Chapter 259 Is there a business trip

  After half an hour, the winner will be decided.

  As a result of the vote by a raise of hands, Mo Xiuchen won and Tan Mu lost.

  The two of them made home-cooked dishes, not a complicated process.

  But the taste made by Mo Xiuchen is really better than Tan Mu's dishes. Of course, Tan Mu's dishes are also impeccable in color and flavor, but the taste is slightly inferior.

  Mo Xiuchen proudly raised the corner of his mouth, and said to Tan Mu as a winner, “Amu, don’t forget to report to Wen’s tomorrow morning. Of course, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow. You can sleep well at home.”

  Tin Mu glanced at him, his tone was cold, "Isn’t it just another job, and you’re too tired, what's so proud of you."

   Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen with a smug look on his face, and then at Tan Mu with a gloomy look on his face.

Thinking that he is going to work for herself for a week, she smiled gently, took the dishes made by Tan Mu into her mouth, and said in admiration, "Actually, the dishes made by Tan Mu are delicious. Otherwise, Tan Mu will go. The factory has taken care of me for a week, and I will share a little work with him and be your assistant."


  Mo Xiuchen's eyes deepened, and the smile on his lips became thicker.

  He let Wen Ran rest, just to let her stay with him.

  Now, she is willing to be an assistant for him and stay by his side all day. This is the best thing. There is Wen Jin who can't handle it even if Tan Mu can't handle it.

  Since Wen Jin returned to work at the company, he made some major decisions. Wen Ran’s work has been much easier than before.

   On the surface, Mo Xiuchen was calculating Tan Mu and asked him to work for Wen Ran, but in fact, he was calculating Wen Jin to remind him, but one day he would leave Wen and come to him.

  Let Wen Jin do everything by herself in the future.

   "That is, our Amu's cooking skills are also top-notch. Come, work hard, eat more."

Seeing that her cousin was depressed, Li Qian quickly picked up a chopstick meat and put it in his bowl. Tan Mu looked at her, and then glanced at her as if no one was alone, the soft-spoken Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran, put a piece of it. The meat is stuffed into the mouth.

  "Amu, yesterday my aunt called and said she was coming to City G this weekend, did you know?"

  Li Qian asked with concern when he saw him sullenly eating.

   Tan Mu raised his head, a trace of doubt flashed in his narrow eyes, “I don’t know, there was a missed call from my mother last night. I was in the shower at the time, and then I didn’t call again, and I didn’t reply.”

  When his mother called, he urged him to go on a blind date. He didn't want to answer the phone at all.

Li Qian smiled and glanced at him. The expression in her eyes was clearly saying,'You are not taking a bath, I am afraid that you didn't answer the phone on purpose.' Tan Mu frowned and defended himself, "I really didn't receive it, she said. Did you say anything about city G? Did my dad go on a business trip again and pass by city G?"

  Li Qian shrugged, “I don’t know what to do, but the little aunt didn’t come with her uncle, she came with a sister of her.”

   Tan Mu frowned when he heard this, his mother came with a friend? That 80% brought him to a blind date with which daughter she was fond of.

   "Wen Ran, do you need to travel in your factory?"


Wen Ran was stunned by his question, and didn't react for a while. When Mo Xiuchen chuckled beside her, she was shocked and said embarrassedly, "There are some, but you don't need to go, and Tan. Auntie wants to see you, but you are on a business trip. Isn't that great?"

  Tin Mu rarely smiled, his mood seemed to improve all of a sudden, and his tone was not as gloomy as before, “It’s nothing wrong, I’m on a business trip, and I’m not going to play. Which city do I go to on business?”

   "City F, if you want to go, I'll make a call soon. My brother arranged for Uncle Li to go. You can arrive before 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

   Tan Mu glanced at Mo Xiuchen, and said with a smile, "Just right, I will go to City F. I will go tomorrow afternoon."

  F city is the hometown of the Wen family before, and Wen Jin arranged for people to go there, not entirely because of the business in the factory, and some private affairs.

  In the afternoon, Tan Mu went to the hospital and informed Wen Jin that he arranged for Uncle Li to go after someone checked Wen Ran’s life experience in City F.

  Now it’s best for him to go!

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows, and Yun said lightly, “Although you can escape for a while, you can’t escape for a lifetime, but it’s good to be able to escape for a while.”

  Wen Ran's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked up at Mo Xiuchen, "You are like this, Aunt Tan will definitely be sad."

   "No, she is used to it."

  This sentence was answered by Tan Mu.

  To be sad, he is the only way to be sad. How could it be his mother who is sad. Since he was eighteen years old, his mother forced him to go on a blind date, as if he was so ugly and bad that he could not find a wife.

  Not long ago, his mother said that fortunately, he is a man. If a daughter is in her thirties and is not in love and married, she will jump off the building.

  However, even if he was a son, his mother didn't make him feel better. As already said, if he doesn't find a girlfriend to take home before the age of 30, she will help him marry one.

  When Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran left, they told Tan Mu, “You will call Wen Jin in a while and tell him that these days you can take it for granted, and she will go back to work in a week.”

  "This won’t work. Tan Mu is going to F City on a business trip. I have to go back to work tomorrow. When Tan Mu comes back, the agreement will continue."

  Wen Ran didn’t want to push everything to her brother. Although Wen Jin was in the factory when she went to C City to take care of Mo Xiuchen, but now she is in G City, how can she do that.

  Mo Xiuchen hesitated, and before Tan Mu protested, he reluctantly agreed, "Well, let's postpone it one week later. When will Amu return from City F, and when will it start."

Tan Mu opened his mouth and endured his dissatisfaction.

  He wanted to say that going on a business trip by himself was equivalent to working for Wen Ran, but he thought that he had proposed it, and he swallowed it back.

Seeing that he had no'opinions', Mo Xiuchen curled his lips in satisfaction, took Wen Ran's hand and walked to Aston, opened the car door, watched her get in the car, and closed the car door for her, before turning around and looking. Looking at Tan Mu who was a few steps away, he walked around the front of the car and got into the car.

  After a while, Aston walked away from the dust and disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

   Tan Muqi's long figure stood on the steps, staring at the direction of Aston's departure. It was not until Li Qian's voice sounded behind him that he suddenly woke up, "Cousin, what did you say?"

  Li Qian frowned and looked at him carefully, "Amu, you are a little weird tonight."

   Tan Mu smiled faintly, and said calmly, “I’m not so strange, you are always suspicious, you come in, and I want to go back.”

  After speaking, he turned around and strode towards his car.

  (End of this chapter)

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