Chapter 211 Ecstatic as mad

Outside the door, Tan Mu asked Wen Ran if he wanted to go in with his eyes.

   Wen Ran looked down at the breakfast in his hand with a frown.

  She suddenly remembered that on Mo Xiuchen’s birthday, she took the food she cooked to his company. It happened that Cheng Jia also made food for Mo Xiuchen’s birthday.

  It is somewhat similar to the situation this morning.

  It’s just that Cheng Jia was the one who delivered the food that time, and Shen Yuting was visiting in the ward today.

  While Cheng Jia’s admiration for Mo Xiuchen was unabashed, Shen Yuting was a friend, and what he said was nothing excessive.

  Wen Ran held the breakfast bag slightly tighter.

  No matter who the woman in the ward is, she does not want Mo Xiuchen to accept that kindness.

  Who made Shen Yuting's admiration for Mo Xiuchen, even if she didn't show it clearly, she knew that she was no less than Cheng Jia before!

  She glanced at Tan Mu lightly, the latter stepped back knowingly, and Wen Ran stepped forward, raising her hand to unscrew the door of the ward.

   Although the voice was soft, Mo Xiuchen on the hospital bed could still hear it.

Xu didn't want to face Shen Yuting's concern. He immediately looked up at the door. He thought it was a nurse who came in, but he didn't want to. The woman who hit his sight when the door opened was the person he was thinking of.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes lit up, and the whole person froze unexpectedly.

  He couldn’t believe that Wen Ran would show up at the door of his ward early in the morning, with clear eyebrows and clear eyes, standing like that, he was really ecstatic!

  Wen Ran did not speak, and the slender figure stood still at the half-open door, staring at him quietly.

  He can see clearly his pale face due to blood loss and the faint weakness between his eyebrows. Contrary to his joy, her heart has a fine pain.

  Shen Yuting turned her back to the door, and seeing Mo Xiuchen staring at the door idiotically, her whole body seemed to froze. She was shocked and turned her head to follow.

  Wen Ran's eyes touched the door, and her face changed slightly.

   was replaced by shock at any time, stood up from the stool in front of the bed, and the surprised voice broke the stare between Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran that only they knew, "Of course, why are you here?"

  Wen Ran pursed her lips, stepped into the ward, and Tan Mu, who was standing behind her, also walked in.

   "I only learned that Xiu Chen was injured and hospitalized in the early morning, Sister Ting, why are you here?"

  Wen Ran's face was calm and calm.

  The soft voice couldn't hear any emotions. During the conversation, she walked to the hospital bed and put her breakfast on the bedside table next to Shen Yuting's insulated lunch box.

Shen Yuting glanced at Mo Xiuchen on the hospital bed, smiled and replied, "I was giving a speech in City C and happened to know that Xiuchen was injured. Thinking that you are far away in City G, I made some breakfast that Xiuchen likes to eat and cooked it. Bring some soup, of course, you came just right, Xiu Chen said that he has no appetite and is unwilling to eat, you come to persuade him. If he doesn't eat, how can he recover."

  At the end, Shen Yuting looked at Mo Xiuchen.

  Since Wen Ran appeared in his line of sight, Mo Xiuchen's gaze has not been removed from her face. It seems that no one else in this ward exists. In his eyes, there is only Wen Ran.

  Wen Ran doesn’t care whether he looks at him or not, he just looks at her intently.

  Shen Yuting passed a touch of loss in her eyes, looked away, and looked towards Wen Ran

   "Yu Ting, Wen Ran also brought breakfast for Xiu Chen. Let's go out first and leave it to her here."

   Tan Mu stood a few steps away and did not step forward, nor did he greet Mo Xiuchen, and said directly to Shen Yuting.


  Shen Yuting nodded slightly, and then said to Wen Ran, “Of course, Xiuchen lost a lot of blood. You must let him drink the soup, and I will see him at noon.”

   "Go ahead and I will take care of him."

  Wen Ran glanced at Mo Xiuchen on the hospital bed, sent Shen Yuting and Tan Mu out of the ward, closed the door, turned around, and looked at the man on the hospital bed again.

   His eyes were facing each other, Mo Xiuchen's eyes rolled and the waves rolled, and he opened his mouth, his low-pitched voice suppressed his emotions, "Sure!"

   Wen Ran's heart trembled fiercely, her red lips pressed tightly, and she said nothing.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes changed slightly, his eyes grew deeper and hotter as he watched her walking towards him step by step, he explained softly, "I didn't let Shen Yuting come."

  Wen Ran's face sank, her lips pressed tighter, she walked to the hospital bed, opened the breakfast she bought, and handed it to him without saying a word.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at the breakfast she handed over.

   Seeing that she was ignoring herself angrily, a little loneliness appeared in his eyes, and he didn't say that he had no appetite like just now, so he reached out and picked it up.

Just when Wen Ran thought he was going to take breakfast, he suddenly withdrew his hand again, blinked lightly while looking at her, and said in a pitiful tone, "Of course, I was injured. Can I eat well?"

  Wen Ran's pupils shrank.

  Heart seemed to be stung severely by something, and an indescribable pain instantly spread to the limbs.

  Looking at the handsome facial features in front of him, his eyebrows condensed slightly, and his eyes are looking forward to the man who looks forward to him, he is still like that shrewd and decisive group president who is strategizing.

  What is it like the indifferent man who threw her at the Civil Affairs Bureau after receiving the certificate, and the indifferent man who drove away by himself, and the man who arrogantly asked her to fulfill the obligations of a wife and drive away those men who admired his women...

  It was more unlike the man who brought her up from the cliff, nor the Mo Xiuchen who said that he loved her and didn't need her to return the same feelings, as long as she stayed with him for life.

  At this moment, what she saw in her eyes was just someone who was injured and as fragile as a mortal, but was afraid of her being angry and pretending to be pitiful and tender and pitying.

  However, this kind of Mo Xiuchen makes Wen Ran the most softhearted.

  All her emotions and dissatisfaction dissipated in his clear and expectant eyes, and a heart was soft and turned into a lake.

"Ran Ran!"

   Seeing that she was just looking at herself without speaking, Mo Xiuchen, who had always been proud and confident, had no idea at all. He used to hope that Wen Ran would be jealous, but now, he is afraid that she will be angry with him because of Shen Yuting.

  Perhaps, because he knew Wen Ran’s life experience, Shen Yuting was her cousin, not another woman, and he didn’t want them to be unhappy because of him.

  Of course, he actually didn’t want to be unhappy.

  She showed up in his ward this morning, without thinking about it, he also knew that she had arrived overnight.

  After knowing that he was injured at two o'clock in the morning, she rushed to it non-stop, counting the time, this time, just right!

  He is such a talented person as Mo Xiuchen, but he has exhausted what he has learned in this life, and he cannot describe the touch and joy in his heart. It is a kind of happiness that cannot be described in words. It has penetrated into the soul and carved into the bone marrow.

  (End of this chapter)

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