Chapter 1899 Revenge

  Bai Xiaoxiao stood there, staring at Meng Ke with clear eyes.

  The fiery pain in the palm of his hand seemed to be dissipated by the anger in his heart.

  Meng Ke, who was slapped in the face, was also stunned by Bai Xiaoxiao. He knew that Bai Xiaoxiao was not the kind of gentle lady, but he had never seen Bai Xiaoxiao such a sturdy side.

  Dare to slap him?

   And even so exhausted, do you want to slap him to death?

   "Meng Ke, no matter how you threaten me, it's useless. I won't let you get what you want."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said every word in a firm tone.

  She said that it was impossible to kill the child in her stomach. It was the only child she and the man she loved, the only child in this life.

  Meng Ke’s threat, Bai Xiaoxiao did not believe it.

  He has been arrested now, it is impossible to make waves like before.

Meng Ke wanted to laugh, but as soon as he twitched the corner of his mouth, the half of his face that was slapped by Bai Xiaoxiao was immediately painful. His brows wrinkled and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, "Xiao Xiao, if you don't listen to me, you will Regret, I have arranged it a long time ago. As long as I say a word, what happened back then will be on the headlines of major newspapers."

   "Meng Ke, do you think we will believe you?"

  Wen Ran pulled Bai Xiaoxiao to sit down and asked Meng Ke sneer.

   "You keep saying that you like Xiaoxiao, but everything you do is hurting Xiaoxiao."

   "I am helping her."

  Meng Ke's face changed, and angrily defended himself.

Wen Ran seemed to have heard a very ridiculous joke, "Help? You are a despicable and shameless villain. You don’t deserve to say you like it, and you don’t deserve to like Xiaoxiao. Don’t even try to trick us into believing you. You are now a prisoner, you There is no contact with the outside world at all."

   "I can contact..."

  Meng Ke was enraged by Wen Ran, half of his words blurted out, but suddenly he stopped.

   stared at Wen Ran fiercely, "If you want to play with me, Wen Ran, you bitch, I will find you to settle the account, if it weren't for you to instigate the divorce, Xiaoxiao would not leave me."

  Meng Ke not only hates Bai Xiaoxiao for leaving him, but also for being with Luo Haofeng, he hates Wenran even more.

  He always felt that it was Wen Ran who instigated the discord, and Mo Xiuchen kept creating opportunities for Bai Xiaoxiao and Luo Haofeng...

   Therefore, he hated Wen Ran and Mo Xiuchen to death.

   After Bai Xiaoxiao broke up with him, he kept thinking about how to retaliate against Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran.

  The effort paid off. He accidentally learned that Jiang Hui and Mo Xiuchen's mother looked similar, and in the deliberate chat, he heard Jiang Hui's worship of Mo Xiuchen.

  In addition to Jiang Hui’s godfather, Director Wei, Meng Ke felt that God was helping him.

   Then Jiang Hui approached Mo Xiuchen.

  The average woman Mo Xiuchen is disdainful, but Jiang Hui is different. She looks like Mo Xiuchen's dead mother. Mo Xiuchen, a person who lost her mother at the age of eight, will definitely be different to Jiang Hui.

  The facts are indeed as he wished. With the help of Director Wei, Jiang Hui successfully entered Haochen.

  This makes Meng Ke very happy.

  He felt that his plan was half successful.

  Mo Xiuchen can use Jiang Hui, which means that he treats Jiang Hui really differently from other women. When the time is right, it can destroy Mo Xiuchen's and Wen Ran's feelings.

  He wants Wen Ran to try the taste of his lover being robbed.

  Until now, Meng Ke didn’t know that Jiang Hui had betrayed him.

  He looked at Wen Ran's eyes full of fierceness, mocking, "Wen Ran, one day, I will let you know what it's like to be betrayed by Mo Xiuchen."

  Wen Ran suddenly smiled.

   smiled disapprovingly.

She looked at Meng Ke’s eyes full of calculations and sulking, “Good and evil are rewarded, Meng Ke, you are now a good proof. At this point, you should stop thinking about calculating and revenge on me. If you really love Xiaoxiao, you should understand that loving someone is to wish her happiness, not to be selfish and perverted..."

  "I just want Xiaoxiao to be happy. Luo Haofeng is the son of her enemy. She keeps this child and can't get out of Luo Haofeng's shadow for a lifetime. Only if this child is knocked out can she start life again."

  Meng Ke is still arguing for himself.

  He looks like he is really for Bai Xiaoxiao.

  The door behind him was pushed open, Lu Zhiyan came in from the outside, glanced over Meng Ke, and said to Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran, “Don’t believe what he said, he can’t communicate with the outside world now.”

   "Brother Lu..."

  Wen Ran shouted Lu Zhiyan uneasy.

  Lu Zhiyan smiled soothingly and motioned to her not to worry.

  Wen Ran then turned to Bai Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, let's go out first."

   "Xiao Xiao, if you don't believe me, you will regret it."

  Meng Ke saw that Bai Xiaoxiao refused to listen to his arrangements, but instead wanted to leave, he couldn't help but warn angrily.

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not look at him again, and walked out with Wen Ran.

   came to the outside corridor and said comfortingly, “Xiao Xiao, don’t take Meng Ke’s words to heart. Brother Lu said that he can’t have any contact with the outside world. He just lied to us.”

   "I'm fine."

  Bai Xiaoxiao subconsciously stroked her abdomen. Although she could not feel the baby's fetal movement, she only had to think of a little life in her belly.

  In the near future, I will be able to meet her, and in the future, I will be as cute as Zi Yi and Mo Mo.

  She was moved in her heart.

  It is absolutely impossible to kill the child just because of a few threats from Meng Ke.

  Wen Ran heard what Bai Xiaoxiao said, and finally felt relieved.

  When Meng Ke threatened Bai Xiaoxiao just now, she was really worried that Bai Xiaoxiao would be fooled. After all, what happened back then was an unbearable pain for Xiaoxiao’s mother, Qiao Xiuyun.

  If it were reported now, it would be tantamount to exposing Qiao Xiuyun’s wounds to people in blood.

  What a blow to her.

  "Let’s go to Brother Lu’s office first, and wait for him a few minutes." Wen Ran pointed to Lu Zhiyan’s office in front of him.

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, and the two came to Lu Zhiyan's office together.

  Unexpectedly, Fang Zhiwei was also in Lu Zhiyan’s office.

   "Ran Ran, Xiao Xiao." Fang Zhiwei stood up first and greeted them with a smile.

  Wen Ran took Bai Xiaoxiao and walked to the sofa, glanced over Fang Zhiwei's slightly bulging abdomen, and asked in surprise, "Sister Wei, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you getting plumper."

  Fang Zhiwei's eyebrows were stained with shame, and she smiled, "I'm pregnant."

  "Really, congratulations to Sister Wei, you and Big Brother Lu kept secrets so tightly that we don’t even know about pregnancy."

  Fang Zhiwei and Lu Zhiyan were married after the new year.

  There was no big deal when they got married, because of Lu Zhiyan’s work relationship, the two only invited a few tables of guests. And Fang Zhiwei had little contact with Wen Ran and the others because of the matter with Gu Kai before.

  "It’s not that I don’t let you know, it’s because I rarely go out during this time. I heard that you and Xiaoxiao are here, but I made a special trip waiting to see you."

  (End of this chapter)

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