Chapter 529 Daydreaming

  Gu Kai saw his father’s exhaustion in his eyes, and felt a slight pain in his heart. He stood up and said gently: "Dad, you take a break first. I will let someone check the phone number she said first."

"Go ahead!"

  Gu Yan waved at him, Gu Kai stopped staying, picked up the inspection report on the table, turned around and strode out of the office.


  Gu Kai's speed is really fast, Wen Ran called him within half an hour, and his call came back.

   "Of course, you just asked me to check the phone number for you, and there is a result."

  Listening to his clear and cheerful voice, Wen Ran's eyes flashed with surprise, and asked softly: "So fast, what's the result?"

  "The owner of this mobile phone number is Jiang Liu. If you need detailed information, I can ask someone to check it for you."

   "River flow?"

  Wen Ran said the name softly, "Continue to check, what can be found?"

  "His personal information, such as his address." Gu Kai explained on the other side of the phone, Wen Ran thought about it, and said softly: "Okay, let's find out more in detail."

   "Of course, what are you doing to check this man named Jiang Liu, do you know him?"

Gu Kai was purely curious, and Wen Ran smiled and said: "Just now, I received a call from this person, asking me to be careful of Cheng Jia. He also said that for the celebration dinner of MS Group tonight, Cheng Jia will find a way to seduce-attract Xiuchen... …"

  She told Gu Kai what Jiang Liu had just said on the phone, and there was nothing to hide. After listening to her words, Gu Kai suddenly, with a curved corner of his mouth, he said calmly:

   "It turns out that this is the case, then I will now let people find out what the identity of this river is, and I will tell you the result later."

   "Well, it's not in a hurry, I just want to know why this person knows Cheng Jia, as if he still knows her well."

   explained in a gentle tone.

Gu Kai smiled clearly on the other end of the phone, "I know, don't worry, I promise to find out the details of this river stream for you, to see what is the relationship between him and Cheng Jia, is it a sincere reminder to you, or Another purpose."

  Compared with Wen Ran's intuitive belief in Jiangliu, Gu Kai thought more about it. A stranger reminded Ran Ran so kindly that he felt that there must be something for him. How could it be so kind, simply reminding Ranran.


  MS Group

  Today, Cheng Jia was in a good mood and dressed very beautifully. In the morning, she gave a gift to every colleague in the department.

  When she thinks of the evening celebration banquet, and the celebration banquet, Mo always announces her promotion and salary increase in public, she is very happy.

Two colleagues who had a good time with her pulled her and said reluctantly: "Jiajia, you will go to the top floor tomorrow and work in the same office with the president. In the future, don't forget us. You must come to see if you have time Us!"

   "Yes, Jiajia, you are so happy to be able to work with the president and stay with him all day long. Maybe in the near future, we will call you the wife of the president."

  "Hello Mrs. President!"

Cheng Jia smiled, listening to their jokes, her heart was full of joy, but her mouth was annoying: "Don't talk nonsense, the president is a married man. Although Wen Ran hasn't come to work these days, she really Still the wife of the president."

   "I will tell you a shocking secret quietly. I heard that the president and his wife are getting divorced."

  The man looked around, lowered his voice, and looked mysterious.

Cheng Jia and the other person opened their eyes in surprise at the same time. She thought that Wen Ran came to Mo Xiuchen that day, and then suddenly left the company. Mo Xiuchen didn't eat at noon, so she quickly asked concerned: "Who did you hear? "

The man looked at Cheng Jia with ambiguous eyes, got closer, and whispered, "I heard what a friend said, it's true anyway, Jiajia, Wen Ran didn't come to work before you came back, I heard Said that that afternoon, the president looked for her crazy, not only him, but also Mr. Tan and Mr. Luo, who also helped to find her. Since that day, she has not come to work, and the president is like a different person. of……"

   "Could it be that Wen Ran knew about the scandal a few days ago and knew that he could not have children, so he wanted to divorce the president?"

  The other person blinked, guessing.

A sneer flashed in Cheng Jia's eyes, and said in a mocking tone, "How can a good man like President Mo have no success? If that is the case, she is still gentle and interesting. She is a woman who can't have children, it's like she can't lay eggs. How can your chicken be worthy of President Mo."

   "So let me just say that Jiajia and the president are the best match. The president must also be aware of this, so he will ask publicly about your wishes and agree to transfer you back to him."

   "Well, we Jiajia is beautiful and capable. Standing with President Mo is the true appearance of men and women. If I were President Mo, I would also choose Jiajia."

   Cheng Jia was exuberantly praised by them.

  Can't help but brainstorm about her moving to the top floor and working in an office with Mo Xiuchen. Although Mo Xiuchen swept away the food that day and burned her leg, it did not affect her coveting for him.

  Especially when the colleague said just now that Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran were having a divorce, she suddenly felt relieved.

  Mo Xiuchen is a love and righteous person, and Wen Ran is his lifesaver. He liked her so much before.

  Suddenly, Wen Ran wants to leave him, of course he will be sad and in a bad mood.

  If he is a low-hearted person, she will not love him for so many years, and she still does not want to forget.

  She even thought about how to heal Wen Ran's injuries when she got to Mo Xiuchen's side and let him get out of his previous marriage.

  If she could be pregnant with his child, it would be more perfect. With a child, Mo Xiuchen would know that divorcing Wen Ran is a wise choice. And she also had the confidence and patience to wait until Mo Xiuchen fell in love with her.

   "I'll go to the bathroom."

  Suddenly she thought of something, said to the two colleagues, got up out of the office, and walked to the bathroom.

   Entering the bathroom, she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. The phone rang several times and no one answered her. A trace of annoyance flashed across her face, her eyes turned dark, and she edited and sent another message.

  Two minutes later, the phone rang, and the corner of her mouth curled up with a cold smile, pressed the answer button, and said casually, "Hey!"

   "Cheng Jia, you crazy woman, if you dare to threaten me again, I will tell Mo Xiuchen how cheap and shameless you are."

  On the other side of the phone, Jiang Liu’s angry voice came through gritted teeth.

   Cheng Jia didn't think it was ears, but she smiled proudly, "I said, I don't care, anyway, by then, you and Shen Yuting will not be happy."

  (End of this chapter)

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