Chapter 1888 I won't let her go

  At this moment, Wu Jingfang hates Qiao Xiuyun and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Hate their mother and daughter.

Luo Rongbin saw her hatred in his eyes, and the coldness in his eyes suddenly condensed, "Wu Jingfang, if you do something to hurt Qiao Xiuyun and Bai Xiaoxiao and their mother and daughter, I will never let you go. ."

   More than twenty years ago, he did not notice what Wu Jingfang did.

   caused Qiao Xiuyun to be humiliated, and now, he will not let those things happen again.

  Absolutely not.

  Wu Jingfang laughed instead, and the smile was miserable and sad, and the makeup on her face was also blurred by tears, "Luo Rongbin, the person you love until now, is it still Qiao Xiuyun, right?"

  Her heart hurts, it hurts.

  She had a poor life and was not liked by Luo Rongbin, but the woman Qiao Xiuyun did nothing but let Luo Rongbin remember her for life.

  She was not reconciled.

  Qiao Xiuyun is better than her, it is worth noting that Luo Rongbin will never forget.

  Luo Rongbin’s voice rang coldly above her head, as if a cold knife pierced her heart, “Yes, from the beginning to the end, the person I love is Xiuyun, she is gentle and kind, unlike you, a snake-hearted woman.”

  Wu Jingfang's hand holding Luo Rongbin's trousers suddenly loosened, and all her strength was exhausted at this moment.

  The heart has been painful to numbness.

  The last trace of blood on her face faded away, and her eyes were full of sadness, despair, and disbelief.

How can Luo Rongbin be so ruthless?

  "If Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know about those things, would you not stay with me until I grow old?" Wu Jingfang asked tremblingly with the last glimmer of hope.

   "I will, if you really accept Xiao Xiao, even if you don't accept it, as long as you don't do anything to hurt her, I will fulfill my promise and stay with you."

Luo Rongbin is willing to spend the rest of his life in exchange for the daughter of the woman he loves and happiness with his own son.

  Wu Jingfang cried suddenly and burst into tears.

   "How did you know?"

   "Meng Ke said it."

   "Meng Ke? Has he been arrested?"

   "He will be arrested soon." Luo Rongbin didn't want to spend any more time with her, abandoning that sentence, turned around and left.

  Wu Jingfang saw him leave and yelled in panic, "Luo Rongbin, you can't leave me, you can't leave me."


  What answered her was the footsteps of Luo Rongbin's resolute departure.

  Wu Jingfang became more panicked, and her voice became sharper, with a three-point threat, "Luo Rongbin, if you don't care about me, I will not let Qiao Xiuyun and Bai Xiaoxiao go."

  This time, Luo Rongbin stopped, turned his head, and shot her eyes sharply like a knife.

  Looking at her coldly for a few seconds, Luo Rongbin left without saying a word.

  The look in the eyes just now seemed to tell Wu Jingfang that he would no longer give her a chance to hurt the woman he loves and the daughter of the woman he loves.

  Wu Jingfang only felt that her heart was chilling, and her whole body was trembling on the ground.

  She didn't stand up from the ground until the waiter came to help her.

  Ranran, when she returned to the hotel, Luo Rongbin had already withdrawn from the hotel room, and there were a total of several thousand yuan in cash left in her own wallet.

  Wu Jingfang suddenly thought of something, her body trembled abruptly, and quickly came to the nearest business hall, and then found that her account was frozen.

  As soon as her legs softened, she almost fell to the ground.

  Luo Rongbin actually froze her card, which made Wu Jingfang completely flustered.

  Without her husband, son, and no money, isn’t she going to be a beggar outside here?

Wu Jingfang thought for a while, took out her cell phone and dialed Luo Haofeng's call. She heard Luo Rongbin's words clearly just now. That man never loved her. Since he was so ruthless to her, he would definitely not care about it anymore. her.

  Now she only hopes that Luo Haofeng can watch their mother and son affection, not like Luo Rongbin so unfeeling.

  At the same time, she also regretted that because Luo Rongbin was kind to her a year ago, she gave all the money to him to take care of.

  Not even private money.

  The phone rang a lot, but no one answered it.

  Wu Jingfang kept sinking with a heart, and finally sank into the bottomless abyss.

  I only felt that her eyes were dark, and if she changed her body heavily, she reached out and held things next to her in time, so that she didn't fall.

  She dragged her tired body back to the hotel, planning to live in a cheaper room, but saw Luo Rongbin, standing there coldly and looking at her.

  Wu Jingfang was overjoyed and ran over excitedly and took Luo Rongbin's hand, "Rongbin, where did you go just now?"

  "I booked a ticket to return to my country."

  Luo Rongbin threw her away in annoyance, his voice was so cold that there was no warmth.

  Wu Jingfang's eyes panicked, "Rongbin, are you going to leave me alone and return to China?"

   "If you don't want to go back, then I will go back by myself." Luo Rongbin finished speaking and left with his luggage.

A daze flashed in Wu Jingfang's eyes. It was not until Luo Rongbin had gone so far that she recovered, and staggered to catch up.

  She has no money on her now, so why dare not to go back? But if Luo Rongbin left her here alone, she could only become a beggar.

   "Rongbin, wait for me."

  Luo Rongbin glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, and the figure that came after him, a fierce touch was drawn in the depths of his eyes.

  Take her back this time, he will never let her go. Some things should have been done long ago, if it weren’t for thinking of him as Ah Feng’s mother before, and those things have passed so many years...


  B city.

  Luo Haofeng sat on the sofa alone, half-burning cigarettes between his slender fingertips.

  After Mo Xiuchen left, he also turned off the light, and in a dark room, only the little sheen between his fingers flickered.

  The phone on the coffee table rings until it stops.

  He just picked it up and glanced at the caller ID, then threw it back on the coffee table.

  The heartache made him feel a little numb, as if someone who had been walking in the dark could not find an exit, despair and suffering were intertwined.

  He can't see a little bit of future and hope.

   After all, I still resented myself. I was too soft-hearted at the beginning, because the woman was his mother. Even if she did one wrong thing, he forgave her again and again.

  He hopes by chance that his father can eliminate the resentment in her heart, but all the efforts are useless.

  The cigarette between his fingers kept burning. At the end, pain came from his fingers, and Luo Haofeng woke up from the numb pain.

   Raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist.

  It's very late. At this time, I don't know if Xiaoxiao is asleep.

  He took the cell phone on the coffee table and found Bai Xiaoxiao's phone number from the recent call records, but stared at the name, but he dared not dial that number.

  The deep pain filled his eyes, he hesitated for a long time, and finally typed a few words tremblingly, stared at the message for a long time, and then tremblingly sent the message.

  (End of this chapter)

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