Chapter 1908 I may not see you

  Mo Xiuchen saw Luo Haofeng turned around and returned, but he gave him a faint look, and then withdrew his gaze.

   confessed to Wen Ran, "Ranran, if you let Xiaoxiao ignore it, it's fine as long as you haven't received a call."

  Wen Ran responded with a "OK" over there.

  "Why don't you and Xiaoxiao come here."

   "No, I answered the phone, Xiaoxiao is not in the mood to go shopping, I will take her home." Wen Ran explained on the phone.

  The original good mood was destroyed by that phone call.

   "Alright, you send Xiaoxiao home first, and then come back."

  As soon as Mo Xiuchen hung up the phone, Luo Haofeng next to him asked, "Xiu Chen, did Ranran just say that my mother called Xiaoxiao."

   "My mother", Luo Haofeng said in a harsh tone.

  She did not want to admit that she was his mother because he had already severed her mother-child relationship with her in the newspaper.

  But, it was indeed his mother, after he broke off the mother-child relationship with her, he came to bother Xiaoxiao.

  What exactly does she want to do.

  One Meng Ke, another Wu Jingfang, and all of them are looking for Xiaoxiao.

   "Accordingly, your mother asked Xiaoxiao for pleading, and Uncle Luo got her into prison. If she doesn't intercede before the sentence is sent, she will have to stay in prison for the elderly."

  Mo Xiuchen said calmly.

  Luo Haofeng's face changed a few times, and he said with a mocking tone, "She intercedes, people like her will not know how to repent, let alone admit their mistakes."

  If she really knew to repent, she wouldn’t be where she is today.

  Mo Xiuchen certainly agreed with Luo Haofeng's words.

  Wu Jingfang is not the kind of person who knows to repent, they gave her the wrong opportunity before.

   "Maybe she just wants to be free, not to repent, nor to admit her mistakes."

  That's just having to bow your head in front of the situation.

   "I'm going to meet Xiaoxiao."

  Luo Haofeng thought for a while, and said uneasy.

  Xiaoxiao was sad because of what happened back then, but Wu Jingfang even dared to intercede with her.

  Xiaoxiao must be affected by her phone call. Even if he broke off the mother-child relationship with that woman, he still thinks it is his fault.

   "Xiao Xiao may not want to see you, didn't you try it last night?"

  Mo Xiuchen poured cold water on him unceremoniously, and Luo Haofeng's appearance in front of Bai Xiaoxiao now might only make her feel even worse.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes darkened, but he stubbornly pressed his lips, "Even if Xiaoxiao doesn't want to see me, I will go to see her."

  Mo Xiuchen shrugged indifferently, "Whatever, since you want to see, then go see. She is pregnant now, don't let her get too emotional."

  Although the first three months have passed, people who are pregnant are not suitable for those who are too emotional and sad during the whole pregnancy.

  As a good friend and a man who became a father, Mo Xiuchen has the obligation to remind Luo Haofeng.

  Luo Haofeng nodded bluntly. Before leaving, he confessed to Mo Xiuchen again, “If Lu Zhiyan calls you again, you can tell me what news you have.”

"Got it."

  Mo Xiuchen waved at him, motioning him to leave quickly.

  Luo Haofeng turned to leave, Mo Xiuchen stopped him again, and reminded him kindly, “Of course I sent Xiaoxiao home. You can go to her house to find her. If Aunt Qiao is at home, you may still have a chance to enter the house.”


I have to say that Mo Xiuchen's idea is good.

  Today's Bai Xiaoxiao and Bai Mu are inversely proportional to the original.

  At the beginning, Qiao Xiuyun opposed Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao's relationship, but now, Qiao Xiuyun agreed to their relationship, but Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to break up with him again.

When Luo Haofeng arrived at Bai's house, Wen Ran was about to leave.

   Seeing him, Wen Ran was a little surprised, but then he thought, Luo Haofeng knew that his mother had called Bai Xiaoxiao, and he would certainly not be indifferent.

  "Xiaoxiao just entered the house, do you want me to call her out?"

   asked warmly.

  Luo Haofeng shook his head, "No need to call Xiaoxiao, is her mother at home?"

  While speaking, he looked at the villa in front of him.

  Wen Ran’s eyes moved slightly, and he instantly understood Luo Haofeng’s intentions, “Aunt Qiao is at home, but Xiao Xiao’s mood is not very good.”

  The implication is that even if Aunt Qiao is there, Xiao Xiao will not give you a good face.

  How could her mood get better, the woman who hurt her mother back then actually called her, not apologizing, not confession.

  Instead, let her persuade Luo Haofeng to let her go because of the relationship between their mother and son.

  Bai Xiaoxiao found it ridiculous and sad.

  That’s how she returned to Wu Jingfang at the time, “That’s the retribution you deserved long ago. Don’t say that your son and I have broken up. Even if I am his girlfriend now, I won’t persuade him to let you go.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao was very emotional at the time. When she heard Wu Jingfang's voice, she remembered the abuse of her mother.

  The most hateful thing is that Wu Jingfang didn't even apologize.

  Even if she asks others, she still refuses to subdue. She also said that Xiaoxiao likes her son, so she should be filial to her mother.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's character, how can he stand Wu Jingfang's attitude.

  If there were no things back then, she was just an arrogant, mean and difficult mother-in-law, then Bai Xiaoxiao could bear it.

  This is not the case. Wu Jingfang is a vicious woman. Why should she ask her to like her son, she must accept her filial piety unconditionally.

Seeing Wen Ran's solemn expression, Luo Haofeng couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

   asked softly, "Of course, what did my mom say to Xiaoxiao?"

  Wen Ran's face changed. Bai Xiaoxiao was not speaking out at the time, but Wen Ran was sitting next to her, and on the other side of the phone, Wu Jingfang's voice was loud.

  Wen Ran heard part of it, and the other part was judged based on Bai Xiaoxiao’s emotions at the time and what she said back.

  She said solemnly, “Your mother’s attitude is very bad. She called Xiaoxiao, but she didn’t apologize. She didn’t even feel any guilt. She did something like that to Aunt Joe back then.

   Hearing this, Luo Haofeng's face suddenly sank, and his hands hanging on his side were slightly squeezed into fists.

  The facial features have also become colder, "what else?"

  He must know the content of their conversation, so that he can apologize to Shino after a while.

"She asked Xiaoxiao to persuade you and let you look at your mother-child relationship and let her go this time." Wen Ran hesitated before continuing, "She also said that if Xiaoxiao wants to be with you, she will Must accept her as a mother-in-law."

   "I see, thank you, of course."

  Luo Haofeng forcibly endured the raging anger in his heart, he really didn't know that he had done something wrong in his previous life to have such a mother.

  At this moment, Luo Haofeng wanted to laugh.

   is so ridiculous.

  But he couldn't laugh, there was only endless sadness in his heart. That woman really thinks that he is not miserable enough now, is she willing to make Xiaoxiao and him become enemies?

  (End of this chapter)

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