Chapter 1901 Give her some time

  Luo Haofeng pressed his lips tightly, trying his best to restrain his emotions.

  Under Mo Xiuchen's solemn expression, he sat down after all.

  Mo Xiuchen asked Wen Ran, "Ranran, what did Xiao Xiao say?"

  Luo Haofeng threatened Bai Xiaoxiao to kill their children because of Meng Ke, but lost his reason impulsively, but Mo Xiuchen was calm.

   Wen Ran comforted Luo Haofeng, “Don’t worry, Xiaoxiao didn’t agree to Meng Ke, and she couldn’t agree.”

   "How did Meng Ke threaten Xiaoxiao?"

  Mo Xiuchen continued to ask, his deep eyes staring at Wen Ran tightly.

When answering this question, Wen Ran hesitated and said a little hesitantly, "Meng Ke threatened Xiaoxiao and said that if she didn't kill the child in her stomach, he would make the incident appear on the headlines of major newspapers. "

   Hearing this, Luo Haofeng's face changed again.

  Wen Ran didn’t need to elaborate on what happened back then, he also knew what it meant.

  That was what Wu Jingfang did back then, and it was also the reason why he broke up with Xiaoxiao.

  Xiaoxiao has broken up with him because of that incident. If that incident is really revealed, then Xiaoxiao will never look at him again in his life.

  This time he said without impulsiveness that he was going to find Meng Ke, but he pressed the corners of his lips, his eyes were very cold.

   "I asked Brother Lu, he said that Meng Ke had no chance to get in touch with the outside world, but Meng Ke said at that time that he can get in touch with the outside world."

  Mo Xiuchen curled his eyebrows, meditating on Wen Ran's words.

  After Meng Ke found out the secret that year, they had to be more cautious, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

  If the news is really revealed, it will not only be the ruin of Qiao Xiuyun, but also the reputation of Bai Xiaoxiao.

  The most important thing is that there is no room for change between Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng.

  Meng Ke is really vicious.

  He couldn't get Bai Xiaoxiao, so he tried his best to destroy her.

  Wen Ran said softly, “Meng Ke may not know about Jiang Hui yet. He also told me just now that one day I will feel betrayed by you.”

  Mo Xiuchen snorted coldly, “He feels that he still has a back hand, but your inference should be correct.”

Speaking of this, Mo Xiuchen looked at Luo Haofeng and said gently, "Jiang Hui told him the incident back then, and after he told Xiao Xiao, he learned that Xiao Xiao and A Feng broke up. The first thing he thought of was how to take Xiaoxiao away while she was sad."

"I think the same way. Apart from Jiang Hui knowing, he probably hasn't told anyone that he was arrested when he ventured back and wanted to take Xiao Xiao away. Now he can't contact the outside world. There should be no other than Jiang Hui. People."

  Wen Ran took Mo Xiuchen's words and continued.

   "So Afeng, don't worry, it is impossible for Meng Ke to have contact with the outside world in the current situation."

  Luo Haofeng was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Wen Ran looked at Luo Haofeng's lonely appearance, sighed, and whispered softly, "Xiao Xiao let me tell you that she is very good, so don't be sad."

  Luo Haofeng's originally silent eyes lit up because of Wen Ran's words.

  A light of expectation burst from the bottom of his eyes, "Did Xiaoxiao really say that?"

"Of course it is true. She doesn't hate you, but she can't face you in a short time. You don't have to worry about Xiao Xiao, she is stronger than we thought. Not to mention a few threatening words from Meng Ke. Just don’t want the kid in the belly."

  Wen Ran’s voice was very soft, and the rate of speaking was very slow. Listening to Luo Haofeng’s ears, the pain in his heart was somewhat slowed down.

Mo Xiuchen smiled faintly, "I told you last time that Xiaoxiao can't accept it for the time being. It's normal. It's impossible for anyone to accept it right away. If you give her some time, she can't refuse you forever. a long distance away."

  Bai Xiaoxiao can rejoin him after breaking up, even ignoring the opposition of both parents. This shows that Bai Xiaoxiao's affection for Luo Haofeng is no less than his love for her.

  The power of love is great.

  They believe that as long as true love, they can overcome all difficulties.

  As long as Luo Haofeng does not give up, Xiao Xiao will come back to accept him one day.

  The sadness and silence in Luo Haofeng’s eyes were replaced by firmness, “Of course, thank you for being with Xiao Xiao during this time. Xiao Xiao is pregnant now, and I can’t take care of her. I can only trouble you in the future."

Not long ago, Luo Haofeng thought that when Xiao Xiao went to city B, he could always accompany her, take care of her, and accompany her to do prenatal education for the baby, and every time he goes to the birth checkup with her, when the baby is born, he Always be by her side.

   But now, all this has become a luxury.

  He can't be fair even when he sees Xiaoxiao.


  "Xiaoxiao, you eat very little at night, do you have no appetite?"

  After dinner, Bai Xiaoxiao went back to the room, lay on the bed and read a book for a while, and her mother came in with the fruit after she came out of the shower.

  Mother Bai put the fruit on the small table in front of the bed, sat down on the edge of the bed, and asked Bai Xiaoxiao with concern.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was playing prenatal education music, with a pillow behind him, leaning comfortably against the head of the bed.

  At the concerned eyes of the mother of Bai Xiaoxiao, Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and shook her head, "Mom, I am not sick, but I am not too hungry at night."

   "I heard your dad say that you left before get off work time this afternoon. Is there something wrong?"

  Since Bai Xiaoxiao knew what happened back then, the mother of Bai Xiaoxiao has been worried about Bai Xiaoxiao, fearing that she would do something to hurt herself because of what happened back then.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flickered, and she lowered her eyes and said, "There is nothing wrong, I am with Ranran."

   "It's not Luo Haofeng looking for you, right?"

   Bai Mu’s intuition, what did Bai Xiaoxiao hide? Looking at her eyes, there was even more worry.

  Bai Xiaoxiao has been back from city b for more than ten days. During this time, she has not heard of Luo Haofeng, nor has she seen Luo Haofeng come to G city to look for her.

  White mother did not believe that Luo Haofeng would break up with Xiaoxiao like this.

  If it were so easy to separate, then Luo Haofeng would not come to G City again and again when Xiaoxiao and Meng Ke were dating.

   "It's not to see him, he and I have already broken up, how can I meet him."

   "Who did you meet?"

  There was a trace of doubt between the white mother's eyebrows, she looked at Bai Xiaoxiao inquiringly. If she hadn't lied, she wouldn't dare not look into her eyes.

   Mind turned slightly, and then asked, "Did you go to see Meng Ke?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed slightly. He lowered his head and raised it up. With a concerned look at the mother-in-law, Bai Xiaoxiao felt a trace of guilt in her heart.

   hesitated, and finally said, "It was Meng Ke who called and said to see me, so I went."

   "Meng Ke wants to see you?"

  The white mother twisted her brows slightly, "What did Meng Ke tell you?"

  This is why she eats less at night!

  (End of this chapter)

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