Flash Marriage Passionate Love: Young Master Mo Is A Wife-pampering Addict

Chapter 2234: As long as you say something, I will share with her immediately

  Chapter 2234 As long as you say a word, I will break up with her immediately

   "Of course, you are my husband, I don't feel sorry for you, who do you feel so sorry for."

   Wen Ran nodded pretentiously.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes immediately burst into laughter. Although the old husband and wife are married, the love between the two remains unchanged.

  Hearing Wen Ran say such words, his heart suddenly overflowed with happiness.

   "Of course, I'll just send you this sentence, and I will call Zi Yi later to teach Zi Yi a meal, so that he can quickly solve the major problem of his life, and don't miss our plan to travel the world."

   "I have been playing outside in the past few years. I want to hug my grandchildren even more now."


  Mo Ziyi, who travels far away on business, really doesn’t know that he would go to the company to find Qingqing in the past.

  Received a phone call from his father Mo Xiuchen. After listening to his serious questions and comments on the phone, Mo Ziyi knew the general process.

   "Dad, I see, I will take care of this."

  In the hotel, Mo Ziyi stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and on the coffee table behind him, there were the documents he had just read.

In the ear, his father Mo Xiuchen's voice came, "Zi Yi, which woman you associate with me and you. Mom doesn't care about you, but if you let those messy people disturb Qingqing, then we will bring Qingqing with you. Go to the imperial capital."

   "Dad, does my mom mean that too?"

   "Yes, this is a common idea between your mother and me."

   "Dad, don't worry, if this happens again in the company, I will voluntarily resign from the position of president."

   "Are you threatening me?"

  Mo Xiuchen sneered with anger.

  Mo Ziyi's face was calm and indifferent, and his voice was clear and gentle, "Dad, you think too much, these are just my thoughts."

  After talking on the phone with his father, Mo Ziyi hesitated.

  Go back to the sofa, light a cigarette, and lean against the sofa.

   After taking two puffs, he spit out a string of smoke rings. He picked up the mobile phone placed on the coffee table and dialed Qin Qingqing's number.

  Time went to the whole time and did not call him.

  Mo Ziyi waited for Qin Qingqing to answer the phone, and then took another cigarette.

   Thinking of something, he put out the remaining cigarettes in the ashtray.

  The phone rang for a long time and no one answered it.

   Mo Ziyi's eyebrows could not help but a touch of irritation appeared, and the carved facial features were covered with a layer of coldness.

  She does not answer his phone.

  He called Zhang Minghui again.

  Two minutes later, Qin Qingqing’s voice finally came.

   Faintly, like the cool weather outside the window, "Hey!"

  "I don’t know when I would go to the company to find you. She called in the morning and said that she would go back to City G today. I told her that I was going on a business trip."

  Mo Ziyi explained calmly.

  On the other side of the phone, no one spoke.

  I don’t know if Tan Qingqing heard his explanation.

  Waiting for a few seconds, Mo Ziyi shouted in a deep voice, "Qing Qing."

   "I heard it, I'm busy now, just hang up if there is nothing else."

  Qin Qingqing didn’t care about his explanation.

  Even, I don’t want to talk to him anymore.

  This makes Mo Zi's heart muffled, and his tone has lost his gentleness and patience. "If you don't like the past, you can tell me, as long as you say something, I will break up with her immediately."

After a moment of silence, Qin Qingqing's voice came softly and softly, "Brother Zi Yi, this kind of joke is not funny at all. It used to be your girlfriend, you just like it yourself."

"up to you."

  Mo Ziyi dropped these words and hung up the phone with anger.

  Qin Qingqing, you are so proud!


   "Qingqing, did Zi Yi apologize to you?"

  Haochen Group, at Qin Qingqing’s desk, Zhang Minghui saw her staring at her mobile phone in a daze.

  A frustration flashed under his eyes, and he asked with a smile, pursing his lips.

  Qin Qingqing’s thoughts were interrupted by him, and he raised his head to return the phone to him, "No."

  Where is he apologizing.

  So impatient, is he the same with the past? Or all his pampering and tenderness have been given to other women, and he is so irritable to her.

  "Zi Yi said that he just learned about the past and asked me to come to you. I thought he was apologizing."

  Zhang Minghui's brows were filled with doubts, and his eyes looked at Tan Qingqing with concern.

  Qin Qingqing smiled indifferently, "Brother Xiaohui, you can go back and take care of you."

  "Are you free tonight?"

  Zhang Minghui did not leave immediately, but looked at her and asked.


  "If you are free, let's eat together. In the past few years when you are away, city G has opened many new restaurants with good taste."

  Qin Qingqing suddenly said, "I'm afraid it won't work these days, there are guests in my house."


   "My cousin came to G City to visit me. I can't leave him and run out to eat. After he leaves, I will invite you."

  Speaking of the back, Tan Qingqing smiled crookedly again.

  Zhang Minghui looked at her with a bright smile, and nodded unconsciously, "Okay, then you will invite me."


   Busy until the end of get off work, Qin Qingqing did not stop to rest.

  There is no time to think about what Mo Ziyi's words mean, and where his sudden anger comes from.

  Walking out of the office, she saw Zhang Minghui waiting there with a smile on her face.

   "Let's go, I will take you home."

  The two walked out of the company, and Tan Qingqing saw Tang Jinchen waiting on the roadside at a glance.

  He drove her car, standing in the sunset with a long body, handsome and tall, chic and wanton.

   "Brother Xiaohui, I won't take your car anymore. My cousin will pick me up."

  Walking to the side of the road, Qin Qingqing saw Ye Zhan still sitting in the car.

Compared with Tang Jinchen's high-profile leaning in front of the car like a model, Ye Zhan kept himself in the car in a low-key manner.

  Only when Tan Qingqing walked to the front of the car, he opened the door for her from inside.

   smiled at the corners of his mouth, warmly said, "Qingqing, get in the car."

   "Why are you here, I thought it was my cousin."

  Qin Qingqing was talking and turned to look at Tang Jinchen.

  The two of them, why did Ye Zhan sit in the back row?

  Tang Jinchen met her eyes and explained with a smile, “A Zhan and I take turns to be the driver a day and get in the car. Auntie is already cooking dinner.”

  Qin Qingqing got into the car, Ye Zhan said with a smile, “I and Jin Chen will take turns to be the driver for you these few days in G city and take you to and from get off work.”

   "No need, I will drive by myself tomorrow."

   "We can't live for nothing, and you don't have to worry about our driving skills."

  "You live in the Mo family, but not mine."

   "The Mo family let me live for your sake. Besides, although I live in the Mo family these days, I eat at home."

  Not only in the morning, but at noon today, Ye Zhan and Tang Jinchen also ate at Tan’s house.

  Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran's kind invitation, they both refused.

  Ye Zhan’s reason is very simple. He came to G City this time with a mission. The time is not fixed, and he does not want them to wait for him to go back to eat.

   is not a lie.

  They went back to Tan’s house for dinner today, and it was already two o’clock in the afternoon.

  Speaking, Ye Zhan took out an exquisite box and handed it to Tan Qingqing, “I heard that you like to eat chocolate. This is what I just bought.


  【Continue to explain, the extra episode is not over yet, it is not over. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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