Chapter 222 Be a Good Brother

  Said these words, Gu Kai's tone was also a little sour.

  He is six years older than Ranran. He still remembers when he was a child, the day he knew he was going to be a brother, he was so happy that he went around in the living room several times.

   ran over to hold his mother's neck, put her hand on her swollen abdomen, and happily greeted her sister.

  In those few months, he would tell his sister a story every night, telling her that he is her brother, and in the future, he will be the best brother in the world, making her the happiest sister in the world.

  The day his sister was born, he carefully hugged her baby, and stood with his father in front of his mother's bed, taking a photo with the family of four. At that moment, he felt very happy.

  Every day from now on, the first thing he does when he comes home from school is to hold and tease his sister. He also asks his mother why there is a beautiful mole on his chin but not on his chin.

  Mom smiled and said that it was a sign of her younger sister, and his younger sister was naturally different, so he was so happy.

However, those happy days did not last long. That summer evening, he pushed his half-year-old sister for a walk on the path in front of the house. His mother followed him, and he picked a blooming gardenia next to his sister. Smell the fragrance, his father called his mother.

After his mother made the phone call, his younger sister started to **** and cried. He asked her mother to go home and get wet with a diaper, saying that he could take care of her younger sister. Mother looked around. Except for a couple of neighbors who took their children for a walk, no one else, this It was at their door again, so he went home safely to get wet diapers.

  Never, when his mother walked to the door, there was a sudden brake behind him. He heard the voice turning back. He saw two strange men leaping towards him. One grabbed him and the other bent over to hug his sister.


He yelled, and the two couples who were walking with the baby not far away also shouted immediately. His mother turned and ran, and the man pushed him **** the stone edge of the flowerbed by the road, picked up his sister, and drove away. .


It was a blatant robbing incident. Gu's family, another century-old medical family, had a great reputation in G City. At that time, the police attracted great attention. However, the villain who robbed his sister seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. , No matter how you find it, you can't find it.

  From the moment his sister was snatched and disappeared, Gu Kai’s happy childhood life ended.

  His mother washed his face with tears every day, and his father was anxious and sad. He did not dare to cry in front of his mother, so he could only hide in the quilt at night, crying secretly with the doll he chose for his sister.

  The dim light in the carriage hit his handsome face, lost in memory.

  It was a bit of silence and loneliness for no reason. It took only six years from the disappearance of his sister to the death of his mother. He would never forget the words of his mother holding his hand before his death, so that he must find his sister back.

  He knew that his mother would die because of despair.

  After so many years of searching, I finally got a clue, but fell into deep disappointment...

  In the closed compartment, the air was stained with sorrow because of him. Looking at such a friend, Mo Xiuchen felt choked in his heart.

  He spoke slowly, breaking the breathless sadness in the carriage, “You can take some time and take Ranran to the cemetery to see your mother.”

   Gu Kai heard the words and suddenly looked up at him.

   "You are looking for me tonight, that's it?"

  He pressed his thin lips tightly, as if he had knocked over the condiment bottle, with mixed flavors.

A hint of apology flashed in Mo Xiuchen's eyes, and he said lightly, "I originally wanted to tell Ranran about your family affairs and let her know more about you and Gu's family, but because I said something that I shouldn't have said that night, she now seems Very sensitive, I feel that I eat her brother’s jealousy, but I don’t mind your dealings with her. This is very abnormal."

Gu Kai's eyebrows were lightly condensed, and the thing about shopping with her that day flashed in his mind, and he suddenly said, "No wonder, that day when I was shopping with her and Yuting, I chose a beautiful hairpin, but she didn't want to ask for it. In the end, Give some hints in the words. Xiuchen, why did you make such a low-level mistake."

  He knows that Wen Jin and Wen Ran are only brothers and sisters even if they are not related by blood. However, he shows that he likes them, but he actually eats Wen Jin’s vinegar.

  This man who is always wise and wise, how can he have such a low EQ.

   "I am an ordinary person, and of course I will make the mistakes that ordinary people make."

  Mo Xiuchen defended himself bluntly. He knew that he had made a low-level mistake, but after all those words were said, he couldn't take it back.

  If it hadn’t been for Ranran to ask about that night, he wouldn’t have run out on Shen Yuting’s phone.

  Gu Kai glared at him, turned his head to look ahead, and said in a deep voice, “I want to let Ranran know her background as soon as possible.”

  Knowing that it was his sister’s next day, his father Gu Yan flew to D country, and all the difficult operations were given to him. These days, he was so busy that he didn’t even have time to eat.

  He doesn’t need to ask to know what his father is doing abroad.

   Therefore, he wants to recognize his sister even more eagerly, at least to make his father feel better.

Mo Xiuchen understood his thoughts and his eagerness to recognize his sister. After a few seconds of silence, he still said rationally, "It will be a few more days. When Wen Jin recovers and is discharged from the hospital, Wen does not need to be. I also wait for me to get more evidence from Xiao Wenqing, solve some things, and then let Ranran know her life experience."

  Gu Kai's face changed, and his voice became more and more gloomy, "It will take a long time for Wen Jin to fully recover. It will take two months at the earliest, and it will take at least two months for Xiao Wenqing."

   "Well, two months, I have been waiting for more than 20 years, so why bother to wait another two months."

Mo Xiuchen secretly estimated the time in his heart. Those things really can't be solved in a day or two. He looked at Gu Kai, who had a bad face, and said softly, "Back when the police rushed out, Fu Jingyi must have been early. Only after getting the news and escaping will we catch other people and not see him alone."

   Mentioning the name Fu Jingyi, Gu Kai's eyes sank, and the breath that he exudes instantly became cold.

  It was the man who not only robbed his sister, but in the end, he hurt her.

  If he is allowed to see him, he will definitely make him unable to survive, not to die!

   "I have a little clue recently, but I don't know if it's like that."

  Mo Xiuchen's deep voice broke the icy cold breath he released, and looked at Gu Kai with gentle eyes.

  The latter turned his head and faced his dark eyes, "What clue?"

  Mo Xiuchen pursed his lips and explained faintly, “It’s Wu Tianyi, the man who has been helping Xiao Wenqing want to get rid of me all these years, haven’t I stepped forward to tell you about him?”

  (End of this chapter)

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