Flash Marriage Passionate Love: Young Master Mo Is A Wife-pampering Addict

Chapter 2261: Zi Yi is your own son-in-law, not a foreigner

   Chapter 2261 Zi Yi is your own son-in-law, not an outsider.

   "Okay, Uncle Tan, leave this to us."

  Mo Mo glanced at Ye Zhan, and saw that he had no objection, she responded with a smile.

  The two washed their hands, and Ye Zhan said to Mo Mo, "You are responsible for serving cold dishes, and I am responsible for warming dishes."

   Tan Mu, who was cooking, heard Ye Zhan’s words, his mouth bends, Ye Zhan is still very careful.

   Looking back, watching them walk out of the kitchen one after another, and then think of his conversation with Ye Zhan in the afternoon.

  In my heart, a certain thought suddenly flashed.

  When Tan Mu prepared the last dish, Mo Mo and Ye Zhan had already cooperated to bring the dishes, dishes, and soup to the table.

  Qingqing went to invite Grandpa An and Grandma An over again.

  This meal, the atmosphere is very pleasant.

  The good mood of the elders is all because of Qingqing’s return.

   Although Qingqing did not elaborate, she told Grandpa An and Grandma An about her being with Mo Ziyi and her dislike of Ye Zhan.

  No one put her and Ye Zhan together at the dinner table.

  After dinner, Qingqing and Momo accompany several elderly people to talk.

   Ye Zhan returned to Ye's house.

   Tan Mu stood on the balcony and answered Mo Xiuchen's call.

  Mo Xiuchen called mainly to care about Grandma An’s physical condition. Tan Mu explained that it was not too serious, but that the old illness had relapsed.

   "That's good, I just told Zi Yi, Qingqing went home and he didn't accompany him. The older he is, the less he knows what he is thinking."

   "I heard Qing Qing said that she didn't let Zi Yi come back with her, and it's useless to scold him."

   "You do understand."

  Mo Xiuchen laughs at himself authentically.

  Zi Yi, that kid, has liked to fight him against him since he was a child.

  As long as it is not a big mistake, he generally does not care about him.

   Tan Mu laughed, and finally said, "Xiu Chen, don't be sad, Zi Yi doesn't need you to care about Momo."

   "Momo doesn't need me to care, she has grown up."

   "Momo hasn't had a boyfriend yet, and he hasn't married, so don't you worry about it?"

"Hitomi is bigger than Mo Mo, and Akai is not in a hurry to marry her. What do I worry about? You are a bit strange. Is it possible that Mo Mo is backing me and falling in love with Ranran, or you want to give Mo Mo? Introduce your boyfriend?"

   "I want to see if you are willing to agree."

  "Isn't it Ye Zhan?"

  On the other side of the phone, Mo Xiuchen's seemingly inquiring words, how to listen to it with confidence.

Tan Mu turned his head to look at the living room, put one hand on the balcony railing, and smiled, "Xiu Chen, it seems that you also admire A Zhan. He is indeed excellent. You know, my parents wanted to introduce him to Qingqing. of."

  "I admire Ye Zhan very much, but I can’t do anything emotionally. Momo is no longer a child. If we force her to associate with someone, she won’t necessarily listen, but you, don’t plan to come back this year?"

Qin Mu understood what Mo Xiuchen meant, and said clearly, "I know, I don't have nothing to do, so how can I force them? The Ye family will prepare a blind date for Ye Zhan tomorrow night, and the Shi family is even more so. If you have a clear mind, you want to marry the Ye family..."

   "Amu, Zi Yi told you?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was surprised.

   Tan Mu understands what he means.

   said lightly, "It wasn't Zi Yi who told me, it was A Zhan. He said that Zi Yi asked him to help collect evidence of Shi's crime. Xiu Chen, you already knew it? Why didn't you tell me."

"You have to take care of the four old people, and your health is not very good. Zi Yi didn't want to tell you, so I didn't let you know. Mu, let Zi Yi avenge An Lin's revenge, only he avenged An Lin's revenge. , Qingqing can truly untie her happy knot."

   Tan Mu's eyes were stained with a touch of sadness.

  He knows that Qingqing’s happiness is not from the heart.

  She was afraid that they were worried. If An Lin’s grudges are not reported one day, Qingqing cannot really let go.

  However, his wife’s grudges were not reported by himself, but he asked Zi Yi to report...

  Even after a distance of thousands of miles, as a brother who has known him for most of his life, Mo Xiuchen understands Tan Mu’s thoughts, "I know what you are thinking, Zi Yi is your own son-in-law, not an outsider."

  "Repair the dust."

   "Just take care of the four old people, take care of yourself, and let Zi Yi do the rest. We are all assured to leave Hao Chen to him, and there is nothing he can do without worry."

   "But if the black man behind the scenes is Shi's family, Zi Yi would be dangerous to get involved." Tan Mu did not want Zi Yi to fall into those dangers.

Mo Xiuchen smiled indifferently, "Whether it is you or Zi Yi to investigate, it will be dangerous. On the contrary, I prefer to let Zi Yi do it. Mu, when Xiaocha's birthday is over, I will go there peacefully. A trip to the imperial capital."

   "What are you doing here?"

   "Look at the uncles and aunts, A Feng, A Jin and A Kai also go." They knew that Grandma Tan was sick, so they went to visit the Imperial Capital.

   "My mom's body is in no serious condition, so I don't need to take a trip."

   Tan Mu felt warm in his heart, and gently refused.

   "Why don't you take them all to G City to live for a while, it will be winter soon, G City is warmer than the Imperial Capital. If you all come back, you don't have to worry about Qingqing."

   "I didn't worry about Qingqing in the first place. With you here, what should I worry about."

  They didn’t know each other for one day or two days.

  Although they are not related by blood, they are brothers who have lived and died together.

  Qingqing is in G city, and Tan Mu is not worried at all.

Mo Xiuchen's voice came with laughter, "I'm not afraid that you are worried, but that Qingqing's grandparents and grandparents miss her and call her back in two days. Although she and Zi Yi are reconciled, but There are many more things..."

   "Let me ask my parents what they mean. If they want, I will take them to G City for the Spring Festival."

   Tan Mu knew Mo Xiuchen’s worries.

   "Okay, call me then."

  Hung up the phone, Mo Xiuchen glanced over the men staring at him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is your expression?"

  Luo Haofeng said dissatisfiedly, “What did you talk about with A Mu? You didn’t use the speakerphone just now to let us all listen. What did A Mu say?”

   "A Feng is right, Xiu Chen, why don't you turn on the hands-free?"

  Gu Kai feeds a bite of food into his mouth, staring at him displeasedly.

   Just now, he also proposed to let Mo Xiuchen use the hands-free, but he actually pretended not to hear it.

   "A Jin, do you want to say the same thing?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked before Wen Jin spoke.

  Wen Jin’s mouth twitched, “I’m not asking, I’m waiting for you to explain it yourself.”

  Mo Xiuchen chuckled lightly, and said disapprovingly, "Why do I want you to hear Amu and I calling?"

   "Then, is Amu coming back?"

  Luo Haofeng was too lazy to deal with the nasty guy Mo Xiuchen.

  It’s been decades, and they don’t expect him to fix his problem.

  To be precise, they can’t fix his problem...


【good night! Do not update in the early morning, update tomorrow! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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