Chapter 227 Provocation

  Gu Kai’s voice came through the radio wave, and there was a vague sound of cars. It should be on the road.

   "Of course, Zhou Lin really had an accident. On our way back to the hospital, the child in her belly may not be able to keep it."

  Wen Ran was taken aback when she heard that, and she glanced at Wen Jin beside her, and asked with concern, “Did she eat something that shouldn’t be eaten?”

  Zhou Lin cared very much about the child in her stomach, she should be very careful, how could it be like this.

   "Well, she just drank a glass of boiled water. I just took a look. The water should be no problem. The problem was that she was sitting under the chair and was put a lot of musk..."


   Wen Ran's face changed, and the little life was pitiful, "Where is Mo Zixuan, has he arrived yet?"

"He arrived at the same time as us, and now he is with Zhou Lin in the ambulance. When we arrived, Zhou Lin was already in pain. The specific situation is still unclear. You will have to wait until later and ask her to find out. ."

   "Thank you, Brother Gu."

  Wen Ran called and asked Gu Kai to send an ambulance to pick up Zhou Lin. Unexpectedly, he actually ran a trip in person. Although he didn't say anything, Wen Ran was still warm and moved in his heart.

  Gu Kai understood why she thanked him, and he smiled on the other side of the phone, “If you really want to thank me, don’t be so polite to me... Of course, if you have time, you can come to the hospital to see the excitement.”

  He paused, and added another sentence.

  Wen Ran was taken aback, then replied ‘OK’ and said goodbye to him before hanging up the phone.


  Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen had lunch together, Gu Kai called her to tell her the rescue result, and temporarily saved the child in Zhou Lin’s stomach, but the situation was not very optimistic.

   "Of course, do you want to check it out?"

  Mo Xiuchen pulled out a paper towel, leaned forward slightly, wiped the corners of Wen Ran's mouth, and asked gently.

   "Are you willing to go?"

  Looking at Mo Xiuchen suspiciously, if he doesn't want to go, she won't go. If you don't see it, you already know the result. As for the rest, you still need to wait and see what happens.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his beautiful eyebrows and said nonchalantly, “There is nothing unwilling to do. If the person who targeted the child in Zhou Lin’s belly is really Xiao Wenqing, it must be a good show.”

  Wen Ran suddenly, he is going to the theater.

"It's not all about watching movies. According to what I just said, if Xiao Wenqing's hand, then Zhou Mingfu's death, Zhou Lin is worthless. Of course, this is Xiao Wenqing's own thoughts, or it may be Mo Zixuan who made her do this. No matter whether it is their mother or son, Zhou Lin is now a key figure."

   "You mean, take this opportunity to bring Zhou Lin here?"

   Wen Ran frowned slightly. This possibility is probably very small. Zhou Mingfu's death, Zhou Lin still doesn't know what to think, maybe she hates her and her brother now.

"Well, there is no absolute thing in the world. Just like Cheng Jia, she only listened to Xiao Wenqing at first. Now, isn't it also swinging around? If we want things to come to the bottom as soon as possible, we must use any people and people who are valuable. Things."

   "Well, let's go to the hospital for a while and see with our own eyes to better understand the situation, right?"

  Wen Ran raised her eyebrows and smiled, Zhou Lin called her for help for some reason, she seemed to really have to go and see.

  Perhaps it is really like what Mo Xiuchen said, it can make her and Xiao Wenqing turn each other against each other. She has been with Xiao Wenqing for some time. More or less, she will always know something.

When Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran arrived at the hospital, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the ward, Zhou Lin, who had a weak complexion, was being severely rebuked by Xiao Wenqing, "Do you know that Zixuan and I value the child in your stomach very much. If something happens to the child in your stomach, I won't be able to help." You are busy."

   "Aunt Xiao, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

   Zhou Lin paled and looked at Xiao Wenqing in a panic. Mo Zixuan sent her to the hospital and left. She was really scared now.

"Your father has been working in a pharmaceutical factory since he was a kid. You have seen more medicinal materials than ordinary people since you were a kid, but how can you not even smell the smell of musk? The most damning thing is, if I ask you, why would I let you go to a coffee shop? In that kind of place, you don’t know who called you, and you don’t know for a moment, so you ran away stupidly, really mad at me!"

  Before, Xiao Wenqing didn't like Zhou Lin any more, and would not show it unabashedly on her face, but now, the disgust and contempt in her eyes is completely undisguised.

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth flicked with a hint of sarcasm, and he stretched out his hand to unscrew the door of the ward. Xiao Wenqing's scolding was also interrupted by the slight opening of the door, turning to look at them.

   Seeing that they were coming, her complexion changed a few moments, and the emotions on her face quickly faded like a tide. The contempt in her eyes was replaced by a faint worry, and she greeted them, "Xiu Chen, of course, why are you here?"

Wen Ran sneered in his heart, with a small smile on his delicate and beautiful face, looked at Zhou Lin on the hospital bed, and said softly, "Alin called me in the morning and asked me to save her child. I couldn't get away, thinking that Mo Zixuan was close to her, I called him and asked him to rush over. Later, I asked Big Brother Gu to send a car to pick her up."

  Xiao Wenqing didn't seem to know that Zhou Lin had asked Wen Ran for help, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head to look at Zhou Lin with a stern question.

Wen Ran walked to the hospital bed and did not see Xiao Wenqing's face change, but asked Zhou Lin concerned, "I listened to Brother Gu, and finally saved the child. The most important thing for you now is to take a good rest, don't think about it, and stay happy. With a steady state of mind, the baby will be safe and sound."

  Zhou Lin’s eyes are a little red, and Wen Ran’s sincere eyes and caring words are the comfort she needs most now. From the moment when she found her stomach hurts severely, everyone has been cold and indifferent to her.

When Mo Zixuan rushed to the coffee shop, he didn't have a word of concern. He didn't care about the baby in her belly all the way to the hospital.

  Just now, when Xiao Wenqing came here, she scolded her with her head and face. She was not angry, but she was under the eaves and had to swallow her anger.

Although Wen Ran did not rush to the coffee shop, she called the ambulance for her at the first time. If it weren't for the ambulance rushed quickly, when Mo Zixuan took her to the hospital, the child in her stomach would definitely not be able to keep her.

  This, Zhou Lin knows better than anyone!

Wen Ran saw her emotional changes in her eyes. When she closed her eyes, a flash of emotion flashed in her eyes. When she looked at her again, a smile appeared in her eyes, "Before we came, let Zhang’s mother cook some soup. , I will send it to you in a while, and you can live in this hospital with confidence. No matter who wants to harm your baby, you and your baby are safe here.

  (End of this chapter)

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