Chapter 2227 So, do you like him too?


  Under the light, the corner of Mo Ziyi's mouth evokes a cool and thin arc.

  Pining those three words with a deep voice, Ru Tan Shen's eyes were locked tightly with Tan Qingqing's calm eyes.


   Tan Qingqing smiled.

He smiled brightly and flexed his eyebrows, "Yeah, didn't Zi Yi previously said that Yang Xiaofeng is too bad, even if I find a boyfriend, I can't find him like that? Ye Zhan is both my grandfather and grandfather optimistic about it, should Not bad."

   "So, you like him too?"

  Mo Ziyi's voice seeped a trace of coldness.

  "Brother Ziyi is with Shiyue, don’t you like her?"

When Tan Qingqing asked, Mo Ziyi was startled.

  He didn't expect that she would ask.

   Without waiting for him to answer, Qin Qingqing said again, “I definitely like it, otherwise, why would Brother Ziyi leave me in S city in the middle of the night and return to the imperial capital with the past.”

The atmosphere surrounding the two of them suddenly changed.

  Qin Qingqing looked at Mo Ziyi's cold eyebrows, softened her voice, and yelled softly, "Brother Ziyi."


  His eyes darkened slightly.

   "I heard Aunt Wen say that you went to the emperor not only for the past, but also to investigate the killer who killed my mother."

   "My mom told you?"

  Mo Ziyi's voice was lowered by a point.

   was dyed a layer of dullness for no reason.

He fixed her sad eyes, and heard her voice softly ringing indoors, "My mother's death back then had nothing to do with Brother Ziyi. You don't have to go after her assassin, for my mother. Revenge is a matter for me, my dad, and my grandfather."

"what do you mean?"

  Mo Ziyi's eyes sank, and she suddenly became annoyed.

  Qin Qingqing was startled by his anger, her eyes flickered, "I don't want brother Zi Yi to work so hard, you are now a girlfriend, you should treat your girlfriend wholeheartedly."

   "I left you alone in City S. Are you angry with me?"

  Mo Ziyi interrupted Qin Qingqing suddenly and asked calmly.

  She was startled.

   then shook his head, "No."

   "But I hope..."

  Mo Ziyi didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by Qin Qingqing's cell phone ringtone.

  Her phone is still in her hand.

   lowered his head and glanced at the caller ID on the screen. When he raised his eyes, Mo Ziyi had already taken two steps back.

  He put his hands in his pockets, stood there upright, and collected all his emotions. The whole person was cold and cold.

   Tan Qingqing's heart hurts inexplicably.

   Can’t tell why, she doesn’t like seeing Mo Ziyi like this very much.

  Actually, today, four years later, they have all changed too much.

   is no longer the same as before.

  "Uncle Tan is not at home. It is not good for you to be a girl and let two big men live at home. Even if Ye Zhan is the boyfriend your grandfather and grandfather find for you, there is no need to live together in the first place."

  Mo Ziyi's dark eyes scanned the mobile phone in her hand.

  Seeing that she was not answering the phone, he continued, "Let them live here these days, or you can come and live."

pick one of two.

  He is not discussing with her.

   is in a strong and domineering tone.

  "My grandpa arranged this."

  Qin Qingqing did not refuse or agree.

   is just calmly expounding the facts.

   "Grandpa, I will call him to talk to him."

   After saying this, Mo Ziyi stepped out of the room.

  Qin Qingqing pursed her lips, listening to the sound of footsteps walking away, she called back Tang Jinchen's call.

   "Qingqing, why haven't you come down for so long?"

   "Are you gone?"

  "Not yet, waiting for you downstairs, A Zhan said that you are a girl, and it is not safe to go home alone at night."

   "Okay, I will come down soon."

Although Tan Qingqing said that she would go down soon, she did not go down immediately.

  She knew that Mo Ziyi would definitely go downstairs to tell Tang Jinchen his proposal.

  She wanted to wait for the results, and then go on.

  The people downstairs have not left yet.

   After Tang Jinchen and Qin Qingqing finished talking on the phone, they saw Mo Ziyi coming down the stairs.

  His eyes moved slightly, and Tan Qingqing was not with him, suddenly there was a bad premonition in his heart.

   turned his eyes to look at Ye Zhan, who was also looking at him.

   "Zi Yi, didn't you go upstairs to find Qingqing? Why did you come down again? Didn't you find them?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao, who was chatting with Wen Ran and others, raised her head, and when she saw Mo Ziyi coming downstairs, she asked with a smile.

  Mo Ziyi smiled and said, “I found it. They can watch a movie upstairs, and they can’t bear to come down.”

  He turned his eyes to look at Tang Jinchen and Ye Zhan, “It’s not convenient for a girl to live with you two big men. She is living here these days, so you don’t have to wait for her.”

   "Qingqing said that she would come down just now."

  Tang Jinchen frowned and looked at Mo Ziyi.

   Ye Zhan’s eyes changed slightly, and the corners of his mouth evoked a faint arc, “You think too much, Jin Chen and I are both good people. To be safe, Qingqing lives with us. It’s the safest.”

  The implication is that it is not safe to live with him.

Tang Jinchen left Qingqing alone in City S because of his anger at Mo Ziyi, and immediately nodded to unite with Ye Zhan, "Yes, I am Qingqing’s cousin, and A Zhan is also the person that grandpa admires most. Qingqing lives with us. It's the safest."

   "But Qingqing feels unsafe."

  Mo Ziyi speaks calmly.

  No matter how much you guarantee, you can’t give Qingqing a sense of security. What can be done?

  A trace of embarrassment flashed across Ye Zhan's face, and there seemed to be a trace of apology.

  Looking at Mo Ziyi, who refused to give in, and then looked at the lively elders in the room.

He raised his hand to touch his nose and stepped back and said, "Although Grandpa An strongly requested that Jin Chen and I stay at Qingqing’s house and not allowed to stay in a hotel. But it makes sense to hear you say that. Instead of the two of us treating Qingqing as the master Come to live at your house, why not live with Jin Chen and me?"

  Ye Zhan turned his head, looked at Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran, smiling authentically, "Uncle Mo, Aunt Wen, can you keep me and Jin Chen for a few days?"

   "A warm welcome, let alone a few days, it's okay to stay for a few months."

  Wen Ran smiled mildly, "Jin Chen was also a frequent visitor to my house when he was a child. Naturally, you can't stay in a hotel when you come to City G. Since it is not convenient to live in Qingqing's house, you can live here with confidence."

   "Thank you Aunt Wen."

   Ye Zhan said neither humble nor babble, polite and gentle.

  Tang Jinchen looked at Ye Zhan and then at Mo Ziyi.

  Seeing that both of them seemed to be satisfied with this arrangement, he blinked, how he became superfluous, they decided not to ask for his opinion.

  He looked towards the second floor and saw Tan Qingqing slowly coming down from the upper floor. The time was really accurate.

  He felt depressed in his heart, and walked over a few steps, lowered his voice and asked Qingqing who came downstairs, "Qingqing, Mo Ziyi said that you did not let me live with Azhan, did you agree with Grandpa?"

  Qin Qingqing’s eyes flickered, "Cousin..."

  (End of this chapter)

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