Chapter 206 Destined Fate

  Gu Kai's eyebrows condensed lightly, and calmly explained, “I just called Xiu Chen. He told me.”

  Shen Yuting widened her eyes in astonishment, “Cousin, Xiu Chen even told you about the private affairs of a girl like Wen Ran during her menstrual period. He really doesn’t treat you as an outsider!”

   "I am not an outsider."

  Gu Kai took the conversation disapprovingly, and pressed his thin lips into a straight line of determination.

  Remembering what Wen Ran said in the jewelry store just now, his heart felt choked up again. If she knew that she was her brother, how would she be unwilling to accept a hairpin from him.

  Shen Yuting blinked suspiciously, and looked at Gu Kai inquiringly.

  In the morning, Gu Kai learned that she had made an appointment with Wen Ran to go shopping, and she felt strange when she volunteered to be with them.

  One morning, no matter what they bought, he swiped his card generously, and he personally selected a hairpin to give to Wen Ran. All his behavior was abnormal.

  Don't say Wen Ran has ideas, she also has ideas.

  Although she had heard Mo Xiuchen say before, Wen Ran might be the sister Gu Kai was looking for. He felt special to her, but that was only possible, and Wen Ran might not be.

  Today, I saw that Gu Kai was kind to Wen Ran. She even had a selfish and BT idea in her heart. I hope that Wen Ran is not the sister Gu Kai is looking for.

  His feeling towards her will turn into another kind of emotion. In this way, a crack will appear between Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen...

  The thought just flashed past, and she was immediately pressed deep in my heart.

  She warned herself secretly not to have such nasty thoughts, her cousin was not the kind of man who robbed a friend’s wife at all.

   "Cousin, do you really think Wen Ran is the cousin? But, there is a mole on the chin of the cousin, Wen Ran does not have it."

  I stared at Gu Kai for a while, and didn't see anything strange on his face, Shen Yuting asked curiously.

  Gu Kai turned his head, looked at Shen Yuting with dark eyes, took a deep breath, and said, “Of course there was a mole on the chin, but it was removed later.”


  Shen Yuting's eyes opened in shock. Could it be that Wen Ran is really her cousin.

Gu Kai nodded, his expression became serious, and his grip on the steering wheel became tighter. After hesitating, he told her, "I used a clear hair for DNA identification. She is indeed my long-lost sister. Your little cousin, however, I haven't told Ranran about the news yet. At present, only Xiu Chen, me and my dad know that there is now one more you."

  Shen Yuting looked at Gu Kai in disbelief, and what Mo Xiuchen said to her flashed in her ears, and Gu Kai’s attitude towards Wen Ran...

  In her heart, she couldn't tell whether she was happy or disappointed.

  Subconsciously, she actually didn't want Wen Ran to be her cousin. She hadn't completely given up on Mo Xiuchen. If Wen Ran was just an irrelevant person, she would be better off.

  But, Wen Ran is her cousin, she must cut off her feelings for Mo Xiuchen and leave nothing behind.

   "Yu Ting, I don’t want others to know about this matter yet, especially Ranran, you have to keep it secret."

  Gu Kai looked at her through the lens and said softly.

"I know."

  Shen Yuting hesitated, and then asked, "Since you found your cousin, why don't you recognize her?"

  Gu Kai pursed her lips lightly, her voice was slightly stiff, "I don't want Ranran to know her life experience now, let's live a few days."

   There are enough dangers around Wen Ran. Although Zhou Mingfu has been arrested, there is also Xiao Wenqing, who can use Ranran to threaten Mo Xiuchen anytime, anywhere.

  If you let her know that Wen Ran is the girl they have been looking for for many years, then she doesn't know what vicious and vicious things she will do.

  Back then, Xiao Wenqing really wanted to kill Wen Ran.

  If she was later rescued by Wen Hongrui's family, she removed the mole on her chin, moved house, and dressed her up in a different way. She is a six-year-old girl, how could she escape their poison.

  Whenever he thinks of these things, Gu Kai feels distressed and blames himself.

   "However, since it is my cousin, then she is really the little girl who saved Xiuchen?"

  When Shen Yuting asked this, her hands on her legs were tightly crossed.

Gu Kai’s answer made her feel desperate and desolate, “Yes, I said that the little girl who saved him was my sister. It’s not nonsense. It turns out that it’s not only my sister, but the little girl who saved him back then. , But she forgot all those things."

   "How could she forget it?"

  Shen Yuting’s voice was tired and weak. She knew that Gu Kai could not make a mistake. He said yes, Wen Ran must be.

   "She was deeply hypnotized."

  Don’t say a little girl, even an adult, even if she is deeply hypnotized, she can lose her memory.

  Shen Yuting gave a cry, turned her head out of the window, and stopped talking.

  In the carriage, it suddenly became quiet.

Gu Kai looked at Shen Yuting in a daze from the rearview mirror. He felt soft and said softly, "Yu Ting, Xiu Chen and Ranran are destined to be together. From the moment they met more than ten years ago, They are bound to each other. In this life and this world, they will only be tempted by each other."

  Shen Yuting pressed her lips tightly, her nose felt sore.

  She has liked Mo Xiuchen for so many years, and never thought that one day it would become like this.

  She always felt that he could not really find that little girl, and even more that he could not really fall in love with that little girl.

  He is so cold-hearted and affectionate. He is indifferent and alienated to all the opposite sexes. He is only gentle towards her, and occasionally smiles and cares.

  She doesn't believe in what is destined, where is so much destined.

  But, she couldn’t help but accept the facts before her.

  Since the day when she returned to China, Mo Xiuchen went to the airport to pick her up. When talking with him, every time he mentioned Wen Ran, his gentle eyes and tone, she knew that she had no hope.

  Clearly knowing, but unwilling to let go, this is the most painful.

Gu Kai sighed softly, his gentle voice with a hint of hesitation, sounded in the quiet and narrow carriage, "You will definitely not believe it, but you have not completely forgotten Xiuchen, even if you were hypnotized, and you don’t remember everything before. She didn't forget Xiu Chen either."

  Shen Yuting's face paled when he said this.

   Slowly turned her head, looked at his eyes, a little red, she tightened her lips, trying to control her emotions.

  "Wen Jin said, of course, since she was a child, she would have a dream of saving Xiuchen back then, and also dreaming of those people who gave her acupuncture..."

  In the last sentence, Gu Kai's voice suddenly changed.

  The breath he released, with a deep chill, the temperature in the carriage dropped suddenly.

  "Cousin, what do you need to give?"

  Shen Yuting was frightened by Gu Kai's sudden look, and for a moment she forgot her sadness, and asked startledly.

  (End of this chapter)

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