Chapter 286 You quarreled with Mo Xiuchen?

  This morning, Wen Ran did not go to Gu Kai's house.

  As soon as Gu Kai and her walked to the lobby on the first floor, they received a call. There was an accident in a nearby bank. Gangsters armed with guns and robbed them, causing two deaths and six injuries. Among them, a staff member and a manager were seriously injured and dying.

   Close, there are Kangning Hospital and another hospital, but there are doctors like Gu Kai in Kangning Hospital, and it is natural to send him here. Only the wounded can have hope of life.

  Gu Kai finished answering the phone and didn’t speak yet. Wen Ran urged him first: “Brother Gu, you save people first. We’ll talk about other things the other day.”

  Gu Kai nodded. Xu Shi has become accustomed to facing life and death every day. His tone is calm and peaceful: “Well, I can’t take you home today. Of course, I’ll call and let Xiu Chen pick you up.”

   "No, I'll call him by myself, you can arrange to go quickly."

  Time is life, Wen Ran does not want to waste his time.

  Gu Kai didn't say anything any more, turned around and walked back, while dialing out the phone, letting people arrange the operating room.

  Wen Ran walked out of the hospital, it was past nine o'clock.

  Today's weather is very good, the sun is very bright, even though it is late autumn, the sun is hitting on the body, it is still warm.

  It was windy, not too big, and brushed over her ears, like a big, gentle hand. She raised her head to look at the white cloud sky, nothing happened, just to see her parents.

On the way to the flower shop by taxi, Wen Ran dialed Bai Xiaoxiao's phone and rang twice, and Bai Xiaoxiao's brisk voice came from her ear: "Of course, I'm just about to call you. Here we call, we really have a good heart."

  Wen Ran smiled softly, "What are you looking for?"

   "It's okay, I'm just looking for you, it's going to be moldy."

   "Then you come out, I am fine today, if you are willing, go to the cemetery with me, I happen to have something I want to tell you."

  Wen Ran turned his head and looked out the window. This city is crowded with vehicles and pedestrians.

  Bai Xiaoxiao promised without hesitation: "Well, where are you now, I will find you."

  Wen Ran said the name of a flower shop, not far from their company, Bai Xiaoxiao came, just to act as a driver for her, she no longer needs to take a taxi to the cemetery.

The taxi drilled in the congested lane. The driver’s driving skills were obviously very good. Wen Ran sat in the car and watched the driver turn left and right. He just drilled out of the congested lane and got out of a wide road. The corners of her mouth could not help but bend slightly.

  If she drove, she wouldn’t dare to be like this driver's brother.

When she arrived, Bai Xiaoxiao had just arrived. She picked a bunch of flowers her mother liked during her lifetime and got into Bai Xiaoxiao's car. As soon as the car hit the road, Bai Xiaoxiao asked, "Why are your eyes swollen? Xiuchen quarreled, right?"

   chuckled softly, and asked instead, "You only saw it?"

Bai Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes wide, and said angrily: "You thought I was blind, but I saw it now. I'm giving you a chance to confess to yourself. Who knows that you have no consciousness at all, let's talk about it. Who on earth is bullying you, sister, I will help you get revenge."

  Wen Ran looked at her amusedly: "So I want to be a sister, go home and let the aunt give you a younger sibling."

   "Wen Ran, are you confessing or not, you want me to die!"

Bai Xiaoxiao is impatient. Seeing her angry, Wen Ran felt warmth in her heart, sighed lightly, and said softly: "Xiaoxiao, in the morning, my brother told me that I am not his sister. It's not my parents' biological daughters either."


  Bai Xiaoxiao stared at her with round eyes, and Wen Ran quickly reminded: "You can concentrate on driving, don't look at me."

   "Can I not look at you, if you make things clear, what is going on?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at the road ahead, then turned to look at her, and then sat up straight again, staring at the front.

   "If you concentrate on driving, I will tell you slowly."

  Since the last car accident, Wen Ran has been particularly concerned about traffic safety.

  She told Bai Xiaoxiao again, and when she nodded her head, she told Bai Xiaoxiao that she overheard the conversation between Mo Xiuchen and Gu Kai last night and her real life experience.

  In the process, Bai Xiaoxiao rarely interrupted her quietly, as if listening to a legend. After listening to her, the car happened to arrive at the cemetery.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was shocked.

  For a while, she just stared at Wen Ran in a daze, some not believing that there is such a coincidence in the world.

  In order to protect her, her parents moved their family from City F to City G. As a result, it happened to be her hometown.

  Her relatives live in this city.

   More coincidentally, the story of her and Mo Xiuchen.

For what Ranran said, she was the savior that Mo Xiuchen was looking for, "Of course, I don't know what to say, as if listening to a story, you pinch me, quickly, pinch me hard. "

   Wen Ran's eyes flashed, and he really stretched out his hand and screwed it down against the back of her hand.

   "Oh, **** girl, why are you so cruel, it hurts me."

  Bai Xiaoxiao yelled in pain, and chuckled softly, “You asked me to pinch you. Have you woke up now? Is this true?”

Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, looking distressedly at the back of her hand turned red by the dead girl Wen Ran, with emotion on her face, "Of course, if it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for Gu Kai's DNA test, I would really I can't believe it."

She took a deep breath and stared at Wen Ran's beautiful face, "What makes me unbelievable is the fate between you and Mo Xiuchen. Your story can be written into a romantic love novel. , You don’t have to ask, you must be the girl he is looking for..."

  Her words were interrupted by Wen Ran's cell phone ringing suddenly.

   "As soon as he talked about Mo Xiuchen, he called. It must be true to see how nervous he is with you."

  Pulled her lips gently, her slender fingers pressed the answer button, and her voice softly uttered, "Hey!"

   "Of course, Kai said, you left the hospital by yourself, where are you now, I will pick you up."

  Mo Xiuchen's deep voice came with deep concern.

  Wen Ran glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao, who stared at her ambiguously, and pushed the car door down, “I’m with Xiaoxiao, you don’t use it to pick me up.”

  "Are you with Bai Xiaoxiao?"

  Mo Xiuchen seemed a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he was relieved.

  Ranran from last night to this morning, the amount of messages received was too large, she needed to find someone to talk to her, and Bai Xiaoxiao was her best friend, and of course, she was the best candidate.

  "Okay, then don't run around, Xiao Wenqing doesn't know where he fled. You have to be careful before you find her."

   "Well, we won't run around, please go to work with peace of mind."

  (End of this chapter)

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