Chapter 269 is to look more closely

   "I think it's not like that."

  Wen Ran can’t say why, but he thinks that Cheng Jia won’t be that stupid, unless there is a reason for her to let go.

  She knew that if she was not with Xiao Liu, she would lose half of the chance to get close to Mo Xiuchen, but she still did. That only shows that she has another shortcut.

  It's always impossible, because she has stopped thinking about Mo Xiuchen.

"Of course, don't think about it. Even if she has any thoughts, she thinks for nothing. Don't worry, your husband and I are not the kind of man who is easily seduced/leaded by others. Except you, other women will stand in front of me even if they are naked. , It's useless."

Mo Xiuchen lay down hugging her, covered her with the quilt, kissed her forehead again, and said softly: "Go to sleep, you will go to my company to work tomorrow. From now on, I will be in your monitor 24 hours a day. Next, no other women have a chance."

   "Yes, I have to take you closer."

  Wen Ran smiled, put his head in his arms, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

   "It's better to stay on track for 24 hours."

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled and closed his eyes.

  Outside the window, the night is deep and cold, but indoors, it is warm like spring and lingering.


  With the beloved woman to accompany him, Mo Xiuchen is more energetic than usual, handsome and elegant.

Ten minutes before going to work, his black Aston drove into the dedicated parking space, turned sideways, replaced the woman next to him and untied the seat belt before getting out of the car, personally opened the door for her, and waved his hand to let the security guard retreat. .

   "Thank you!"

  With a gentle smile, he got out of the car.

Today, she came to MS Group for the first day to work. She did not wear a professional suit, but a tailor-made autumn skirt with the latest short boots for this fall. Her black hair was casually draped, and she was clearly exuding youthful and beautiful purity. , But the exquisite figure wrapped in the autumn clothes, but still charming and charming.

  In the bleak season of autumn, she is like a touch of spring green, once she hits the line of sight, it is difficult to look away.

  Today's Mo Xiuchen is also exceptionally handsome, stalwart, and elegant. Perhaps it is the reason for the company of a loved one. The coldness of the winter on Mo Xiuchen seems to be restrained. Although the eyebrows are pure and noble, there is a faint warmth.

  The two walked into the company together, and many subordinates greeted him. He nodded, although there was no smile in his eyes, there was no coldness in his eyes.

  For a time, the most explosive news in the entire office building was "The president brought the president's wife to work today. I actually saw the president smile."

   "Yes, I used to think that the president was as cold as ice cubes, and the look in people's eyes was sharp as a knife, but just now, the president's eyes were gentle as spring. If the president's wife works here every day, then we will be blessed."

  "The president and the wife of the president are so good-matched, men and women are really a match made in heaven..."

  Various envy and joyous voices boiled over all departments.

  Naturally, including the public relations department.

   Cheng Jia came very early for performance.

  When other colleagues were gossiping about the president and his wife, she was burying her head in the information, looking up in surprise, and asked a colleague next to her, "What did you just say?"

The colleague said with a smile, "We just saw the president bring the president's wife to work. The president said it personally. The president's wife is here to accompany him to work. The president's wife is really beautiful, especially her smile, clean and beautiful. ..."

   Cheng Jia's face changed a few moments.

  She must squeeze her hands fiercely, force herself to press down her mad jealousy, and her lips tightly, so as not to say something bad.

  She took a deep breath, and most likely asked in a calm tone, "Why did the president's wife come to accompany the president to work? Didn't she work at Wen's Pharmaceutical Factory?"

  The colleague frowned and was a little dazed, “I don’t know, anyway, the president said that. Maybe, she’s okay in the factory today, come to our company and accompany the president to work.”

  "Whatever her reason, I only know that the president will not be so strict when the president's wife comes. At least today, everyone does not have to spend in the cold winter. The feeling of spring is really good."

A sneer appeared on Cheng Jia's face, and he said disapprovingly, "If you want spring to bloom, it's a dream. Even if it comes, it is impossible to change the battle between Mr. Xiao's mother and son and the president. Yesterday the president canceled the conflict with the previous one. With the cooperation of the three companies, Mr. Xiao was so angry that he smashed the office."

   "Shhh, Cheng Jia, those things are not in our care, please stop talking about them."

  One of them changed his face and quickly stopped.

  Not to mention the entire company, it is their public relations department, and not all the president.

  Even though he shuffled the top management, there are always fish that slip through the net. If it is heard by people and passed to Mr. Xiao's ears, that would be terrible.

  Two strands of hair fell into her neck, Cheng Jia raised her hand and brushed the strands.

A colleague next to her suddenly saw the hickey on her neck sharply, and his eyes widened in amazement, "Ah, Cheng Jia, is that a hickey on your neck? You actually have a boyfriend, so honestly invite him, your boyfriend. Who is it, what is it, handsome or not?"

Another colleague also saw the hickey on her neck and smiled, "How intense are you to have so many hickeys on your neck, Cheng Jia, you are so beautiful, and your boyfriend must be handsome too. , Did your boyfriend give this necklace to you?"

  A woman’s gossip heart is always so strong.

   Cheng Jia’s eyes flashed, she was embarrassed and flustered from the beginning, but she smiled for a moment, raised her hand to touch the necklace on her neck and said, “This is not from my boyfriend, but from the president.”

   "From the president, oh!"

  The colleague was covering his mouth, obviously too shocked.

"The president is really kind to you, not only letting your company go to work, but also giving you a necklace, ah, I remember, your boyfriend, is it the president’s driver, Xiao Liu, that very honest man, I remember, the reporter last time It's written, isn't it?"

   Cheng Jia's expression became stiff, and she coldly denied, "Of course not, it was an accident, my boyfriend... work better, the boss is here."

  I deliberately said half of the story, letting colleagues go to the brain to make up for themselves, imagining that Cheng Jia sat back in her place and looked at the information intently.

   "Cheng Jia, where is the boss? You lied to us. Tell me, who is your boyfriend? Who was your boyfriend? You had such a fierce **** with a man last night."

  The two looked at the door, there was no one at all, and they couldn't help shaking Cheng Jia with one arm.

  Cheng Jia giggled, pretending to be shy and mysterious, "Two good sisters, please forgive me, I...really can't tell."

   "Is there anything I can't say, isn't it, your boyfriend is too handsome, I'm afraid we will **** it for you."

   "No, but, I don’t have a boyfriend at all. Last night, it was an accident..."

   Cheng Jia touched the chain around her neck, her eyes expressing affection.

  (End of this chapter)

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