Chapter 2266 My heart for you has never changed

   "The woman I want to marry Mo Ziyi may not have the talent to join me, or a prominent family background, but must have a kind heart." This sentence was thrown at the press conference room like a bomb.

  The body that had been standing up after the explosion fell back to the position again. His face was already pale, and there was no half of the color.

The label   Snake-hearted was put on her at that moment.

   She looked at Mo Ziyi's back with empty eyes, proud and indifferent.

After a long while, she gritted her teeth tightly, and as she lowered her head, her eyes were full of hatred.



  Qin Qingqing's cell phone rang, and seeing that it was Mo Ziyi's call, she said to Grandpa Tan and Grandma Tan.

   took the mobile phone out of the ward and went to the corridor to answer the call.

   "Brother Zi Yi, I have seen them all."

  Qin Qingqing was very moved.

  She did not expect that Mo Ziyi would break up with Shi Xi in public, but she knew that Mo Ziyi must be for her.

  There was a low laughter on the other end of the phone.

   "Are you moved?"

  The familiar and deep male voice penetrated into the eardrum, bringing Qingqing's heart warm and pampering and arrogant.

  A smile appeared on her lips unconsciously.

   Although she felt a little bit pitiful in the past, she didn't feel that her brother Zi Yi had anything wrong. Although she apologized to her in public, she also played tricks.

  Not only did she pretend to be innocent, innocent, and pitiful in front of reporters, she also tried to imply that her ex-girlfriend of Mo Ziyi wanted to destroy the relationship between her and Mo Ziyi, so she misunderstood her.

"When will you come back?"

   Without waiting for her to speak, Mo Ziyi's clear voice came again.

   "My grandma is not in good health. I will accompany her old man to go home for two days." Qin Qingqing's brows and eyes are dyed with a gentle and soft voice, and her voice is soft and pleasant.

   "Do you have anything to say to me?"

   "Brother Zi Yi, thank you for breaking up with Shi Xi." Qin Qingqing smiled and said briskly.

"anything else?"

   Obviously, Mo Ziyi is a very difficult man to satisfy.

By the way, Tan Qingqing couldn't refuse his dominance. Not only did she not feel angry, but she felt sweet and soft in her heart.

  Thinking about it, and then said softly, “Brother Zi Yi, my heart for you has never changed. From now on, I will trust you unconditionally and never make the same mistakes as before.”


  There was a moment of silence on the phone.

  The man on the other end did not speak.

  Qin Qingqing didn’t know what he was thinking.

  But, this silence made her heart slowly start.

  She couldn't help but shouted again, "Brother Ziyi, are you listening?"


  A short word.

The tone of    was so low that Tan Qingqing's heart tightened.

  She might know that Mo Ziyi was only waiting for a word from her.

   "Brother Zi Yi, wait for me to go back."

  After she said this, she hung up without waiting for the other person to say anything.

  Thinking of what he said in front of the reporter just now, there was another ripple in Tan Qingqing's heart lake.

  Qin Qingqing went to the bathroom, and when she returned to the ward, she ran into Shi Dongping in the corridor.

   "Qin Qingqing."

   Passed by, Qin Qingqing was called by Shi Dongping.

  She stopped, turned her head, and looked at the man in military uniform two steps away.

  Qin Qingqing has only met Shi Dongping a few times and is not familiar with it, but she still recognizes it.

"Is there a problem?"

   She asked lightly, without any title.

  In fact, Tan Qingqing deliberately hid the emotions in her heart so that she could look at Shi Dongping so peacefully.

  She looked at him, this man who was not much different from her father’s age, he was probably the murderer of her mother.

   Without a trace, she put her hands in the pockets of her clothes, slowly squeezed into a fist, and calmly accepted Shi Dongping's sharp scrutiny.

   "Do you still know who I am?"

  Shi Dongping was smiling, but Tan Qingqing felt a murderous intent against her face.

   She frowned subconsciously, a small smile appeared on her delicate face, she looked innocent and innocent, "I don’t know."

  Shi Dongping frowned and smiled, and the smirk on his face disappeared immediately.

   Now, that murderous aura is even heavier.

But he did not make any behavioral actions, but his voice was filled with sullen anger, "I am the father of the past, Shi Dongping, when you and Mo Ziyi joined forces to humiliate you at the press conference this afternoon, you know Right?"

  "You may have misunderstood. The past apologized to me because she not only misunderstood me, but also humiliated me. She may have recognized her mistake, or she may want to apologize to attract fans."

Qin Qingqing's words caused Shi Dongping to sneer.

   "I also want to thank you and Mo Ziyi. If you didn't humiliate Xiao Xi like this, Xiao Xi still couldn't see how scumbag Mo Ziyi was."

   "The ability of the head of time to reverse black and white is unmatched." Qin Qingqing shrugged, with an expression that you are right.

  After finishing speaking, she rolled her eyes, turned and left.

  Shi Dongping did not stop her again.

  It's just that the look in the eyes is replaced by a shadow of bird.

   Tan Qingqing, Mo Ziyi!


  At night, Qin Qingqing saw the past at Father Ye’s birthday banquet, and only then did she understand Shi Dongping’s meaning of thank you, or she was sincerely thanking.

   "Qingqing, do you remember me? I am Shizhen. We met when we were young."

  Qingqing just took a drink from the waiter's tray, and a soft and contrived voice came from behind.

  The pretended joy made her look up at her. Tan Qingqing twisted her eyebrows, tilted her head and looked at the red dress in front of her, only hating the less revealing woman.

  Of course she knows her as the cousin Shizhen of the past.

  But why should she know such a hypocritical and impure woman.

"do not remember."

  With three words faintly, Tan Qingqing looked away from Shizhen’s face, and took a sip of the drink in her hand.

   I exaggerated when I heard, "You don’t remember me, but I always remember you. When I was young, Brother Azhan praised you like a doll. I am Shizhen. When you were young, you called my sister Shizhen."


   Tan Qingqing frowns her eyebrows.

  Did she ever call her sister Shizhen when she was a child?

of course not.

   is Shizhen trying to lie to her to call her sister Shizhen, and also said that Ye Zhan said that she was like a doll and scolded her, saying that she was ugly and stupid.

   "I remember, you are the older sister."

  Enemies of the enemy, do not be friends, but can cooperate.

  Qin Qingqing pursed her lips and smiled when she said that, turned her eyes to look in the direction of Shizhen, then retracted her gaze to look at Shizhen, lowered her voice, and said, "However, times are not as pretty as you."

  Hearing this, I was really happy.

She covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister Qingqing, you are as cute as you were when you were a kid, and you like to tell the truth. I watched the news about Yi Shao breaking up with her many times this afternoon. I dream of finding a man who loves me like Sister Qingqing. ."

  (End of this chapter)

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