Chapter 2239 If you are reluctant...

  Qin Qingqing’s topic jumped too fast.

  Tang Jinchen, who was sitting next to her, didn't understand what she meant, and looked at her with a dazed and puzzled face.

  What is related to Shi's family?

  He stared at Tan Qingqing, meaning to ask her to explain.

  Qin Qingqing only glanced at him lightly, without meaning to explain.

  Instead, he bit his lip, and pinched the phone harder without a trace, listening to the gentle breathing of the man on the other end of the phone.


  Mo Ziyi understands the meaning of her words.

  After hesitating for a while, he faintly denied it.

  There are some things, he doesn't want Qin Qingqing to know.

  With her temperament, it is not good to know too much.

"I know."

  Qin Qingqing ignored the disappointment in her heart and the feeling of being blocked by something.

  'S voice faded, "If there is nothing else, I'll hang up."

"OK, good night."

"good night."

   "Qingqing, what did you mean by Mo Ziyi?"

As soon as Tan Qingqing hung up, Tang Jinchen asked with concern.

  Although he didn't understand, Qingqing's mood was suddenly lowered because of that sentence.

  Tang Jinchen clearly felt this.

"what do you mean?"

  Qin Qingqing asked stupidly.

   made Tang Jinchen slightly unhappy, "Qingqing, did you treat me as an outsider? What kind of a riddle did you fight with Mo Ziyi just now?"

  The snacks in his hand were snatched by Tang Jinchen.

   Tan Qingqing's eyes changed slightly, "Okay, let me tell you."

She frowned and said, "Aunt Wen told me a few days ago that brother Zi Yi has been investigating the person who killed my mother in the past few years, and said that he had returned to the imperial capital when he was with him last time. The reason is because Uncle Qingyang found some clues..."

   "So, what you meant just now was to ask Mo Ziyi and Shi Xi to be together, is it because you suspect that the man behind the scenes that killed him was Shi's family?"

  Tang Jinchen looked straight and looked at her seriously.

  By the way, she also returned the snacks.

Qin Qingqing took it and did not continue to eat, but held the bag tightly, "I don't know. I have been abroad for the past few years. Dad, grandpa, and grandpa have never told me or let me take care of... …"

   "Qingqing, my aunt's hatred can be repaid, so don't think about it. Mo Ziyi's relationship with Shi Xi has nothing to do with Shi's family. He just fell in love with other women because he broke up with you."

  Tang Jinchen said with dissatisfaction after a strange flash in his eyes.

   "It's getting late, don't eat, and go to bed."

  Qin Qingqing was not interested in the topic of Mo Ziyi's liking for other women, got up and walked out of the sofa and walked towards the stairs.

Behind him, Tang Jinchen stared at her for two seconds before catching up, and went upstairs with her, "Qingqing, you will come back to the imperial capital with us tomorrow, you live here alone and deserted, how lively it is to return to the emperor."

   "I am the one who wants to work."

   "If you want to work and return to the emperor, you will work the same. Grandpa and grandma are not in good health, don't you want to go back and accompany them?"

   "Go back, I will definitely go back often." Qin Qingqing smiled briskly.

   "I'm saying that the Emperor will not return to City G, not that you are like this, and you will come back a few days after you go back."

   "Cousin, I will go back."

  Qin Qingqing suddenly smiled, and said quietly, "I'm considering this issue. I may return to the imperial capital someday and never leave again. By then, you, the imperial hegemon, will cover me."

  "If you cover you, even if I can't cover you, don't you still have A Zhan? With the Ye Family's current ability, if he covers you, how dare you be arrogant in front of you in the past."

  Speaking of it, Shi’s family has moved quickly in recent years.

  The big reason is that after Father An and Father Tan stepped back, the Shi family came to the top.

  But even so, they are no better than Ye Family's foundation.

   Tan Qingqing said funny, "Even without Ye Zhan's cover, I didn't dare to be arrogant in front of me in the past. I am not a soft persimmon."

   "Really? Then how did she bully you and went to the company?"

  Tang Jinchen said and shook his head.

Qin Qingqing cut and said in a mocking tone, "She went to find the abuser. Not only did she not take a half advantage in my office, she would come to apologize to me tomorrow, cousin, if you didn't leave tomorrow, I would let Look at how you used to apologize to me tomorrow."

  "A Zhan and I have a flight at 8 o'clock. You can ask the time to come home at 6 o'clock to apologize to you."

  A dark glow flashed in Tang Jinchen's eyes, and the corners of his mouth evoked a pleasant arc.

   "Do you really want to see?"

"of course it's true."

  Up to the second floor, Tang Jinchen no longer continued to walk to the third floor, but put one hand on the armrest, and looked at Tan Qingqing with a charming smile.

Fearing that she would not agree, he said again, "I originally wanted to avenge you, but Azhan said that I never took advantage of it in the past. He also said that this is City G. When I return to the capital, there are opportunities... But now she Bring it to the door. Although I don’t have the habit of hitting women, my brother, it’s okay to scold her to vent your anger for you."


  Qin Qingqing only hesitated for a second.

  A bright smile appeared between her delicate eyebrows, and she took out her mobile phone to call Mo Ziyi.

  The time used to provoke her first, but now she voluntarily sends it to the door.

  She definitely has no reason to pity and cherish jade.

Seeing her dialing Mo Ziyi's number, Tang Jinchen raised her eyebrows again. Qingqing had been used to Mo Ziyi for 18 years and spoiled her for 18 years. She was not only tainted with a part of Mo Ziyi's character, but also Pampered and unwilling to suffer.

  The phone connected, Mo Ziyi's voice came in a low voice, "Qingqing, is there anything else?"

  Qin Qingqing glanced at Tang Jinchen, who was staring at her, and said with a smile, "Brother Zi Yi, call and tell Shixi that if she wants to apologize to me, she can come to my house at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

   "Qingqing, so early, don't you sleep late?"

  Mo Ziyi's voice was quite surprised.

   Speaking of the back, he was stained with a faint smile, and there was an imperceptible petting.

  He never thought of letting Shi Xi come to apologize to her early in the morning.

  Qin Qingqing said indifferently, “Don’t sleep late, I’m suddenly interested in how to apologize to me in the past, Brother Zi Yi, if you don’t want her to come over early in the morning, you can treat it as I didn’t say before.”

   "Nothing to bear, I will tell her in a moment that I am going to come over to apologize to you at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. You can go to bed with peace of mind. Don't be jokes against dark circles tomorrow morning."

  Listening to Mo Ziyi's sudden cold tone, the smile between Qin Qingqing's eyebrows and eyes became brighter. Compared with his indifference, she briskly said goodnight to him before she hung up the phone.


   [I saw the reminders from the babies, and I saw that every day, readers said that they were not finished and gave bad reviews. The extravaganza is still going on, still going on... The explanation is exhausting, and I can’t help it if the ending state can’t be changed.

  In the new January, Yezi will work harder and you can vote more, baby! 】

  (End of this chapter)

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