Chapter 1906 Let them marry you to me

  This time it was Xiao Yuting's turn to be surprised.

  He looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with his eyes wide open, and asked incredulously, "Xiaoxiao, you didn't lie to me?"

  She and Luo Haofeng are so good, how could they break up.

  Luo Haofeng has already met her parents and they have already discussed the wedding date?

   "What do you lie to do?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes displeasedly, took a drink from the glass in front of him, and ignored him.

Xiao Yuting stared at her for a long while, and made sure that Bai Xiaoxiao had not lied, and still said unwillingly, "Xiao Xiao, I don’t know why you broke up with Luo Haofeng, but he treats you sincerely, even now, you and He mentions it, and he will definitely agree."

   "Xiao Yuting, don't embarrass Xiaoxiao."

   Wen Ran said calmly, “Xiao Xiao is in a bad mood now. If you really like Qiao Siyi, can’t you just go to City B to find her by yourself?”

   "If I can see Qiao Siyi in city b, what am I going to do with Xiaoxiao?" Xiao Yuting said angrily.

   "Why can't you see her?"

  "She asked for leave and don’t know where she went. I just came back from city b."

   So that's it.

  It seems that Xiao Yuting has decided that only Bai Xiaoxiao can help him persuade Luo Haofeng and ask Qiao Siyi to send it to the door by herself.

   "So Xiaoxiao, you must help me."

  Xiao Yuting decided to stalk her, and let Xiaoxiao agree to his request.

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned speechlessly, "I said I can't help you."

   Her voice fell, Xiao Yuting suddenly sat up straight, "Okay, I won't chase after Qiao Siyi, since you broke up with Luo Haofeng, then I will tell my uncles and aunts, let them marry you to me."


  This is definitely a threat from Chi Guoguo.

  But Xiao Yuting didn't have the slightest apology, and raised his eyebrows arrogantly. Bai Xiaoxiao did not agree, and he would really do that.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed. If it were normal, it would have happened.

  But she didn't have any seizures today, she just rolled her eyes at Xiao Yuting and thought he was bored.

  Xiao Yuting said triumphantly, “Xiao Xiao, in the eyes of uncles and aunts, I am the best candidate now. If you don’t want to marry me, help me.”

  "Do you really like Qiao Siyi?"

"of course it's true."

  Xiao Yuting was suspected, as if being insulted, his face suddenly sank.

   "I can't guarantee anything, I'll call him and ask later."

   "You told him to send Qiao Siyi to deal with City G."

  What Xiao Yuting wants is not unbelievable, what he wants is absolute guarantee, Luo Haofeng sent Qiao Siyi to G City.

   "You call Luo Haofeng now."

"I said that I would fight and I would fight. If you don't believe me, then ask someone else to go." Bai Xiaoxiao finished speaking coldly, paused, and added, "What do you want to say in front of my dad? Just say anything and see if they will agree to your request."

Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao's anger, Xiao Yuting smiled immediately, "Xiao Xiao, I was joking just now, how could I be that kind of person."

  Bai Xiaoxiao pouted, I think you are that kind of person.

  Xiao Yuting left, Bai Xiaoxiao said to Wen Ran, "Of course, you can call Mo Xiuchen to ask Luo Haofeng."

   Last night, she sent a message to Luo Haofeng, telling him not to come to her again, and not to contact her again.

  She can’t go back and call him again.

   Wen Ran nodded clearly, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Mo Xiuchen's number.

  Although Mo Xiuchen has not called her, Wen Ran’s phone call was quickly answered. The other party quickly answered, "Ran Ran, have you eaten lunch yet?"

  "After eating, how did Zi Yi and the others learn horse riding?"

  "They are very good at learning, just because they are too easy to learn. We haven't had lunch yet, and we didn't have time to call you when we wanted to call you."

  Wen Ran couldn't help but smiled, "Thanks for your hard work."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled on the other side of the phone, "Of course, where are you guys, do you want to come to the riding stables?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao is pregnant now, so it is inconvenient to ride a horse.

  But it's okay.

   "We are in the coffee shop, and there is something to tell you." Wen Ran glanced at Bai Xiaoxiao who was sitting opposite, and said softly with a smile.

   "Of course, what's the matter?"

  Wen Ran organized the language in her heart, and then said, "Xiao Yuting fell in love with Luo Haofeng's secretary. Just now I found Xiao Xiao and asked Xiao Xiao to call Luo Haofeng and send Qiao Siyi to G City for a business trip.

   "Is there such a thing?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was slightly surprised.

  Since Xiao Yuting broke up with Bai Xiaoxiao a few years ago, there have been few scandals.

  He basically never had a girlfriend again.

  Isn’t he still pursuing Xiaoxiao some time ago? How come I like Ah Feng's secretary again.

  Mo Xiuchen of course met Luo Haofeng’s secretary, a girl with good looks and temperament in every aspect.

  "It’s true. Xiao Yuting also threatened Xiao Xiao and said that if Xiao Xiao didn’t help him, he would tell Aunt Qiao and Uncle Bai to let them marry Xiao Xiao."

   Wen Ran got up, walked a few steps away, "Xiu Chen, you just tell Luo Haofeng, this is what Xiao Xiao meant, let him send Qiao Siyi to G City on a business trip."

   "Why doesn't she call Ah Feng by herself?"

   "How could she call Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng in the current situation." Had it not been for Xiao Yuting's annoyance, Bai Xiaoxiao would not agree at all.

  Mo Xiuchen was silent on the other side of the phone for two seconds, and then came a gentle voice, "A Feng will definitely agree."

   "If he knows what Xiaoxiao means, of course he will agree."

   "Okay, I'll tell him in a moment, you let Xiaoxiao rest assured."

   "Are you really just coming to the riding stable? Hitomi wants to talk to you."

  On the phone, there was a faint voice from Hitomi.

  Wen Ran asked Mo Xiuchen to give Tongtong the phone, and Tongtong excitedly told her on the phone, "Auntie, Ziyi and I have learned how to ride horses, and Mo Mo and Xinxin are about to learn..."

   Wen Ran praised a few words, and urged them to be safe and obedient.

Tongtong responded obediently one by one, and then returned the phone to Mo Xiuchen. The two chatted for a few more words before hanging up.

  Wen Ran returned to his seat and said with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, Xiu Chen can rest assured that Luo Haofeng will agree."

   "Mo Xiuchen is like a brother to him, of course Luo Haofeng will listen to him."

   "No matter who you are listening to, as long as Xiao Yuting doesn't bother you anymore."

  Wen Ran did not tell Bai Xiaoxiao that Mo Xiuchen proposed to Luo Haofeng in her name.

  Bai Xiaoxiao sighed softly, then spoke again, with a trace of depression in her tone, "If it weren't for Xiao Yuting's threat, I would really not agree to him."

  Although Xiao Yuting has learned well in the past few years, he used to be so diligent. Who knows if he is sincere in Qiao Siyi or just a momentary interest in playing.

   Although Bai Xiaoxiao is not familiar with Qiao Siyi, she is Luo Haofeng's secretary. Based on this alone, she does not want the other party to be hurt.

  This is the so-called Aiwu and Wu.

  (End of this chapter)

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