Chapter 1903 He is downstairs

  After a long time, Lu Zhiyan spit out coldly, "It's not that there is no such possibility."

  Meng Ke knows a lot.

  He certainly hasn’t finished all of it. If some people don’t want him to say something, it is possible to silence him.

   However, this is only a possibility.

   "Meng Ke has done so many bad things, and the sentence must be indefinite, so why waste food."

  It’s impossible for a person like him to learn well.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Luo Haofeng, and said calmly, “Meng Ke won’t have a chance in a short time. There are only a few people who know what happened back then, and Jiang Hui dare not say anything about it.”

The implication of    is that he should handle the Qi family father and son well.

   and his mother Wu Jingfang.

  Luo Haofeng’s face changed, and he mentioned Wu Jingfang reluctantly, “Neither he nor the Qi family can escape. My dad has collected some evidence from her back then. The Qi family’s father and son have also participated in a lot..."

  Now, Wu Jingfang and Qi family father and son have been arrested by the police.

  Mo Xiuchen's face flashed with surprise, he was silent for a second, and said faintly, "That's fine."

  Luo Haofeng smiled mockingly, “Originally, I wanted to delete her memory. Obviously my dad thought that was too kind to her.”

  No matter how Wu Jingfang ended up, it was her own fault.

  The last trace of affection in his heart was also wiped out by Wu Jingfang.

  Now even if he mentions her, he will not feel sad.

  "Everyone is always responsible for what they do."

  No matter what, Mo Xiuchen still didn't want Luo Haofeng to be sad because of Wu Jingfang.

   "She is just a stranger to me now,"

  Luo Haofeng of course knew Mo Xiuchen's worries and concerns, and smiled reluctantly.


  Bai Xiaoxiao went to bed very early tonight, because she didn't have a nap at noon, and fell asleep unknowingly while listening to music at night.

   Woke up thirsty, she got out of bed and poured herself a glass of water.

  After drinking the water, and returning from the bathroom, she didn't feel sleepy. He walked to the window, opened the corner of the curtain, and looked at the moonlight in the sky.

  The moon is like water, so this summer night has a touch of softness and coolness.

   shined on her face through the glass window, reflecting her delicate white cheeks with a soft touch.

   Breathing, a faint fragrance of flowers lingers around.

  She retracted her gaze from the sky and looked at the half-open window next to her. The fragrance of flowers and the night breeze were blowing in through the window.

   Taking a step forward, she opened the window a bit.

  The cool night breeze blew on his face, Bai Xiaoxiao closed her eyes subconsciously, and the more intense floral fragrance lingered between her nose, and her sleepiness disappeared without a trace.

  On the roadside outside the villa, there was a black car parked.

  The window was half down. In the car, a man sat quietly in the main driver's seat with one hand on the steering wheel and a lit cigarette between his fingers.

  Long arms rested on the lowered car window, big hand with distinct joints and cigarettes with fingertips are outside the car, a faint smell of smoke fills the air.

   His deep and narrow eyes looked at an unknown place outside the window. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and his eyes were originally blank and lonely, condensed to a certain window on the second floor.

   stared at the beautiful shadow in front of the window without blinking.

  The original gloomy eyes were filled with tenderness, longing, distress, and countless emotions.

  He came here tonight, but he didn’t actually hope to see Xiaoxiao.

  Because he came very late when he saw that Xiao Xiao’s window was not lit, not only did he not feel lost, but he was relieved a lot.

  At least Xiaoxiao sleeps on time and doesn't stay up late.

  But, just a few minutes ago, her window suddenly lit up.

  He didn't think too much, thinking that she might be drinking water or something.

  But she didn't expect Xiaoxiao to come to the window. She didn't see him, to be precise, she didn't look in his direction.

  She should be staring at the flowers blooming under her window. Because of the light on, Luo Haofeng did not see the soft expression on her face.

  She closed her eyes, breathing the fresh air outside the window.

  He in the car looked at her greedily, for fear that in the next second, she suddenly turned and left.

   Just when he was looking attentively, Bai Xiaoxiao's gaze suddenly turned in his direction, Luo Haofeng's heart jumped, but his gaze seemed to be dipped, unable to move away.

  The two eyes met in mid-air.

  Bai Xiaoxiao stood in the bright place, and Luo Haofeng was hidden in the dark. Even if Bai Xiaoxiao saw Luo Haofeng and recognized him, he could not see his expression clearly.

   However, Luo Haofeng clearly saw the shock in her eyes.

  His fingers on the steering wheel suddenly tightened, and the cigarette on his fingertips was pinched by him and fell to the ground.

  He himself was completely ignorant, just staring at the beautiful shadow on the second floor, a nervousness arose deep in his heart.

  He has a bad feeling that Xiaoxiao will turn around and leave soon.

   And he wanted to look at her for a few more seconds, even if he looked at her from a distance like this, he felt satisfied.

  On the second floor, when Bai Xiaoxiao saw the man downstairs, her breath was choked.

  For a moment, she looked downstairs in disbelief.

  Thinking he was dazzled or hallucinated, how could he come downstairs to her house at this late hour.

  She blinked, then blinked again.

   is not an illusion.

  He is really downstairs, I don’t know when he came.

  I don’t know, how long I watched there.

  Suddenly a sourness surged in her heart, and Bai Xiaoxiao only felt very sad.

  She asked Wen Ran to give him a word, why did he come downstairs to her house.

  She wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but her feet seemed to have taken root, and she couldn't lift it at all.

   Unconsciously echoed in his ears, the words Luo Haofeng said to her that afternoon, and the pain in Luo Haofeng's eyes when she left.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt another severe pain in her heart.

  The heart seemed to have been severely grasped by an invisible big hand, she only felt that her breathing became unsmooth.

  I couldn't see the people downstairs clearly, but when her vision became blurred, she couldn't see clearly.

  Closed her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth again, she turned and left the window.

  Don't want to think about it, after she turned around, would the person downstairs be lost?

   Turned off the light and lay back on the bed, Bai Xiaoxiao turned over and over but couldn't sleep anymore, closed her eyes, and the one who could not get away was the person sitting in the car downstairs.

  She was aching heart, and did not calm down.

  Instead, she was sad, wave after wave impacted her sensitive and fragile nerves, but the tears fell down her eyes, and she finally could not be truly ruthless.

   got up again, took the mobile phone placed on the bedside table, looked at the direction of the window, struggled for a few seconds, and tremblingly typed a message.

  Watching the message sent, Bai Xiaoxiao put down the phone and lay down on the bed again.

  (End of this chapter)

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