Chapter 2283 There is no after

  Qin Qingqing's eyes flashed with surprise.

   Lifted his eyes to look at Mo Ziyi beside him, he also just looked right.

Reading the emotions in her eyes, Mo Ziyi didn't wait for Wen Ran to speak, then said coldly, "Did you complain that you were away from home for so many years, and your parents didn't come back to you, complaining that your parents are not as good to me and Mo? How is Mo? Where do you start with this kind of nurturing?"

  Mo Xin's cry stopped abruptly in his questioning.

  The raised eyes looked at Wen Ran in a flustered manner.

   Panicked and choked explanation, "Mom, I didn't mean that."

   Wen Ran frowned.

   A trace of anger fell into Mo Xin's panic and scared eyes, she said quietly, "Get up."


  Mo Xin shouted again.

  The flustered in his tone could not be concealed.

   "I say it again, get up!"

  'S warm voice suddenly rose a few pitches.

  Mo Xin looked pale and let go of her legs, sobbed and stood up, lowered her head, standing stiffly in front of her.

  She was scared in her heart.

Although Wen Ran rarely gets angry.

  But it's not that it hasn't been too angry.

  When they were young, Wen Ran would get angry when they got into trouble.

  Mo Xin has also seen Wen Ran get angry, she started to get angry, just as terrible as Mo Xiuchen.

  Even, it was even more terrifying than Mo Xiuchen's anger. Whether it was she, Mo Mo and Zi Yi, they were afraid of getting angry warmly.

  It is possible that Wen Ran will intercede for them when he gets angry because of Mo Xiuchen.

   But Wen Ran got angry, Mo Xiuchen would only deal with them even more angrily.

   "Zi Yi, Qingqing, you go to the living room to accompany your grandparents and grandparents."

  Wen Ran saw Mo Xin weeping, but did not dare to cry again, and instead gave orders to Mo Ziyi.

   "Mom, I have asked Brother Xiaohui to arrange a hotel for her, and you will call me when you finish talking."

The implication of    is not to let Mo Xin stay.

  Mo Xin squeezed her hands on her side.

   was annoyed at Mo Ziyi's words in his heart, but did not dare to show it on his face.

  Wen Ran looked at her and asked coldly, "If Zi Yi doesn't let Zhang Minghui pick you up, are you not going to come back in your entire life?"

   "Mom, I always want to come back, but I dare not."

  Mo Xin looked at Wen Ran with tears in her eyes.

   "Since I'm back, let's explain everything clearly at once."

  Wen Ran pulled the chair aside and sat down, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Mo Xiuchen's number.

  Not only did she not make a phone call with Mo Xin behind her back, she also deliberately let her see that she was calling Mo Xiuchen.

   Seeing the change in Mo Xin's expression in her eyes, Wen Ran's eyes became cold again.

  I was extremely disappointed.

   Even if she is kind, she is no longer the innocent girl more than twenty years ago.

  From the changes in Mo Xin's expression and Zi Yi's words just now, he can judge a part of Mo Xin's mind.

  In the past four years, although they did not go to Mo Xin, it was not that they did not know her situation.

  Mo Xin, who has left the Mo family, does not have the aura of a wealthy daughter. Although she has excellent grades, it is not all smooth sailing.

  Especially, her parents now rely on her to support her.

  From her dressing taste, she knows that she is living like ordinary girls now.

   "Of course, I'm about to call you, and your call is here." The phone rang a few times, and Mo Xiuchen's voice came pleasantly.

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xin's gaze and retracted, after she glanced at the phone screen, a small smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, "Really?"

   "Of course yes, of course, don't you believe me? Did that kid Zi Yi talk nonsense?"

   "Zi Yi said nothing."

  "Then you miss me, so call me?" He is a man in his fifties, and he still teases his wife in minutes.

   "I miss you, will you appear in front of me immediately?" Wen Ran asked funnyly.

   Hearing Mo Xiuchen shouting "Ran Ran" on the other side of the phone, she interrupted him and said with a constricted expression, "Xinxin is back, I want you to listen to her explanation."

  On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a few seconds.

  Mo Xin's breath was held for a few seconds.

   Although she couldn't hear what Mo Xiuchen said.

   may hear his voice.

   "Ranran, okay, let me listen to her explanation." Mo Xiuchen's voice constricted a smile, and it came out solemnly.

  Mo Xin's heart is choked again.

   took a deep breath, and said in a low voice, "I was a moment of confusion back then. Ever since I knew my life, I felt that you were better to Qingqing than to me..."

  She said that she was not really interested in Zi Yi.

  But wanted to separate Qingqing and Ziyi, purely because she was jealous of their kindness to Qingqing.

   "Just because of jealousy and selfishness, you used that kind of abuse to treat your brother and Qingqing who grew up together?"

  Quickly questioned, because of anger, his voice faintly trembled.

  Mo Xin shed tears again.


  Except for this, there is no other explanation.

   "Of course, turn the phone on."

  Mo Xiuchen's voice came deep.

  Wen Ran responded and turned on the phone.

Mo Xiuchen's voice came from the phone, "Mo Xin, you have not been a child of the Mo family since four years ago. Don't cry in front of Ranran, and don't affect her mood. If you have anything you want, follow along. Zi Yi and Qing Qing explain."

   "Dad, I was wrong!"

  Mo Xin burst into tears.

  Even though she was afraid of Wen Ran, the person who feared most in the end was Mo Xiuchen.

  He said so, just don’t want her again.

  The moment she stepped into the villa, she really felt what Zhang Minghui said, if she came back to the Mo family, she would definitely have a better life than the previous four years, which is absolutely true.

  She wants to come back.

She panicked and said, "Dad, will you and mom give me another chance? I know I was wrong. I have been confessing for the past four years. I am sorry for your kindness in nurturing. I will never run away from home in the future. never……"

   "No later, your name has been erased from the Mo family account book, and you have nothing to do with us except for returning your surname to Mo."

   "Dad...Mom, do you really want me?"

  Mo Xin once again knelt in front of Wen Ran.

   begged her crying.

  She believed in her own thoughts more firmly in her heart, and they didn't love her at all.

  Because she was not born with her, so they threw it whenever they wanted.

  But she was not reconciled.

  Wen Ran curled his eyebrows and was about to speak, but he heard Wen Jin's voice a few meters away in angrily, "Mo Xin, what are you doing?"

   "Of course, since A Jin has come out, let him take care of it. Don't affect your mood."

  Mo Xiuchen said to Wen Ran with concern.

  Maybe Mo Xin felt that he was ruthless and that they didn't treat her as their own child, but Wen Ran knew that Mo Xiuchen had given Mo Xin countless opportunities for four years.

   It was she herself who abandoned them and the Mo family, not that they abandoned her.

   "Ran Ran, it's cold outside, you go to the house first." Wen Jin glanced over the phone in Wen Ran's hand and said softly.

  (End of this chapter)

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