Mo Xiuchen had a smile on his eyebrows, and walked towards her calmly. He knew when she appeared in the stairwell.

  Deep eyes stopped on her white cheeks, and when she stared at her dazed and slightly flustered eyes, a strange emotion flashed through the depths of his eyes, and a slight smile appeared on his handsome and perfect face.

  Gently biting her lip, Xianxian's fingers gripped the bag strap tightly.

  She did not expect that Mo Xiuchen would not leave.

   "Of course, come down."

  Mo Xiuchen stood on the stairs with a long body, his handsome face looked up at her slightly, as if he had never seen the bag in her hand, and his dark eyes were filled with gentleness.

  Take a deep breath, step by step, walking towards him.

Suddenly, her wrist was grabbed by him, and the familiar breath was puffing up her nose. He gently pulled her body into his arms. He stretched out another big hand and went to take her bag very naturally, with a gentle mouth. Saying: "Fortunately, I didn't leave, otherwise, you have to go to the company by yourself!"

go to company?

   Wen Ran's heart hurts, and a touch of emotion floats in the bottom of her eyes.

   "I will eat breakfast with you first."

Mo Xiuchen didn't seem to know that she wanted to leave. He pulled her into the dining room, opened the chair, let her sit down, raised his voice a little, and called Zhang Ma to bring breakfast, while he sat beside her. , Stay with her!

  Wen Ran hasn't spoken, she doesn't know what to say, the more Mo Xiuchen is like this, the more sad she is in her heart.

  She knows, he should know it too. How can a man so savvy not know that she wants to leave? Maybe, he guessed it before he didn't go to work and waited at home.

  Mama Zhang quickly brought breakfast, and Mo Xiuchen sat beside him and said softly, "Of course, eat."

  Wen Ran didn't dare to touch his affectionate eyes. She pursed her lips and gave a soft "um". She didn't know if she didn't dare or didn't have the courage to face him and said she wanted to leave.

  She was eating breakfast silently. Mo Xiuchen smiled and asked her whether it was delicious. Her mouth replied ‘It’s delicious’, but her mouth was like chewing wax.

  After eating breakfast, Mo Xiuchen pulled her up, went out of the house together, pushed into his luxurious Aston, fastened her seat belt, and then went around the front of the car and sat in the main driver's seat.

  Wen Ran felt sad for a while, she bit her lip, saw him sitting in, and whispered: "Xiu Chen..."

   "Of course, I postponed the meeting for an hour. After a while, the car will be faster than usual, so you can sit down."

  As soon as she spoke, Mo Xiuchen interrupted her.

As the car went on the road, Mo Xiuchen stared at the road ahead intently. In the carriage, only the sound of melodious and gentle music flowed. In the passenger seat, Wen Ranqing's eyes fell on his big hand, watching his slender fingers clasp the steering wheel. The intensity was tighter than usual, and her heart was choked.

  Although there is music in the car, the atmosphere is a bit weird.

  "Xiuchen, we..."

   "Of course, if you don't wake up, you should sleep for a while. When you get to the company, I will call you again."

  Mo Xiuchen interrupted her again, turned his eyes to look at her, and then turned back.

  Wen Ran quietly clasped his hands, pursed his lips, turned his head, and looked out the window.

Beside   , Mo Xiuchen's expression was slightly cold, his **** thin lips pressed into a firm straight line, holding the steering wheel's hand tightly and tightly.

  He knew what she was going to say. That was the last thing he wanted to hear. He was a little annoyed and regretted his behavior last night, but he was still too impatient.

  He shouldn't be so anxious, thinking she is asleep, he won't push him so decisively.

  He forgot that she loved him so much, how could she allow herself to hurt him, looking at her white and delicate cheeks in the rearview mirror, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

When he arrived at the company, Mo Xiuchen took the elevator upstairs with her hand just like yesterday. As soon as he entered the office, he said gently: "Of course, I will go to the meeting first. There are many things to deal with today. If you are bored, I I'll find you something to do."

  Wen Ran looked into his deep and wise eyes, hesitated, and softly agreed: "Okay!"

  So, on this day, Mo Xiuchen didn't give her time to think about anything else. He arranged a lot of work for her. He himself has been very busy. At noon, he took her to dinner with the client. In the afternoon, he was also busy.

  He didn't dare to go down, he didn't dare to give her a chance to speak, and he didn't dare to leave her alone, but Wen Ran was a little dazed, and she even made the low-level mistake of mistaking the decimal point.

  After four o'clock in the afternoon, Wen Ran left the office by going to the bathroom and went outside to breathe.

  In the bathroom, she met Cheng Jia.

   "Wen Ran, wait a minute."

  When she was washing her hands, Cheng Jia went in, she turned to leave, and was stopped by Cheng Jia.

There was no one else in the bathroom, and she paused gently, turned her head to look at Cheng Jia. She was wrapped in a professional suit with her exquisite body, deliberately holding up the plump pair, and staring at Wen Ran contemptuously: "I heard, You can't have children?"

  She didn't circumvent her, her tone was not only direct, but also sharp and full of sarcasm.

  Wen Ran's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but grabbed her hands hanging on her side. He looked at Cheng Jia's beautiful face and said lightly: "What does it have to do with you?"

  She did not deny it.

  Because this is a fact, the more she dare not face it, the more proud Cheng Jia will be.

  She suppressed the emotions in her heart and let herself face it as calmly as possible.

  Cheng Jia coldly snorted, "It was originally okay, but you are a barren woman who dominates President Mo. Don’t you feel very selfish and shameless?"

   "Do you think that if I leave Xiuchen, you will have a chance?"

  Wen Ran did not answer the question, and returned her ridicule.

  Even if Xiu Chen finds another woman, it is definitely not Cheng Jia, she is too dirty to be worthy of her Xiu Chen.

   Cheng Jia's face changed, and a faint anger emerged. Wen Ran's understatement happened to hit her sore spot. No matter how she took the initiative or showed her good, Mo Xiuchen didn't look at her.

   "Wen Ran, if I were you, I would leave right away. A woman who can't even have children, why are you embarrassed to rely on President Mo, MS Group needs an heir to such a big industry."

   "Even if I leave, Xiuchen won't want you, so you don't need to worry about this kind of thing.

  Wen Ran's tone was very light, no matter how painful she felt, she never showed it to her face.

Cheng Jia changed her face angrily. She stepped forward and her voice became more and more acute: "Who said Mo would never want me? He is now confused by you for a while. You can't have children. It won't be long, Mo Will always wake up, will abandon you, will see my good."

  At the end, she almost gritted her teeth.

  Wen Ran looked at her annoyed with some pity, "Cheng Jia, I think you are so pitiful!"

  (End of this chapter)

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