Chapter 242 Go join the fun

  If she knew this, Zhou Lin was afraid she would not cooperate.

  In her heart, she didn't want Wen Ran to be happier than her.

Wen Ran didn't ask any more, but said emotionally, "Yes, when I married Xiu Chen, I didn't know he would treat me so well. I just thought, even if I lost my life's happiness, I still have to Save the pharmaceutical factory that Dad has spent his entire life for."

   Zhou Lin's face changed, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she said nothing.

  Wen Ran knew that she couldn't tell herself those secrets all at once. It would be nice if she could tell one thing at a time.

  She is not in a hurry at this moment, just like Mo Xiuchen said, when she is desperate, she will naturally tell them what they want to know.

   "What are your plans in the future?"

  Wen Ran changed the subject, and she knew what Xiao Wenqing and Mo Zixuan did to her.

  Afterwards, Mo House couldn't go back. Her father Zhou Mingfu was dead again. She was alone and still pregnant with the child.

  "After I was discharged from the hospital two days later, I moved to live with my aunt. Before, I couldn't see people's hearts clearly, but now, I know who is really good to myself. Of course, thank you for visiting me regardless of the prejudice."

  Wen Ran smiled faintly, from beginning to end, it was calm as water, “It’s okay, it’s not your own happiness, you can’t ask for it, you can take care of your baby after you leave the hospital.”

  Zhou Lin stroked her belly with one hand. She had already been checked, and she was pregnant with a girl.

  It is precisely this that Xiao Wenqing betrayed her, and Mo Zixuan, whether she was pregnant with a boy or a girl, would not be able to accept it.

   "I know, I will give birth to the baby."

  Although Zhou Lin was not so good before, she really cared about her children. It may be that women's natural maternal love played a role.

  Even if the child’s father does not admit it, she will leave the child behind.

  Wen Ran handed her the peeled apple, put the fruit knife back in the fruit bowl, and said gently, "You have a good rest, you can call me if you have anything to do in the future."

  Zhou Lin nodded, eyes filled with moving tears, her father did so many things that hurt Wen Ran, and even killed her parents. She really didn't dare to think that she could treat her like this.


  As soon as Wen Ran walked to the Wenjin ward, Mo Zixuan called.

  She frowned slightly, gave up the action of opening the door, turned and walked two steps away before answering the call, her voice faintly overflowing her red lips, "Hey!"

   "Of course, have you been to see Zhou Lin?"

  Mo Zixuan's words caused Wen Ran to startle, she just came from Zhou Lin's ward, did Mo Zixuan know? However, his tone was not certain.

   Mind turned slightly, she answered truthfully, "I just left her ward, what's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, of course, no matter what nonsense Zhou Lin talks to you, don't believe her."

On the other side of the phone, Mo Zixuan's voice was worried and faintly annoying. Just now, as soon as Wen Ran left, he received a text message from Zhou Lin. She said that if he didn't see her, she would have known herself. Secret, tell Wen Ran all.

   Wen Ran's eyes flickered, and he said flatly, "Since she is talking nonsense, what are you doing so nervously?"

  On the phone, Mo Zixuan was silent for a moment, “Of course, you just have to believe me and don’t listen to whatever she says, that’s all.”


  In the evening, Mo Xiuchen picked up Wen Ran on the way home and told her that Cheng Jia had called Xiao Liu.

  Wen Ran was looking out the window. Hearing his words, she turned her head and looked at him curiously, "What did Cheng Jia say to Xiao Liu?"

  She remembered that Mo Xiuchen said that day that she would give her one night to think about it.

  She thought about this, as if she had considered it for nearly a week, and she thought it was a decision made after all kinds of struggles.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, and the big hand holding the steering wheel freed one to touch her head before happily saying, “She asked Xiao Liu to watch a movie at night.”

  Wen Ran widened his eyes in surprise, "Cheng Jiayue Xiao Liu watching a movie?"


  Mo Xiuchen nodded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth spread out a little bit. This result was in his expectation.

   "Did Xiao Liu agree?"

  Wen Ran's eyes were clear and bright, emitting a curious light. Seeing Mo Xiuchen's eyes, his heart became soft involuntarily.

   "I will let him go."

  Mo Xiuchen suddenly asked again, “Should we go to a movie too? What kind of movie do you like to watch.”


  His words are too jumpy.

  Wen Ran’s thoughts still stayed on Cheng Jia and Xiao Liu’s watching a movie, thinking about what it would be like to watch a movie together with the two of them, and did not react to Mo Xiuchen’s words for a while.

  Mo Xiuchen frowned lightly, and said, "Ah what, don't you want to watch a movie with me?"

  Wen Ran recovered and nodded quickly, "Yes, of course I do, but what kind of movie do I want to watch? I'm afraid I will fall asleep in the cinema."

  Mo Xiuchen gave a low laugh, then threatened, "If you dare to fall asleep in the cinema, I will kiss you to wake you up. We watch whatever movie you like."

  Wen Ran glanced at him, and the phrase "rogue" did not scold him.

  She felt sweet in her heart. She felt that she had been damaged by Mo Xiuchen. It was clear that his behavior was very bad, but in her subconscious, she liked his various ungentle behaviors to her.

  Mo Xiuchen saw that she had no objection, and added, “Cheng Jia and Xiao Liu were watching the scene at 7 o’clock in the evening. They are eating right now. Or, let’s join in the fun.”

   Wen Ran's mouth twitched, "Are you sure, Cheng Jia would like to see us?"

Mo Xiuchen smiled happily, "Just because she doesn't want to see us, we have to join in the fun. Before watching a movie, watch a scene to warm up. I have to see how true her sincerity is. ."

   "Well, then I can only sacrifice my life to be with me."

   Sticking out his tongue warmly and playfully, Mo Xiuchen sternly corrected, "Who gave up his life, use idioms indiscriminately. With me, no one dare to do anything to you."

  Aston just drove to the intersection. He turned the steering wheel and drove in the direction where Cheng Jia and Xiao Liu were dining. Ten minutes later, Aston stopped in an elegant western restaurant.

   "Cheng Jia still concealed his sentimentality, please invite Xiao Liu to eat western food?"

Wen Ran looked at the brightly lit western restaurant and sighed. Next to him, Mo Xiuchen stretched out his hand to unfasten her seat belt and said mockingly, "She is not emotional, she is showing me her sincerity, but I want to make Xiao Liu embarrassed."

  In Cheng Jia's view, Xiao Liu's parents are only servants of Mo Xiuchen's family.

  He is also a small driver who has not graduated from junior high school. Even if he sends Mo Xiuchen to these places, he is not qualified to enter.

  He eats in such a place, he will definitely be restrained, and if he is not careful, he will be embarrassed.

  (End of this chapter)

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