Flash Marriage Passionate Love: Young Master Mo Is A Wife-pampering Addict

Chapter 2236: She came back, and he and other women

   Chapter 2236 She came back, and he really dated other women

   "I'm fine, thank you just now."

  This woman is not someone else, but Mo Mo.

  The man who pestered her just now was named Chu Bin, the son of the newly appointed mayor of City G.

  I was drunk at the dinner tonight, so when she came to the bathroom, she followed up and confessed to her.

   Her voice fell, and Chu Bin on the ground had already stood up.

   glared at Ye Zhan angrily, as if measuring whether he could beat him.

  If you can fight, take the revenge back.

  Mo Mo curled his eyebrows and glanced at Chu Bin coldly. Just as he wanted to speak, Ye Zhan next to him said, "You girl, don't stay with drunks, leave here first."

   "Who is drunk, I am not drunk."

  Chu Bin shouted at Ye Zhan, and then said to Mo Mo, “Mo Mo, I really like you, as long as you be my girlfriend, I promise to treat you well for the rest of my life.”

   "I told you, I don't like you."

  Mo Mo finished speaking, and walked away.


   Chu Bin reached out and grabbed her.

  It was just that Ye Zhan took two steps back without even touching the corner of Mo Mo's clothes.

  This time he stopped dangerously and didn't fall again.

   After a few steps, Mo Mo turned around and saw Chu Bin standing in the corridor and not catching up.

   She stopped and waited for Ye Zhan to come forward, "I heard that you are going back to the Imperial Capital tomorrow?"

   "Well, I will go back tomorrow."

   Ye Zhan was not surprised that Mo Mo knew.

  He told the two elders Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran in the afternoon.

  His voice paused slightly, and he added, "Qingqing and I are eating here, do you...would you like to come with us?"

  I don’t know who she came here for dinner with.

   Ye Zhan is just a question for comments.

  The main reason was that Chu Bin might pester her again.

  He lives in Mo's house these days. Although he has spoken to her less than ten sentences in total, he can't just watch her being bullied by a man.

   "Qingqing is here?" Mo Mo was surprised at first, then smiled and said, "Then I will be with you."


   Ye Zhan nodded.


  In the private room

  Qin Qingqing looked at Mo Mo who came in with Ye Zhan, her eyes flashed in sorrow, and immediately smiled and shouted, "Sister Mo Mo, what are you doing?"

   "Our people in the station are eating here. I happened to meet Ye Zhan just now. He said that I was eating here with you, and I'm here."

  Mo Mo walked to the table a few steps, pulled the chair beside Tan Qingqing away and sat down.

   smiled and said, "Qingqing, you don't have to go to work tomorrow, let's go shopping together, okay? I recently fell in love with a necklace..."

   "Okay, I will be fine if I don't go to work tomorrow."

   "Then it's settled. I'll call Qingling later and see if she has time. By the way, the day after tomorrow, your second aunt's birthday, don't forget."

   "I remember, Xiaohui told me before that I also want to buy gifts tomorrow."

   Ye Zhan asked the waiter to take another pair of tableware, and then ate the meal quietly, listening to the two of them chatting.

  Mo Mo and Tan Qingqing talked while eating.

   Topics that the two can't finish talking.

  They were still chatting until they finished eating and walked out of the private room.

   "Sister Momo, did you drive by yourself?"

When    went downstairs and walked out of Yipinxuan, Qin Qingqing asked with concern.


   "I'll take your car."

  Qin Qingqing talked to Ye Zhan who was walking in front, and got into the car with Mo Mo.

  The car hits the road, and Ye Zhan follows Mo Mo's car.

  Mo Mo turned his eyes to Qin Qingqing in the co-driver's seat, and asked the doubt in his heart, "Qingqing, is Ye Zhan chasing you?"

  After speaking, she glanced at the rearview mirror again.

  Qin Qingqing's eyes flashed, she smiled and shook her head, "Sister Momo, you think too much."

   "In fact, Ye Zhan is very good, my parents admire him, but I still hope you and Zi Yi..."

   "Sister Momo, Brother Zi Yi already has a girlfriend."

  Qin Qingqing interrupted Mo Mo, not wanting to talk about this topic.

   "At that time, we couldn't enter our door."

   Mo Mo’s smile was tinged with contempt. She didn't like the past and felt that the woman was too hypocritical.

   Tan Qingqing just smiled.

  No call.

  She turned her head and looked out the window.

  G city at night is very beautiful under the beautiful neon lights.

   "Qingqing, Zi Yi has not had a girlfriend in these years. We don't know what is wrong with him, but when you returned to China, you made a girlfriend. But the person he really likes in his heart is you..."

   Tan Qingqing's mood was disturbed by Mo Mo's words.

  She pressed her lips harder unconsciously. Although she looked out the window, she didn't know what she saw.

  What she was thinking in her heart was the reason she returned to China...

  If it hadn’t been for him to call her suddenly and tell her that he had decided to start a new relationship.

  Being in love with a woman named Shixi...She still doesn’t know when she will come back.

   Suddenly, a thick layer of bitterness filled my heart.

  She came back, and he really dated with other women.


  There are more than ten meters away from Tan’s house, and Mo Mo’s voice rang again, "Qingqing, when did Zi Yi come back?"

  The figure of Junyi standing outside Tan’s villa is not Mo Ziyi and who is it?

  He is not wearing a suit, but a casual outfit. His slender body is slightly leaning against the magnolia tree.

  There is a cigarette between his fingers.

   When the dazzling lights came on, he squinted his eyes and raised his hand to block it.

  When he saw the two people sitting in the car clearly, his eyes deepened, dropped the cigarette in his hand, and stood upright leaning on Magnolia.

   Tan Qingqing’s heartbeat slowed by two beats.

   met the person's gaze through the front windshield, and she immediately staggered her gaze again.

  After a few seconds, he answered Mo Mo’s question, "I don’t know either."

   "Qingqing, Zi Yi must be waiting for you. Get off the car."

  Mo Mo stopped the car and lowered the window. It was not Mo Ziyi who was standing outside to speak, but instead he turned his head and looked at Ye Zhan who had stopped the car behind.

  The latter received her eyes and seemed to understand her meaning.

   nodded at her, Mo Mo waved to Qingqing and drove away.

   Ye Zhan just said to Qin Qingqing who got out of the car, "Qingqing, I'm leaving first."

  In the blink of an eye, the car was far away.

  Only Qin Qingqing and Mo Ziyi were left in the night, and the air was a little thin and cold.

  Qin Qingqing looked at Mo Ziyi who was standing there motionless, her eyes locked on her own, and she subconsciously pursed her lips, trying to ignore him and go straight into the villa.

  But, just two steps away.

  Mo Ziyi spoke suddenly, his low voice hitting his eardrums like a hammer, "Did you date Ye Zhan?"

   Tan Qingqing stiffened.

  The footsteps stopped uncontrollably.

   Suddenly the emotions in her heart, she turned her eyes, met his sharp and dark eyes, and said lightly, "It's not a date, he is going back to the imperial capital tomorrow, and just invite me to dinner tonight."

  Speaking, Tan Qingqing raised her eyebrows in contempt for herself.

  Why explain so clearly, even if it’s a date, what does it have to do with him?

  (End of this chapter)

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