Chapter 235 No more rejection


In   Barbecue restaurant, Wen Ran ordered many skewers, some meat and vegetables.

When the skewers came up, Wen Ran first handed them to Mo Xiuchen. He took it with a smile. She picked up a skewers and said to him, "The skewers here are delicious." Struggle up.

  Mo Xiuchen held the skewers in his hand and looked at Wen Ran's unlady eating with a smile. Not only did he not find it ugly, but he felt that she was even more cute.

  She finished a few skewers, but the skewers in his hand have not moved.

   "Why don't you eat?"

   Wen Ran raised his head to look at him, then lowered his head to continue the next series.

   "Of course, don't worry, wipe your mouth first."

  Mo Xiuchen picked up the tissue and reached across the table to wipe her mouth. He suddenly felt that eating with her was more interesting than listening to the concert with her just now.

  Wen Ran obediently let him wipe his mouth, smiled brightly at him, and slowed down a little.

  For half an hour, Wen Ran ordered the meal for two, she ate it all by herself, and Mo Xiuchen only ate the string she gave him first.

  Wen Ran asked the boss to bake two more skewers just now, and pack them for Li Qian, Tan Mu and others.

  They arrived at the pharmaceutical factory at exactly eleven o’clock.

Qin Mu and Li Qian were still in the workshop and received a call from Wen Ran. She and Qin Mu rushed from the workshop to Wen Ran's office. As soon as they entered the office, they saw the coffee table in front of the sofa with colorful and fragrant skewers. Li Qian His eyes lit up, and he asked happily: "Ranran, did you bring this for us?"

  Under the bright light, Wen Ran smiled crookedly, "Yes, this is a snack I bought for Sister Li specially for you, and Tan Mu, who originally wanted to buy a few cans of beer..."

   "No need, barbecue is enough, no beer, is it Amu."

   Before Wen Ran could speak, Li Qian walked to the coffee table, bent over and picked up two skewers of barbecue, and handed one to Tan Mu.

  Tin Mu glanced and stood in front of the sofa, smiled brightly and warmly, said ‘thank you’, took the skewers handed by Li Qian, and ate in silence.

   "Amu, how long will it take to get off work?"

  Mo Xiuchen saw Tan Mu silently eating the skewers without talking, his brows were slightly frowned, and he asked gently.

   "Twelve o'clock!"

   Tan Mu looked up at him, then lowered his head, and continued to eat skewers. He was obviously dissatisfied with the friend who exploited him when he caught the opportunity.

  "There is one hour left, Tan Mu, if you have a supper, go back and rest first. I will stay here for the rest of the day."

   Wen Ran glanced at Mo Xiuchen, and smiled. She has already slept in the concert hall, and she is not sleepy at the moment, so she is not in a hurry to go home.

"No need to!"

After Tan Mu finished speaking, he looked up at Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen again, "Aren't you going to eat?"

   "Hey, we have eaten it just now, no, to be precise, I ate it, Xiuchen ate a bunch. I will pour you water."

  Wen Ran didn’t have the boss’s shelf at all. After speaking, she turned around and walked to the water dispenser, poured a glass of water for Li Qian and Tan Mu and returned to the sofa.

   "Thank you."

  Tin Mu thanked him, took the cup and drank it. Tonight, he has been in the workshop and drank very little water. At the moment, he is really thirsty.

   "I will pour you another glass."

  Wen Ran saw that he had finished drinking a glass of water, and reached for the glass.

   Tan Mu shrank his hand to the side, "No, I can pick it up by myself."

  "What's the matter, you help me work overtime, I will get you a glass of water, but I’m not tired, give me the glass."

  Wen Ran knows that Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng have different personalities. If Luo Haofeng is replaced, he is afraid that if she does not need to take the initiative to help him receive water, he will tell her like a master.

  She reached for the cup, but Tan Mu had to let it go.

Mo Xiuchen sat aside, quietly watching Wen Ran pouring water for Qin Mu and Li Qian. Although he was unwilling to wait for them, Qin Mu had to work overtime instead, and Li Qian had been doing his best to help. Obviously.

  He had no choice but to bear it!

  When they finished their supper, Mo Xiuchen was unwilling to clean up the mess with Wen Ran, and gave orders to Qin Mu and Li Qian, pulling Wen Ran overbearingly and left the pharmaceutical factory.

  All the way back, the speed was very fast.

  (End of this chapter)

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