Flash Marriage Passionate Love: Young Master Mo Is A Wife-pampering Addict

Chapter 1897: He said you would regret if you didn't see him

   Chapter 1897 He said you would regret not seeing him

   "No, no!"

  Wu Jingfang screamed, her voice full of panic.

  She don’t have nothing.

  She stretched out her hand to catch Luo Haofeng again, but Luo Haofeng turned around and walked upstairs, leaving only a cold command, "You two take good care of her. She is not allowed to leave the villa."

  A word for her, showing his determination and ruthlessness.

   "You will sleep in the guest room tonight."

  Luo Rongbin saw Luo Haofeng upstairs, turned his head and coldly glanced at Wu Jingfang, who was pale and tearful, and said coldly.

  Wu Jingfang didn't know what she was thinking about, as if she didn't think about anything, she just stared at the direction of the second floor in a daze.

  So that she did not hear Luo Rongbin's words, and did not respond.

  Luo Rongbin didn't bother to talk to him any more, and turned upstairs.

  Only Wu Jingfang was left in the living room, and there were two bodyguards standing at the door. As long as Wu Jingfang did not leave the villa, they would not pay attention to her.

  Luo Rongbin came to Luo Haofeng’s room, closed the door, and walked to the sofa to sit down.

  Looking at Luo Haofeng with concern, he asked with concern, "Afeng, do you and Xiaoxiao really have no chance?"

  Luo Haofeng's well-knotted big hand was holding the remote control. It turned out that he was just turning the station numbly. Hearing Luo Rongbin's words, he pinched the remote control suddenly.

  The austere lines of facial features, for a moment became cold and sharp.

  Bai Xiaoxiao is his sore spot. Since he sent a message to Bai Xiaoxiao last night, Bai Xiaoxiao has blocked him.

  He waited all night and did not wait for her to reply. This morning, he couldn't help but dialed another call, only to realize that he had been blocked by her.

  No matter what Xiaoxiao does, he can understand and has no right to complain.

  She just hopes that after Xiaoxiao has done all those things, she will be less painful and can live a happy life as if she did not know him before.

  If he can do that, even if he suffers for a lifetime, he will be happy.

   "Dad, do you think Xiao Xiao will stay with me after she knows what happened back then?" Luo Haofeng's mouth evoked a self-deprecating smile.

  He is now the son of Xiao Xiao’s enemy, and Xiao Xiao doesn’t hate him, he should be grateful.

Luo Rongbin saw Luo Haofeng’s pain in his eyes, and said solemnly, “Maybe this is only temporary. Don’t be so discouraged. You and Xiaoxiao have experienced so much. She is now pregnant with you. Child, no matter what, she will take care of the child in her stomach."


  The smile at the corner of Luo Haofeng's mouth spread, but his eyes gradually became moist.

  He thought of the sentence Bai Xiaoxiao asked him yesterday, "If you were a wild species born after your mother was abused by a group of men..."

  He seemed to be stabbed fiercely in the heart, and a sharp pain spread quickly.

  So that his handsome face was slightly pale.

   "Xiao Xiao will not harm the child in her stomach, but she will not be with me again."

  If it were his situation, he would make the same decision, and he might even be more ruthless than Bai Xiaoxiao.

  So, he understood Bai Xiaoxiao's decision very well.

   even distressed.

   "Then you can't be so decadent. It has already happened. What you can do now is to make up for Bai Xiaoxiao as much as possible so that she will be less harmed."

   "I know what I should do."

  Luo Haofeng Leng Yi's lips were pressed tightly, his voice was hoarse and low, but with unquestionable firmness.

  He just wanted to indulge himself, sad for two days.

  He will not be so decadent forever, there are many things waiting for him to do.

  Luo Rongbin was silent for a while, did not say anything, when he stood up and left, he just told Luo Haofeng to rest early.

  From just downstairs, Luo Haofeng’s attitude towards Wu Jingfang can tell that he is really heartbroken, and it is impossible to give Wu Jingfang any more opportunities.

  In this case, there is no need to tell Luo Haofeng what Luo Rongbin will do later.


   Regardless of sadness or happiness, the life is still the same.

  Ten days later, the police arrested Meng Ke, Jiang Hui’s godfather, Director Wei, and several related personnel...

  Three more days later, Bai Xiaoxiao received a call from the police saying that Meng Ke wanted to see her.

  She refused without hesitation.

  Ten minutes later, Lu Zhiyan called again, "...Why don't you come to the police station, Meng Ke said, if you don't see him, you will regret it."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's face changed, and she said coldly, "I'll be there in a while."

  Accurately, Meng Ke was the one who ruined her happiness. If Meng Ke hadn’t said the incident back then, she might never have known it and could be kept in the dark.

   Therefore, Bai Xiaoxiao hates Meng Ke and his despicableness.

   hung up the phone, she dialed Wen Ran's number, the phone rang a few times, and Wen Ran's voice came.

   "Of course, Lu Zhiyan called me just now and said Meng Ke wants to see me."

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't want to see Meng Ke alone, and Wen Ran was her best friend. At this time, of course, the first thing she thought of was Wen Ran.

   "Meng Ke wants to see you, did you agree?"

  A gentle voice with a hint of doubt, and a concern, gentle and gentle.

  Bai Xiaoxiao replied truthfully, “I originally refused, but Meng Ke said that I would regret if I didn’t go to see him. I thought about it and he couldn’t do anything to me anyway. I just went to see him.”

  "Well, I will accompany you. You will wait at the company now, and I will be there soon."

  Mo Xiuchen sitting behind the desk not far away, hearing Wen Ran's words, couldn't help raising his eyes to look at her.

  Wen Ran hung up the phone, got up and walked out of the desk, and explained to Mo Xiuchen, “Xiuchen, Meng Ke called to see Xiaoxiao. I will accompany her.”

   "Let Qingfeng take you there."

  Mo Xiuchen did not stop her, but made gentle arrangements.

   With a gentle and gentle smile, he walked to his desk, took his water glass and took him a glass of water, "If I haven't come back when I get off work, you don't have to wait for me."

  Mo Xiuchen looked down at the watch in front of his wrist and said with a smile, “It won’t be that long. Call me if you have anything to do.”

"I know."

  Wen Ran smiled, turned around and was about to leave, but Mo Xiuchen waved to her and motioned her to go behind the desk.

  Wen Ran went over obediently, and was pulled into his arms for a kiss before letting go of her, “If you haven’t come back after get off work, I’ll pick you up at the police station.”

  Wen Ran's cheeks were reddened because of that kiss. She originally thought that Mo Xiuchen was just a quick kiss, but she knew that this rogue man was playing rogue at any time.

   Before he got up from his lap, the office door was knocked again. When Mo Xiuchen said the word ‘come in’, he pushed him away in a panic and stood up.

The door of the office was pushed open, and the person who came in was Jiang Hui. She happened to see the scene where Wen Ran stood up from Mo Xiuchen's arms. Naturally, she could clearly see the blush on her face and the shyness between her eyebrows and eyes. Clearly Chu.

  (End of this chapter)

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