Chapter 2302


  Tang Jinchen put the phone back in his pocket, "Okay, I won't call Qingqing anymore, you help me say a blessing to them."

  He looked at Gu Zhitong with a smile.

  Since on the way to pick up Gu Zhitong that day, he strongly confessed to her.

  Tang Jinchen entered the role of Gu Zhitong’s boyfriend, regardless of whether Gu Zhitong did not accept his confession.

  Gu Zhitong looked at Tang Jinchen with the look of a monster, "This is our family."

   "I will be one of them sooner or later."

  Tang Jinchen's face is too thick.

  Gu Zhitong laughed angrily at him, "Wait until you become one of them."

  She said that she was going to put her phone away.

  But I didn’t want to. Before putting the phone in his pocket, someone reached out and grabbed it.

  Gu Zhitong's face changed and wanted to avoid it.

   I forgot the small table behind me.

  She touched the table and chair with her foot. She lost stability and leaned back on the table. Tang Jinchen stretched out and grabbed her mobile phone.

  Hold her waist directly at the critical moment, and at the same time, the vigorous body took a half step forward, supporting her head with the other hand, and protecting her head in this way.

   Lean forward with the upper body.

   Protected her in an extremely delicate posture.

  The air deteriorated in an instant.

  Ambiguous factors quickly filled the room.

   Gu Zhitong was inexplicably missed a beat by the strong masculine aura that poured in between her nose.

  The original white face was also dyed with a thin layer of pink in this ambiguity. In the eyes of Tang Jinchen, who liked her, it was simply the ultimate seduction.

  His breath choked slightly.

   condensed her eyes deeper, I don't know if he forgot to help her up, or didn't plan to help her up.

   just stared at her scorchingly.

  Gu Zhitong subconsciously held her breath, her heartbeat made her brain react a little slow.

   also looked at the masculine and handsome face of the man in front of him, and said a little anxiously, "Let me get up."

   "Have you ever kissed?"


  Gu Zhitong's face grew hotter.

  What kind of person is this.

  He actually asked her such an impolite question.

   "Hitomi Hitomi, tell me."

  Tang Jinchen's voice was slightly muffled.

  I was a bit sluggish than the sentence just now.

  The gaze that he stared at her moved downward, and his gaze fell on her pink lips.

  I want to kiss Fangze very much.

   "How about you?"

  Gu Zhitong was a little angry when he asked.

  She suppressed the mood disturbed by his breath, raised her eyebrows, and asked back.

  It seemed that she didn't expect that she would ask that way.

  Tang Jinchen's eyes flashed a little stun, then he curled his lips and smiled, "No, the woman I like hasn't accepted my confession."

   "Who is a woman?"

  Gu Zhitong frowned, her face unhappy.

  As everyone knows, she looked like Tang Jinchen's eyes, and she became more and more distressed. The domineering military character made him act directly at this moment, bowing her head and kissing her...


  The unfamiliar temperature swept through reason, Gu Zhitong's brain banged, and his consciousness became blank.

   Her eyes widened suddenly and stared at the magnified facial features of the man who was close at hand.

  He actually bullied himself.

  This thought aroused a sense of clarity, Gu Zhitong's instinctive struggle, who had recovered.

  Tang Jinchen quickly let go of her.

  It's just that his expression is a little dazed.

  The first time he did this kind of thing, he couldn't describe the shock that this feeling brought him.

  It seems to be an electric shock, with a little flutter and more, it is beautiful.

   "Hitomi Hitomi, be my girlfriend, I am responsible to you."

   "It's just a kiss, I don't need you to be responsible."

   Gu Zhitong refused without even thinking about it, and Tang Jinchen's expression changed.

  Fucked her pretty brows, and looked at her with a deep gaze, "Isn't this a big deal to you?"


  Gu Zhitong was bullied by someone again.

  This time, Tang Jinchen didn't just touch it to stop like just now.

  I don’t know how long it took before he let go of her, his eyes were hot and dark.

  'S voice was low and dumb, and it was charming, "Hitomi, be my girlfriend."

   "What if I don't?"

  Gu Zhitong looked at him angrily.

  "Then I will say once a day that I like you and be my girlfriend until you are willing."

  Tang Jinchen didn't get the slightest blow. Not only was he always confident, but he was also simple and decisive.

  His voice fell, and there was a knock on the door.

  Tang Jinchen frowned and pulled Gu Zhitong from the table.

  Gu Zhitong pushed him away and glared at him again. Take a deep breath to calm your breath.

  Tang Jinchen glanced at her twice and walked over to open the door.

   Standing outside the door was a man wearing a white coat, with a handsome eyebrow and a refined temperament.

  Seeing that the person who opened the door was Tang Jinchen, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

   also recovered his calm in an instant, calmly said, "Does Gu Zhitong live here?"

   "Are you looking for Hitomi?"

  In the room, Gu Zhitong is facing Tang Jinchen with her hand wiping her mouth.

  When the sound came from outside the door, her wiping motion was stagnant, and her body became stiff.

  There was a somewhat familiar male voice in the unfamiliar. After many years, she still heard it.

When    turned his head to look around, Tang Jinchen just turned to one side and turned to look at her.

  The man outside the door also happened to look over.

  She and her eyes just hit him like that.

  He saw her hand still on his mouth, although the light inside the room was not as bright as outside.

  But Tang Zhixian still saw her crimson cheeks.

  A dark color flashed across his eyes, and he stared at her fixedly.

  Not seen in a few years, she is more beautiful, more mature and more exciting than before.

   Feeling that their atmosphere is not right, Tang Jinchen turned his head to look at Tang Zhixian, interrupted the weird atmosphere between them and walked to Gu Zhitong, "Tongtong, do you know?"

  Gu Zhitong looked away from Tang Zhixian.

  Before he spoke, she replied indifferently, "I knew each other before."

   Tang Zhixian's face paled slightly in her answer.

  The emotion under his eyes could not be concealed on that Zhang Jun’s face. He pursed his lips, pressed down the pain somewhere in his heart, and looked at Gu Zhitong gently, “Hitomi, I’m back.”

   Gu Zhitong’s lips raised an indifferent arc, as if she didn’t care about his emotions at all, she said indifferently, "It has nothing to do with me, if you have nothing else..."

   "I have, I have something to tell you."

   Tang Zhixian interrupted her a little eagerly.

  Tang Jinchen heard that now, even though he has never been in a relationship, he can still feel the difference between the two of them from the dialogue and atmosphere.

   He twisted his eyebrows, and interrupted them again and said, "Hitomi, the time is up, let's go."


  Gu Zhitong promised Tang Jinchen very face-to-face, walked to the door with him, and said to Tang Zhixian, who was standing there like a wooden stake, “I’m not free now. I’ll talk about it when I have time.”

  (End of this chapter)

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