Chapter 2304

   "Speaking of Hitomi, why is Hitomi not here today, did she go to work?"

Seeing Gu Kai and Bai whispering one by one, Wen Jin couldn't help asking curiously.

  Gu Kai shook his head, "Tongtong went to the Imperial Capital on a business trip."

   "Why didn't you listen to you?"

   "You didn't ask either."

  Gu Kai finished speaking, and took a look at Mo Ziyi’s marriage certificate, "Now the marriage certificate is getting better and better."

   "Uncle, if you don't like what you were before, you can divorce my aunt and get married again."

  Mo Ziyi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile on his face.

  His words caused Gu Kai to frown and stare, "Why don't you let your second uncle divorce and get married again."

   "The second uncle didn't say that his marriage certificate is not good-looking."

Speaking of it, although Wen Jin and Wen Ran are not brothers and sisters.

Since childhood, Mo Ziyi and Wen Jin have been getting along more than he and Gu Kai.

  Of course, his relationship with Gu Kai is also very good.

   But many times, he only made jokes about Gu Kai, and rarely did he make such jokes with Wen Jin.

After listening to some jokes, Mo Xiuchen said to Mo Ziyi, "Zi Yi, you call Xiaohui at noon."

   "Xiuchen, should I go to Yipinxuan?"

  Luo Haofeng took the question and asked, "I'm going to pick up Qingling in a while."

  If he goes to Yipinxuan, he will follow his daughter directly.

  Mo Xiuchen turned his eyes and asked Wen Ran with his eyes.

  Wen Ran smiled and said, “Don’t go to Yipinxuan, let’s go home. In the future, the children will get married and all get together at home.”

  Before, this group of people were always interested in Pinxuan Ju when they got married. Now they are old and prefer to gather at home.

  Speaking of this, Wen Ran's gaze swept across Tan Mu's arm, thinking of his injury, her gaze could not help but pause slightly on his arm.

   Tan Mu saw this and looked at Mo Xiuchen.

   Looking at the eyes of Mo Xiuchen, he knew in his heart that Wen Ran already knew about their injuries.

  Wen Ran’s voice sounded at this moment, “A Mu, is your injury serious? In a while, you and Xiu Chen will go to the hospital first, let my brother show you all before going home.”

   Tan Mu's eyes flashed, and he shook his head and said, "My injury is all right, Xiu Chen can go alone."

   "Dad, you are not a doctor, so I can tell if it's really all right by my uncle, so I can rest assured."

   Tan Mu didn't want to go, because someone could let him go.

When Tan Qingqing spoke, he had no choice but to agree.

When going back, Gu Kai took Mo Xiuchen and Tan Muguai to the hospital.

  Everyone else returned to Mo's house.

   Zhang Minghui received a call from Mo Ziyi and rushed to the Mo family.

   just came late.

  When he entered the door, Mo Ziyi and Qin Qingqing were sitting on the sofa with their fingers interlocking, listening to a few elders chatting.

   Speaking of the marriage of their juniors, as soon as Zhang Minghui came in, the topic turned to him.

  Jing Xiaocha smiled gently and said, “Xiaohui, I have arranged an appointment for you with a girl who is very good in every aspect. You will meet at 5:30 in the afternoon.”

  Zhang Minghui's heartbeat paused slightly.

  Looking away from the interlocking hands of Mo Ziyi and Qin Qingqing, she answered Jing Xiaocha respectfully, "Okay, aunt, I will be there on time."

  After he finished speaking, he took out a red envelope from his pocket and said to Mo Ziyi and Qin Qingqing, "Zi Yi, Qingqing, congratulations to you, I wish you all ages and happiness forever."

  Mo Ziyi took the red envelope he handed over, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Thank you Brother Xiaohui, then Qingqing and I will accept it."

  Qin Qingqing also smiled brightly and said, "Thank you, Brother Xiaohui, we also wish you an early date to find someone to accompany you throughout your life."

   "By the way, Zi Yi, haven't you found Mo Xin's girl yet?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Minghui, and then thought of Mo Xin’s design of Tan Qingqing that afternoon, and Zhang Minghui was tricked into drinking the medicine by his mother, Wang Huanhuan.

   asked with concern.

  After these words, Zhang Minghui's expression froze.

  Especially the happiness that can't be concealed between Tan Qingqing's eyebrows and eyes in front of him, while a touch of bitterness appeared in his heart.

   also felt that Bai Xiaoxiao had something to say, so she deliberately knocked on the side like this.

  Mo Ziyi's expression was calm and calm, and his happiness and joy were not affected by the name Mo Xin.

Just looking away from Zhang Minghui's slightly stiff expression, turned to Bai Xiaoxiao, and answered gently, "Godmother, my people have not found Mo Xin. She ran away that afternoon and did not return to City S. I don't know where I hid."

   "Then Qingqing should be more careful these days, Mo Xin's girl is not right, your parents are so kind to her, she actually avenged her revenge. Now she is hiding in the dark, maybe she will use some small tricks in some secret."

  At this time, Mo Xin, who was named, sneezed even though she was far away in the imperial capital.

  Although it is a big winter, it is not cold in the heated house.

  She frowned, rubbed her nose again, dropped a few raisins in her hand, and a servant knocked on the door.

  Invite her to go downstairs for lunch.

  Mo Xin responded, and after the servant had left, she took another photo in the mirror before slowly going downstairs.

  In front of the restaurant, the Shi family had already sat down.

  Shixi looked at the low-cut and loose woolen sweater on her body, and the short skirts that did not reach the knees, showing sex. White legs, her face immediately changed color.

  When she was sitting across from her, her face was even more ugly.

  Wei sometimes Dongping glanced at Mo Xin calmly and asked her to sit down politely.

  Mo Xin just about to sit down, she gave her a fierce look and said coldly, "Mo Xin, go back and change your clothes before you come down. Our home is not the kind of place you used to live in."

   "Did Miss Shi work in Fengyue place before?"

Mrs.    asked mockingly.

  Mo Xin, this little bitch, she must be trying to seduce her husband, so she dressed herself up like a **** in a springtime.

By the way, Shi Dongping is not an ascetic man.

Mrs. Shi has always wondered whether Shi Dongping is raising a lover outside.

  Or have other children.

  It's just that she has no evidence.

  Mo Xin snorted coldly in her heart, but smiled generously on her face.

  After all, she has lived in the Mo family for 20 years, not a village girl who has never seen the world.

   Faced with the ridicule and contempt of Madam Shi and Shi Xi, she replied in a humble manner, "I don't know what the Fengyue place is like when Madam Shi is talking, but Miss Shi is a star, and she definitely understands."

   "Well, sit down and eat quickly."

  Shi Dongping said with a deep face.

  He is not interested in women now.

  As for Mo Xin, it was still useful to him, he didn't want her to be driven out by his wife and daughter.

  At that time, his wife scolded Mo Xin a little **** in her heart.

   only picked up the chopsticks, and after giving Shi Dongping and Shixi each two chopsticks dishes, they ignored Mo Xin and started to eat elegantly.

  Shi Dongping feeds a bite of the dish into his mouth, quietly observing Mo Xin's behavior on the table, and pulling the corners of his lips with satisfaction.

  (End of this chapter)

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