Chapter 2296 Injured

  Qin Qingqing raised her eyes in surprise and looked at Mo Ziyi beside her.

  The latter is thoughtful.

  She smiled faintly, "Then I hope you get what you want as soon as possible."

  "Qingqing, thank you for telling me this, Shi Xi that little **** is thinking about my brother A Zhan, but also trying to seduce Mo Ziyi. You have to be careful and don't let her succeed."

  Shizhen may not want to help Tan Qingqing.

  But it is true that she wants to work with Tan Qingqing to deal with Shi Xi.

Not only that.

  She also wants to have a good relationship with Tan Qingqing in order to please Ye Zhan.

Although both Mr. Tan and Mr. An have retired, Ye Zhan has a good relationship with both of them.

   Ye Zhan and Tan Qingqing also seem to have a good relationship.

  In the past few days, Shizhen has also seen Ye Zhan and Tan Mu talking together.

  She felt that if she had a good relationship with Tan Qingqing, she would at least have more chances to see Ye Zhan.

"She won't have the slightest chance here with Brother Zi Yi. Just this morning, Hao Chen has already terminated her contract. She may devote all her attention to Ye Zhan. However, as long as she can't get rid of it, she I won’t have a chance to compete with you."

   "I won't give her a chance."

  Shizhen now believes in every word of Qin Qingqing's words.

  At Father Ye's birthday banquet that night, she heard her second uncle Shi Dongping's words to Ye father.

  If she had the slightest hesitation, it was her father’s previous warning.

   "Listening to Shizhen's tone, she knows a lot about Shishi."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Qingqing said to Mo Ziyi.

   Mo Ziyi contemplated his eyebrows, “Ye Zhan has found too little information so far, although it is confirmed that Shi Xi was pregnant and had a baby, and there is a side view of the man. However, the identity of the other party is not clear.”

   "Brother Zi Yi, do you think that man is too important to Shi's family, so Shi Zhen clearly knows Shi's thing, but never thought about breaking the news."

  Speaking of this, she pursed her lips and said, "Brother Ziyi, I want to go to the imperial capital."

"do what?"

   "Look for Shizhen, I want to see her and make sure of some things."

   "No, for the time being, as long as she can let Shi Xi's Haibai's previous efforts to abandon it."


   "Come slowly, Shizhen doesn't believe you, Qingqing, we can't be too anxious, otherwise once Shizhen reacts, maybe he won't deal with Shizhen again."


Tan Qingqing nodded.

  She is too vengeful.

Although Shizhen hates Shizhen, she is not a fool and will not let her take advantage.


  Two days later, Shi Xi’s scandal hit the headlines again.

  This time it was all about her previous whitewashing, from newspapers and magazines to online platforms, not only about Shi Xi’s revelations, but also Shi Dongping was also involved.

   said that the old man and Shi Dongping had an ulterior secret, so he would let the other party engage his daughter without pursuing it.

  Of course, the identity of the other party is mysterious.

   did not show the front, just the back.

  Timely hit photos, surgical drapes, etc. that can prove that she had a baby.

  In the villa, Shi Xi looked at the newspaper with a pale face. The phone was smashed on the ground by her, and the call was interrupted.

  Who framed her like this?

  A bit of resentment flashed in her eyes. After thinking of something, she got up and picked up the phone again, and dialed Shi Dongping’s call.

   "Dad, I know that Shizhen must have done this. Only she knows so clearly. The doctor who performed the operation on me was her aunt..."


  Shi Dongping’s voice was filled with surprise and doubt.

   "Yes, no one else has targeted me like this except for her. She must be afraid that I will rob Ye Zhan with her, Dad, what should I do now?"

  "You come back to the imperial capital first. I ask Shizhen if this matter has anything to do with her. If she did it, I can't spare her."


  Qin Mu and Mo Xiuchen walked out of the VIP channel, Qin Qingqing greeted them with excitement, and happily took Qin Mu’s arm, "Dad... are you injured?"

  Speaking of later, the smile on Qin Qingqing’s face was replaced by worry.

   Just now, when she took Tan Mu's arm, he snorted, and the place she touched was exactly where she was injured.

  When she saw her looking down, he would check his arm. Tan Mu smiled and stopped, "Qingqing, a little injury, it's not a problem. There are many people here in the airport. Even if you want to see it, wait until you go home."

   "Then let's go home first."

  Qin Qingqing lowered her eyes to hide the sadness and distress in her eyes, and let go of Qin Mu's arm.

Next to him, Mo Ziyi looked at Tan Mu with concerned eyes, "Dad, how did you get hurt?"

   "Zi Yi, what are you calling me?"

   Tan Mu was taken aback.

   Lifted his eyes and looked at Mo Ziyi.

Mo Ziyi smiled at the corner of his mouth, and took a step forward to pull Qingqing into his arms, "Dad, although Qingqing and I have not received the certificate, in my heart, since she lived in my house 21 years ago, it is me. It’s my wife, this dad should have called it a long time ago."

   "Amu, Zi Yi has turned Qingqing for so many years. It is really too late to call you Dad now. Don't be embarrassed. If he calls you, you don't need to change your slogan."

  Mo Xiuchen's gaze paused on Mo Ziyi and Tan Qingqing for a second, then turned his head and smiled to Tan Mu.

  Where is Tan Mu sorry.

  He is so happy.

  "The change fee is still to be paid, but not now. I will pay after you and Qingqing get the certificate."

   "Uncle Tan, how many digits do you plan to give?"

  Mo Ziyi talked ridiculously, but Tan Qingqing stared at him.

   Tan Mu laughed, "It depends on how well you treat my house."

  "Dad, Qingqing is more important than my own life in my heart. Of course, no one can match my kindness to her."

   "Better than I am to Qingqing?"

   "Dad, that's a must."

   "Well, in this case, then I'll give you a big red envelope." Tan Mu smiled and finished, and walked away.

  Qin Qingqing gave Mo Ziyi a glance, stepped forward and took Qin Mu's other arm, and asked him with concern how he was injured.

Behind   , Mo Ziyi turned his head and looked at Qin Mu and Qin Qingqing. His long and narrow eyes looked at his father Mo Xiuchen from top to bottom, and asked concerned, "Dad, are you injured too?"

  "Don't tell you. Mom."

  Mo Xiuchen frowned, his voice a little deep.

   Mo Ziyi heard this, his handsome eyebrows looked serious, "Where are you injured?"

   "Right arm."

   "When were you injured?"

"The night three days ago, we ran into that sniper... Although both of us were injured, the sniper died. Although he was instigated by someone, he was the one who killed An Lin. Even the murderer, we can be regarded as revenge for An Lin."

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Qin Mu and Qin Qingqing who were walking away, and motioned to Mo Ziyi as they walked.

  "Fortunately, you are just injured. Dad, you and Uncle Tan should stop going to the Imperial Capital. Although the sniper is dead, not all the clues are broken, and the rest is left to me."

  (End of this chapter)

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