Chapter 209 Ranran, don’t cry

   On the days when Mo Xiuchen was on a business trip, Wen Ran had a nightmare again.

  She once again saw the little boy who had not dreamed for a long time, but still couldn't see his face. The difference from the previous dreams was that this time, her dreams were no longer so messy, and there was a sequence.

  In her dream, she let the boy run away, the thin figure trembled in the cold wind, the little boy ran out of her sight, and then she was caught by several big men.

  The picture changed. She was pressed by several people on the cold experiment table. Someone took a needle and pierced her towards her. She didn't know what was said in her mouth. She couldn't hear it, but her smile was as scary as a devil.

  She screamed, begging for mercy, but it was useless.

   Watching the needle stick into her skin, she woke up all at once.

  Get out of bed, she poured a glass of water to drink, it was only two o'clock in the night.

  Looking at the spacious and soft big bed, Wen Ran's heart suddenly filled with delicate thoughts. These days, sleeping in Mo Xiuchen's arms every night, and waking up in the morning, even if he is not by his side, there is still his breath.

  She laughed at herself, Mo Xiuchen had only been on a business trip for a few days. She was so uncomfortable to sleep on this big bed by herself, so late at night, and miss him so much.

   Lying down on the bed again, her sleepiness was driven away by missing, holding the mobile phone unknowingly, she edited a text message and sent it out.

   Seeing that the message was successfully sent, she suddenly woke up, frowning annoyed, put down the phone, and lay down.

  However, the phone's ringtone suddenly rang. She was surprised and immediately picked up the phone again. When she saw the caller ID, she felt emotional for a moment, pressed the answer button, and whispered his name, "Xiu Chen."

   "Of course, why haven't you slept so late?"

  Across the electric wave, Mo Xiuchen's voice came in a low and gentle voice. Hearing his tone, it was not like he had just woke up, but it was more like he had not fallen asleep.

  At two o'clock in the morning, his side should also be quiet.

  However, besides his voice, there were other noises on the phone, and it was hard to hear who was talking, but not just one.

   "I just had a dream and I woke up. How about you, haven't you slept yet? Why is it noisy on your side... Are you in the hospital?"

  Wen Ran said at the end, her voice couldn't help but get worried. In the middle of the night, how could he be in the hospital, "Mo Xiuchen, did something happen to you?"

  Hearing her eager voice, on the other side of the phone, Mo Xiuchen's heart warmed, and his voice became softer, "Of course, don't worry, it's just a small problem."

   "How could it be a small problem, I heard a lot of people's noise, Mo Xiuchen, what happened, you tell me."

  No wonder, when she thought he would call at night, he didn't call.

  It turned out that something happened to him. But what happened? When he went to C city on a business trip, he was not to deal with such a thing. Later, he called only to say that something was delayed.

  Until last night, he told her that an employee of the factory over there was crushed and killed by a machine due to improper operation...

  Is it a family member of the deceased?

However, in a short moment, Wen Ran already had several guesses in his heart. Seeing Mo Xiuchen didn’t want to elaborate, she just perfunctorily said “It’s okay”. She became anxious and threatened him, “If you don’t tell me, Then I will rush over now and I will go to the hospital to find you by myself."

"Ran Ran."

  The voice that came into his ears was a touch of helplessness. Obviously, Mo Xiuchen had nothing to do with her.

  He thought that if she didn’t tell her, she wouldn’t know that something happened to him. Unexpectedly, the patient in the next ward just now needed to be rescued, and she knew that he was in the hospital.

   "Xiu Chen, were you injured by the family of the deceased? Tell me the truth, it's not serious."

  Thinking that he might be injured and hospitalized, his heart felt like being held tightly by an invisible big hand, unspeakably distressed and sad.

   "Well, I have suffered a little injury, but it is not serious. Really, I promise to go back in two days. Don't worry, let alone feel sad."

   "If something happens to me, can you not worry about it?"

   Wen Ran's eyes suddenly reddened.

  Based on her understanding of Mo Xiuchen, he would definitely not be hospitalized for a little bit of injury or something, but if he could be hospitalized for a big man, it means that the situation must be serious.

  He didn't want to tell her how could she not worry.

Mo Xiuchen was stunned by her questioning for a moment. After a minute, he finally told the truth, "Of course, this is an accident. I was stabbed by the deceased’s wife, but the dagger she was holding was not long and the wound was not very deep. It was only because of the bleeding that I was hospitalized."

  A picture of Mo Xiuchen being stabbed by someone appeared in Wen Ran's eyes, tears streaming out of his eyes uncontrollably.

  She bit her lips tightly, not letting herself cry.

  He was stabbed with a dagger by the deceased’s wife, and he shed a lot of blood. It must be painful.

   "Of course, are you crying?"

  Can't hear her voice, Mo Xiuchen's heart tightened, and his voice became softer and softer.

   Wen Ran raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and said softly, "I didn't. When did this happen?"

   "Tonight, the original thing has been resolved, I was careless for a while, of course, don't cry."

  Wen Ran did not admit that she was crying, and Mo Xiuchen could also hear her. Her voice was different before and after her. The thick nasal sound could hardly conceal her heartache for him.

   "I'm not crying, you take a good rest, I'm going to sleep."

"OK, good night."


  Two minutes later, the phone was connected, and Wen Ran asked without waiting for the other person to speak, "Tin Mu, where does Xiu Chen live?"

   "Which hospital?"

   Tan Mu’s voice was three-point sleepy, and was awakened by her phone call.

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me, Xiu Chen was stabbed by the deceased's wife last night. I don't believe you don't know. If you don't tell me, then I will go by myself. However, Xiu Chen will definitely not worry about me. People go."

   Tan Mu frowned, and secretly said that Wen Ran, like Mo Xiuchen, was overbearing and unreasonable.

  Learning that Mo Xiuchen had an accident last night, he and Luo Haofeng wanted to rush over immediately, but they were stopped by him. Whatever they said, they left G City, which would arouse Wen Ran's suspicion.

  And he didn't want Wen Ran to know about his injury.

  That, how did Wen Ran know?

   "Can you tell me what?"

  Wen Ran had poor patience. To be precise, she was worried because she wanted to spread her wings and fly to Mo Xiuchen's side. She didn't have the patience to wait for Tan Mu to think about it.

   "You are going, and you have to wait until tomorrow morning, now it's midnight..."

   "I know there is a flight to C city at three o'clock. If you don't want to go, just tell me the address and I will go by myself."

  Wen Ran's tone was firm, even if there were no flights, she would have to drive there overnight.

  Every time she needs him, he will rush to her as soon as possible.

  Now, he was injured and lying alone in the hospital, how could she ignore him.

  (End of this chapter)

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