Flash Marriage Passionate Love: Young Master Mo Is A Wife-pampering Addict

Chapter 2277: Maybe An Lin didn’t even know their

   Chapter 2277 Maybe, An Lin doesn’t know their secret at all

   Tan Mu felt a fine warmth in his heart.

  The pain of losing his wife was slightly diluted by brotherhood.

  He looked at Mo Xiuchen on the opposite sofa, his eyes were serious, and the expression between his eyebrows was serious.

   Sitting upright gives people an inexplicable sense of security and warmth.

  They have known each other for decades, but Tan Mu still clearly remembers the scene when they first met a few decades ago.

  In the blink of an eye, he has been a brother for decades.

   "Xiuchen, thank you."

   After a long silence, Qin Mu spit out a word softly.

   "It's too early to say thank you." Mo Xiuchen frowned, not accustomed to Tan Mu being so polite.

  No need to say thank you between them.

Although    is not a real brother, it is always better than a real brother.

   Tan Mu smiled and smiled, and there was a little warmth in his voice, "Okay, then I will take this thank you back first."

   "Wait for revenge on An Lin, you can consider what An Lin told you at the beginning." Mo Xiuchen did not smile, but made serious suggestions.

  He heard these words in Tan Mu's ears, but his expression changed.

  An Lin told him that she wanted him to find another company.

  Bitterness seeped into the smile at the corner of his mouth.

  "Don't say this again in the future."

   "I'm just talking casually, don't force you." Mo Xiuchen sighed in his heart.

  Although he hoped that Tan Mu could find another company.

   But in fact, I know that Tan Mu can't find another woman.

  It’s just that people around them feel sorry for him because he is too lonely and want him to find someone to accompany him.

  There were footsteps and voices outside, and Tan Mu stood up and said, "My parents are back."

  Mo Xiuchen also stood up immediately.

   At the entrance, Grandma Tan and Grandma An walked in front, Grandpa Tan and Grandpa An walked in two steps behind.

  Mo Xiuchen greeted the four old people, and chatted for a while, Tan Mu asked the guards to come in and carry the luggage.

   Qingfeng also followed in.

  Mo Xiuchen gave him a few more words.

  I heard that he and Tan Mu were not going back, and asked the four of them to go to G City first. Grandpa Tan frowned unhappy, "A Mu, why did you suddenly change your mind again? If you don’t go back, what are we going to do?"

"Dad, of course you are going to accompany Qingqing. Xiu Chen said just now that the kid Zi Yi is anxious to marry Qingqing. Just mention what you think and ask for. If Zi Yi can't do it, we will Disagree with his wedding with Qingqing."

   Tan Mu relayed what Mo Xiuchen had said to him to the four elderly people.

  Grandma An smiled and looked at Mo Xiuchen, "A Mu, can you say this in front of Xiu Chen?"

"Auntie An, this is not the idea of ​​Amu alone, this is also my idea. However, I told me last night, after Qingqing and Zi Yi are married, we only have the daughter of Qingqing, not the son of Zi Yi. Therefore, you four elders should not be polite to Zi Yi."

   "Xiu Chen, since you say that, then we are not welcome."

  Grandma Tan said with a smile.

  Qingqing is their baby, Zi Yi wants to marry her, but it can’t be so easy.

   Sending off the four old people, Tan Mu said to Mo Xiuchen, "Let’s go to the army."

   "What are you going to do with the troops?"

  "Looking for Yang, I called him in the morning, he might be able to help."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his eyebrows, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   Tan Mu glanced at him, then turned and walked to the garage.

  He didn't tell him just now because he didn't plan to let him stay.

   "Amu, have you found a new clue?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked Tan Mu, who was sitting beside him, slightly when the car hit the road.

   Tan Mu was silent for a moment, and his voice was slightly cold. "The only thing that can be determined at the moment is that the sniper is still in the imperial capital and has close contact with the Shi family."

   Hearing this, Mo Xiuchen twisted his brows slightly, "Then have you found out their purpose of killing An Lin in the first place?"

   "I don't know this yet." Tan Mu shook his head.

  In the past few years, he has been thinking back to what An Lin said and did during the time of the accident.

  But, he really didn’t know why they wanted to kill An Lin.

  If the snipers were aimed at Qingqing, it was even more impossible, because after An Lin died, they never acted again.

  This shows that they are targeting An Lin.

  It just happened that An Lin and Qingqing were together, so when the accident happened, An Lin happened to see each other and instinctively pushed Qingqing away...

  Mo Xiuchen groaned, “If they didn’t have any shady secrets for An Lin to know, then they thought An Lin knew their secrets, but in fact, An Lin didn’t.”

   "I think it's the latter." There was a chill on Tan Mu's face.

  If An Lin knows any shameful secrets in the Shi family, she will definitely tell him.

  But she never mentioned it to him.

  "Do you want Tang Yang to help investigate Shi's crimes or the secrets of Shi's family?"

   "Two different."

Tan Mu said calmly, "My father and my father-in-law have both retired. Now the power of the Shi family appears to be second only to the Ye family, but in fact, they are likely to step on the Ye family in the next few years. As for Yang, he doesn’t like to play those tricks either..."

  Mo Xiuchen took Qin Mu’s words and said, “A Mu, do you suspect that Shi’s ambition is in that position?”

   "Do you doubt it too?"

   Tan Mu asked rhetorically.

   There was a sharp light in his eyes.

  He just came up with this idea recently.

Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips and said, "I didn't think about this before, but since I found out that An Lin's death may be related to Shi's family, I paid attention to Shi's family. I found that Shi Dongping was more ambitious than Shi's pillar. Even bigger... he secretly interacts with certain people in country B."

   "Xiu Chen, do you think you can?"

   Tan Mu's face changed a few times, and he suddenly asked.

   Although he didn't finish his words.

  But he knew, Mo Xiuchen understood.

  Mo Xiuchen said uncertainly, "Although he is not sure, but this possibility is not ruled out, hasn't An Lin been back to the Emperor before the accident?"

   "Yes, on the day of her accident, it was less than half a month since she returned from here." Tan Mu recalled.

Mo Xiuchen said coldly, "Amu, is it possible that we speculated? We will know if we check it down. Anyway, now Uncle Tan and Uncle An have returned to City G. You and I stay in the Imperial Capital in addition to investigating. If you have nothing to do, just check it out and go back."

   "No matter what I say, you won't go back first, are you?"

   Tan Mu also wanted Mo Xiuchen to go back.

  But in exchange, only Mo Xiuchen's eyes were rolled.

He turned his head and looked out of the car window and looked at the building that was retreating outside the car. After a long while, he said faintly, "Wait for revenge on An Lin, you can keep me in the imperial capital for one more day is your ability. "

  Once he takes revenge, he will go back to accompany him. Who is here to talk nonsense with him.

  Tin Mu smiled disapprovingly, “I’m not too lazy to keep you. If you stay for one day, one more day of food will be wasted.”

  (End of this chapter)

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