Chapter 2299 Is there really...

  Mo Xiuchen disapproved, "It depends on the card skills to win or lose, not what they can win if they want to win."

"You are not afraid?"

   Tan Mu smiled and looked at the kitchen.

The implication of    cannot be more obvious.

  Mo Xiuchen curled his lips, and was about to say something when he saw Wen Ran and Jing Xiaocha at the kitchen door carrying a fruit plate.

  When he reached his mouth, he swallowed it back, turned around a few steps and walked over to pick up the fruit plate in Wen Ran's hand, "Of course, I will come."

"No need to."

  Wen Ran smiled and shook his head.

  A moment later, Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Yiyi also brought out a plate of fruits one by one.

  Wen Ran added some nuts and snacks.

  A few big men play mahjong.

  They sat aside and looked at the cards.

  The table didn't close until ten o'clock in the evening. In the end, Gu Kai won by himself, Mo Xiuchen neither lost nor won, Wen Jin and Luo Haofeng both lost.

   Tan Mu first got up, "Go home."

  After dinner, his parents and father-in-law had already walked back to Tan's house. Qingqing and Mo Ziyi went out after dinner.

   Tan Mu walked home, instead of entering the living room, he drove a car from the garage to the cemetery.

  The cemetery in the middle of the night is already quiet, but it is cold in winter, and there is no one.

   Tan Mu closed his coat, came to the tombstone, turned on the flashlight on the phone, and An Lin’s quiet and gentle smile appeared on the illuminated tombstone.

  In this quiet night, it gives people a feeling that she has not left, but is in front of him, smiling at him.

Tan Mu condensed on the woman on the tombstone, and a touch of warmth floated in Ji Liao's eyes.

  The corners of his mouth slowly curled up with a warm smile. After a long while, he raised his hand to caress the cold tombstone.

  The cold touch penetrated the skin straight into the heart, and the smile at the corner of his mouth could not help but seep into a touch of pain.

  The whole person went cold all at once.

   "Lin, are you okay over there?"

  The wind blowing in his ears blows away the words he has spoken, but it can't blow away the sadness between his eyebrows, or the longing for the beloved in his eyes.

   "Time flies so fast, you have been away for more than four years in a blink of an eye."

  He said fast, but in fact, every minute and every second of the past four years has been as long as a century.

  Since An Lin left, he hasn't had one night, night and day. At first, he always suffered from insomnia all night.

  Gu Kai prescribed Chinese medicine for him, but it was useless if he took it.

  Heart disease, only heart medicine can heal it.

  The people around him looked at him sad and distressed, losing weight, but they couldn’t help him.

  One year later, he slowly accepted the fact of losing her. It took another three years, and now he finally adapts to living alone in this world.

"do you know?"

  He stared at the woman on the tombstone with longing eyes. She smiled so softly and tenderly, he wanted to be with her.

   "I have always wanted to accompany you, but I couldn't let go of Qingqing before. If I leave, her knot will be unresolved for the rest of my life."

"But, I don't worry about you being there alone... Qingqing and Zi Yi should have visited you together, she and Zi Yi are finally reconciled as before. Zi Yi is still our son-in-law, it was you. The son-in-law who was grabbed more than 20 years ago."

  He still remembers that An Lin liked Zi Yi and robbed him of the appearance when she was a son-in-law.

  I was afraid that it was too late, Zi Yi was snatched away by other girls.

"Giving Qingqing to Zi Yi is our peace of mind. Just three days ago, Xiu Chen and I had already avenged you and got rid of the sniper who killed you. The black hand behind the scene has not yet been punished...Wait until I finish revenge for you."

  His eyes gradually became moist.

  He wanted to say, "When I finish revenge for you, I will go to you."

  But, I can’t say this.

  He knew clearly in his heart.

  Even after taking revenge for An Lin, he cannot go to her.

  She is gone, but he must live alone.

   is not afraid of death, but not being able to die.

  They still have parents, and he has to do his filial piety to their parents. If she does not care to accompany her, she will definitely blame him.

  In my heart, a thick layer of sorrow suddenly surged.

   Tan Mu’s lonely figure slowly squatted down in front of the tombstone, and the voice he uttered was so low that it was almost inaudible, “Lin, if you miss me, come and find me in your dreams. One day I will accompany you.”

  After he finished speaking, he calmed down his emotions, then sat down against the tombstone, quietly accompanied her and stopped talking.

  I don’t know how long it took, the phone rang.

Tan Mucai turned sideways and took out his mobile phone.

  When he saw the caller ID, his eyes flashed and he pressed the answer button, "Hey, Jin."

   "How long will you stay with An Lin?"

  In the middle of the night, Wen Jin’s voice came gently.

   Tan Mu was slightly startled, turned his head, and looked in the direction of the entrance of the cemetery.

   "A Jin, are you also in the cemetery?"

   "Well, I'm waiting for you in the car. If you don't come out again, I will go in and look for you."

After a few minutes.

   Tan Mu got into Wen Jin’s car.

  The heating car was isolated from the cold of winter and quickly expelled the cold from him.

In the main driver's seat, Wen Jin leaned sideways and looked at Tan Mu with a slightly frowned eyebrow. "You have an arm injury and don't go home to rest. You ran to the cemetery to stay until midnight. If Qingqing knew about it, she would be sad again. Up."

"How did you know?"

   "I saw you driving in this direction. Just as Xiuchen called me again, I came to you."

   Listening to Wen Jin's words, Qin Mu's heart still occupied by sorrow filled with warmth.

   He lowered his eyes, his gaze fell on the dashboard in front of him, "I have been walking for a few days, I will see An Lin."

  Wen Jin's eyes changed slightly, and he did not speak.

  He didn’t know what to say.

  It has been four years, and Tan Mu has not come out of the sadness of losing An Lin.

  He felt pale and weak in everything he said.

  He arrived behind him, but Tan Mu didn't find him, so he didn't bother him, but kept sitting quietly in the car.

   waiting for him.

   "How long have you been here?"

   Raising his eyes to look at Wen Jin, Qin Mu asked with a smile.

Wen Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "You have been here as long as you are here. If I don't call you, do you plan to stay here overnight?"

   "How come, it is winter, not summer."

  Wen Jin snorted coldly, "You also know that it's winter, so I ran to the cemetery with so little clothes."

   "A Jin, do you think there is everything in this world?"

   "What do you mean, I didn't understand?" Wen Jin looked at Tan Mu with a puzzled look. He said inexplicably, he really didn't understand.

   Tan Mu smiled and smiled.

   Ask another way, “Do you think there are really psychics in this world, do people really have souls when they die, and can they really meet living people?”

  Wen Jin’s eyes flashed with a stunned, "A Mu, don’t you think you can see An Lin?"

   Tan Mu had such an expression, "If there are psychics in this world, then I want to try."

  "Aren’t those deceptive?"

"Maybe it's true. Please help me pay attention. If you know someone who has that aspect, tell me." After Tan Mu finished speaking, he reached out and patted his shoulder, then dropped another sentence, "Go home." Then he pulled away. The door got out of the car.

  (End of this chapter)

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