Chapter 506 He Was Afraid Of Missing You

  "Do you also want me to divorce Ranran?"

  Mo Xiu Chenmiao looked at Gu Kai sharply. The latter's complexion was calm, his eyes were warm, and he could not see any strangeness.

   Aside, Tan Mu was also startled by Gu Kai's words, and his beautiful brows lightly frowned, staring at him suspiciously.


  Gu Kai answered calmly.

  A simple ‘yes’ word made Mo Xiuchenjun’s face pale for an instant. After a while, he asked word by word, “Is it right? However, the situation is worse than before.”

  In addition to this reason, he could not think of any other reasons that would make Gu Kai suddenly change his mind. Two days ago, he also said that he did not want him to divorce Wen Ran.

  As Wen Ran’s older brother, he knew that Wen Ran’s loved one was Mo Xiuchen. How could he say such a thing, naively thinking that if he is divorced with Ranran, can Ran Ran be happy?

"I just said that Ranran's situation has improved. If the situation is worse than before, I won't let you give her more time, Xiuchen, I hope Ranran can fully recover and be a healthy and happy person. , You are by her side, she is under too much pressure."

  Gu Kai frowned and explained patiently.

   "I won't agree!"

  Mo Xiuchen said firmly, unless he died, otherwise, he would not leave Wen Ran.

  Gu Kai's face changed, and an angry face appeared on his handsome face: "Why are you so stubborn, do you want to die? Or do you want to die like my mother?"

   "Akai, you are too serious!"

   Tan Mu blurted out to stop.

  Mo Xiuchen's face was paler than before, and Gu Kai's words seemed to pierce his heart like a knife.

  His mother left early because she missed her daughter day and night.

"I'm not speaking seriously. I'm just saying the truth. I thought about it for a few days and decided to support Ranran's decision, Xiu Chen. I told you that night, but it was my sister, between you and her. I selfishly hope you can take care of her."

"But it's different now. Your appearance will only make her sad. If you accept her conditions freely and easily, maybe she can be happy and be able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I don't want you to find another woman. You can wait. Wait for her, wait for her to recover, and then come back to you."

  Mo Xiuchen's face was extremely pale.

  He was surrounded by deep sadness. What Gu Kai said was not unreasonable, but he couldn't do it, and he couldn't bear it.

  The atmosphere in the office is somewhat stagnant.

  Gu Kai saw that Mo Xiuchen was silent and refused to agree, so he stopped talking, just looked at him quietly.

  It seemed that after a long world, Mo Xiuchen spoke. In his low voice, there was a pain that was extremely suppressed, but could not be suppressed: "Did Ranran let you come?"

  Gu Kai was startled, his eyes flickered, denying: "No."

   "Does dad mean that too?"

  He was silent and asked again.

Gu Kai nodded, "I told my dad what Ranran thought. Out of consideration of Ranran's condition, he also felt that if Ranran divorced you, it would be a good thing for her to receive treatment with peace of mind. ."

  The implication was that, except for his insistence, they all hoped that he and Wen Ran would get a divorce.


   "Wen Ran, do you have time now, I have something to tell you..."

  Wen Ran was a little surprised when he received a call from Tan Mu.

   "Okay, I'll be there in a while."

  Hesitated gently before agreeing.

  After lunch, Bai Xiaoxiao’s mother was uncomfortable and she went home. At this moment, it was herself, Wen Ran, who said to Aunt Li, went upstairs and put on her coat, and went out.

  Tin Muyue’s location was in a coffee shop near Wen’s house. Obviously, it was for her sake.

  Ten minutes later, Wen Ran came to the coffee shop. As soon as he entered, he saw Tan Mu’s sitting position, next to the window, with sunlight.

  Seeing her passing, he got up, smiled at her, and beckoned her to sit down.

"what do you drink?"

   Tan Mu took a look at Wen Ran, wondering if it was his own illusion. After three days of not seeing her, he felt that she was thin.

   "I want a glass of boiled water, thank you."

  Wen Ran finished speaking to the waiter, met Tan Mu’s eyes, and asked softly: "Is the company busy? You still have time to come out."

   "There is dust repairing to do, I have a holiday."

Tan Mu spread his hands, leaned into the chair, and stared at Wen Ran who was sitting opposite with his deep eyes.

  Wen Ran looked at him in surprise: "Holiday? He gave you a holiday? Or, are you leaving again?"

   "Xiu Chen gave me a vacation, and A Feng also gave a vacation. He said that he does all our work by himself." When Qin Mu said this, his tone was somewhat emotional, but depressed.

   Wen Ran frowned, "Is he busy alone?"

   "Of course I can't be too busy."

  Tin Mu answered very quickly. He and A Feng are not eating idle meals. The guy Xiuchen does three things by himself. He has to work overtime every day, constantly busy, so busy, there is no time to think about her!

Seeing distress flashing in her eyes, Tan Mu's eyes moved slightly and continued: "He may be afraid that he will disturb you when he is free. Even if he doesn't disturb you, he will think of you, so he gave me and Ah Feng took a vacation and did everything by himself."

  The waiter brought boiled water, Wen Ran took it and held it in the palm of his hand, lowered his head, staring at the water in the cup, and pressed his lips tightly.

   "Wen Ran, A Kai went to the company to find Xiudan at noon."

Tan Mu saw her head down, her shawl hair hanging down on both sides of her cheeks, she couldn't see the expression on her face, but from her tight lips, she could still guess her emotions, and her heart couldn't help but tighten. .

   Hearing the words, Wen Ran lowered his head and raised it, Qinghong's eyes flashed with a little surprise: "What did my brother say to him?"

  "He asked Xiuchen to divorce you."

   Tan Mu’s voice is very calm, it seems that they are inseparable from the divorce, it is really just the matter of the two of them.

   Wen Ran looked stiff.

  In my heart, I was shocked by Gu Kai's behavior. How could he go to Xiuchen and let him divorce her. At the hospital yesterday, he still disagrees.

   "Wen Ran, A Kai said that the results of your examination yesterday are better than before. I shouldn’t ask, since the medicine you are taking is effective, why do you have to divorce Xiuchen?"

  Wen Ran's eyes flickered, and there was some confusion in his mind.

"I have known Xiu Chen for so many years. He has never been as happy as he was in the past few months, and he has never been so sad as he is now. He regards you more importantly than himself. For you, let alone his reputation, it is life. , He can give up. These, I believe, you can feel it too."

"Wen Ran, if you leave Xiuchen, it is tantamount to pushing him into the loneliness before. If I were you, even if I really couldn't stay with him until he grows old, I wouldn't push him away. Instead, I cherish everything we spend together. Every second, accompany him to the last second!"

  This is the first time Wen Ran has talked to him like this since he met Tan Mu, and it is also the first time he has said so much to her.

  (End of this chapter)

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