Chapter 2292

   "Brother Zi Yi!"

   Tan Qingqing choked and called the man in front of him softly.

  The whole atrium is filled with an unspeakable emotion.

  She couldn't tell whether it was touching, sweet, or too difficult.

  The only thing she knows is that she is shaken.

  She thought that after he threw down his decisive words and turned around that day, he would never love her again and wanted her.

  And because she killed her mother, and because she "lost" him, she was sad all day long, and finally had to see a psychiatrist.

  Unexpectedly, he knows everything.

  No wonder, sometimes she feels that he is right by her side, but she can't find it and can't see it, so that she thinks it is an illusion caused by her longing.

"I'm here."

  The man’s deep voice rang firmly and softly in his ears.

  With a familiar masculine atmosphere.

Tan Qingqing promised word by word, "Unless I die, I will never leave you again."

   "I won't let you go if you die."

The days of separation were too tormenting. Not only did he miss her and miss her, he also had to worry about whether she would take care of herself, would be bullied, would it be hot and cold, would he be lost and could not find the way home ...

  Too much worry, sometimes he feels depressed too.

   "Are you going to die with me?"

   Her eyes were filled with tears, but her face raised a smile, looking at him admiringly.

   "Of course, what's the point of living alone when you are dead."

  He stared affectionately at her tearful eyes, touched her white face with long fingers, and then gently wiped away her tears with his rough fingertips.

   "I've grown up, and I still cry so much."

   "I didn't cry, I was so touched. If you want to die with me, you will have to live more than two years longer than me. You must not die earlier than me."

   There was a dozing smile in his eyes, "How come the topic has changed suddenly. I am two years older than you, and of course I will live two more years."

   "What if you die first?"

  Qin Qingqing struggled with this issue.

  Mo Ziyi smiled low, and Yun said lightly, “I will kill you before I die, and I won’t leave you alone in the world of grief and sadness.”


  She was startled first, and then burst into a bright smile,

  "Brother Ziyi, where's your ring?"

  She was nestled in his arms, the lush white jade fingers grabbed his slender and white fingers, and asked with her scarlet face up.

   "In the drawer."

  Mo Ziyi turned sideways and took out a delicate box from the drawer.

"give me."

   Tan Qingqing grabbed the past and opened it, taking out his ring from inside.

   originally thought that this ring would not have a voice.

  But when she touched the ring with her finger, her voice rang sweetly in the bedroom, "Brother Ziyi."

   "Brother Ziyi, why just this sentence."

   is different from hers.

  Mo Ziyi stretched out his hand towards her with a small smile, "I want to hear you with my own ears."

  His words fell, his long fingers flicked the ring on her finger, and the sound of "Qing Qing I love you" rang again.

  Qin Qingqing chuckled, "Although this is not fair, I promised your unequal treaty."

  , "Brother Ziyi, I love you, I love you very much."

   "Put it on for me."


  She put the ring on his finger.

  Mo Ziyi smiled with satisfaction, grabbed her hands and clasped her fingers, then took a photo.

   "Brother Zi Yi, why are you posting in the group."

  Qin Qingqing picked up the phone and clicked on the WeChat group. The originally quiet group boiled because of someone spreading dog food.

   "Zi Yi, what do you mean by spreading dog food in the middle of the night?"

   "Zi Yi, have you considered the feelings of us single aristocrats?"

  Tomi Hitomi and Mo Mo protested in seconds.

  Bai Qingling made an envious expression, "Brother Zi Yi, I want such a beautiful ring too."

   "I will tell Uncle Bai that you dislike him and want to marry."

  Mo Ziyi's answer caused all living beings to laugh.

  Ziyang in the imperial capital and Zi Nan from abroad sent congratulatory messages.

  "The people of the imperial capital sent a congratulatory message, wishing you an early son."

  "The people of country D sent a congratulatory message, I wish you all will grow back soon."


  The next morning.

On the way to the company, Qin Qingqing asked Mo Ziyi, "Brother Ziyi, what photos did you delete?"

  "A picture of a beggar, you don't need to pay attention to them."

  He is so handsome, Qingqing can just look at him.

  Other men will only affect Qingqing’s mood, she doesn’t need to look

  Qin Qingqing smiled carelessly, "Then I won't reply to their information."

   "This is good."

  Mo Ziyi reached out and touched her head.

Qin Qingqing smiled and avoided, "You drive well... Brother Zi Yi, both online and in the newspapers have clarified for Shixi, saying that she had previously bullied other actors and became pregnant. It was a fake. Someone deliberately hacked her. At this time, you Will you terminate the contract with her?"

  Mo Ziyi's petting eyes were replaced by a little bit of indifference, "Don't worry, it really can't be fake."

  [Everyone ignores the two words that are over, it’s not over yet, it’s not over, it’s not over. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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