Chapter 1885 Don't want to see him

When Wen Ran arrived at the hotel, Bai Xiaoxiao had not eaten dinner yet.

  Since Mo Xiuchen took her back to the hotel, she has been resting in the room.

  Wen Ran specially bought some snacks that Bai Xiaoxiao loved to eat. As soon as she entered the hotel, she saw Mo Xiuchen standing there waiting for her.

   "Xiu Chen, how is Xiao Xiao?"

  Wen Ran followed him to the elevator and asked concerned.

  Mo Xiuchen smiled soothingly at her, saying warmly, "Xiao Xiao has been in the room and never came out."

   Hearing this, Wen Ran frowned and said worriedly, “She must be very sad that this happened.”

  Walking into the elevator, Mo Xiuchen held Wen Ran's hand tightly, "No matter how sad, it will pass."

  Just like her back then.

  Getting out of the elevator, Wen Ran said to Mo Xiuchen, "Xiuchen, you should go back to the room first, I will accompany Xiaoxiao."

   "You didn't have dinner either. I'll ask someone to bring you some dinner."

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand and brushed the broken hair on her forehead, and said distressedly.

  Warmly smiled and shook his head, "Wait a while, I see what Xiao Xiao wants to eat, and I will give it away later."

  Mo Xiuchen stood in the corridor with Wen Ran, watching Bai Xiaoxiao come to open the door, and after Wen Ran entered the house, he returned to his room.

   "Xiao Xiao, your eyes are red and swollen. How long have you been crying?"

  As soon as he entered the room and saw Bai Xiaoxiao's red and swollen eyes, Wen Ran frowned tightly, with deep concern in his tone.

   "No, how can I cry all the time."

  Bai Xiaoxiao avoided the look in Wen Ran's scrutiny, and his voice was dull.

Wen Ran took her by the hand, sat down in front of the sofa, and poured her a glass of water, "I bought some snacks for you, and heard Xiuchen say that you haven’t had dinner, so I haven’t had dinner either, you think What to eat, let someone serve it up."

  Bai Xiaoxiao took the cup that Wen Ran handed over, and slightly raised her head to look at her eyes full of concern. She was filled with sadness and a hint of warmth appeared.

  But his nose was sore, something wanted to roll out of his eyes again.

  Subconsciously bit her lips tightly, looked up to the ceiling, "Of course, I don't want to eat anything."

   "How can this work? Even if you don't want to eat, you have to eat a little for the baby in your stomach."

Wen Ran said, opened a bag of snacks, handed it to her, and said softly, "Xiao Xiao, I know you are sad now, just like when I knew my life and knew what Fu Jingyi did to me. It’s the same thing."

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s tears rolled in her eye sockets, and with the blinking of her eyelashes, she rolled out of her eye sockets after all, running down her cheeks.

  Wen Ran felt a pain in her heart, holding her hand and sat down beside her, gently hugging her in her arms.

   "Xiao Xiao, no matter how sad, it will pass."

   "I just hate myself, if I knew these things earlier..." Bai Xiaoxiao's voice was choked and regretful.

  If she knew from the beginning, she would definitely not fall in love with Luo Haofeng.

Why understand what she didn’t say, "These things are not your fault, nor Luo Haofeng’s fault. This is Wu Jingfang’s fault, the woman’s vicious heart, but after so many years, Aunt Qiao was able to agree with you and Luo Hao. The fronts are together, which shows that Aunt Qiao has let go of her heart."

  "How can it be possible to let it go?"

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Wen Ran excitedly, "My mother has always been against it. I forced her to fight her coldly for Luo Haofeng. My mother has only my daughter, but I have been doing things that hurt her. ."

  If she didn't know Luo Haofeng and didn't associate with Luo Haofeng, then her mother wouldn't need it. When she saw Luo Haofeng, she remembered the unbearable past.

  Be still humiliated by Wu Jingfang.

  Bai Xiaoxiao can't forgive herself, how can she be so unfilial.

   Wen Ran took out a tissue to wipe her tears and gently comforted her, “Don’t blame yourself like that. You didn’t know these things before. Even if you know, those things were not done by Luo Haofeng, he is innocent.”

   "The grievances of the previous generation should not be let you bear."

   "But I don't want to face him now, as long as I see him, I think..." Bai Xiaoxiao's voice was full of deep pain.

   Wen Ran felt a pain in her heart, and hurriedly stopped her from speaking, "Xiao Xiao, don't say anything, you don't want to see him, then we won't see him."

  Who ever encountered such a thing? It is impossible to be calm.

  Not to mention that Xiaoxiao is still pregnant. It's too sad, it's not good.

  Bai Xiaoxiao did not go on, letting Wen Ran hug her gently and wipe her tears away.

  The warmth that Wen Ran conveyed to her seemed to really alleviate the pain in her heart a little bit.

  I don’t know how long it took before Bai Xiaoxiao said softly, “Of course, let’s order something to eat!”

   "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

  Wen Ran heard Bai Xiaoxiao say that she would like to eat, and she was overjoyed and asked with concern.

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyebrows and eyes are sad, "I don’t know what to eat, there is nothing I want to eat, you can just order a little bit."

  She actually didn't want to eat, but she thought that Wen Ran hadn't eaten yet.

  You can’t selfishly starve Ranran with her because she doesn’t want to eat, and then reluctantly say that Wen Ran calls something.

  Wen Ran thought for a while, "How about we have porridge!"

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s current emotions are afraid that she has no appetite for anything.

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded gently, indicating that he had no opinion.


  When Mo Xiuchen came to Luo Haofeng's house, he saw him sitting alone in the living room smoking.

  I don’t know how many cigarettes he smoked, the big living room was filled with a strong smell of smoke, which was very nasty.

  This made Mo Xiuchen, who has rarely smoked, frowned, raised his hand and brushed the smell of smoke between his nose and wings, and said solemnly, "A Feng, are you planning to smoke yourself like this?"

  Luo Haofeng, who was stuck deep in the sofa, heard the voice raise his head and glanced at Mo Xiuchen, then lowered his eyes, and passed the cigarette in his hand to his mouth.

  However, Mo Xiuchen snatched the smoke before it was fed into his mouth.

   was pinched out and thrown in an ashtray full of cigarette butts.

  Mo Xiuchen stood tall in front of the sofa, condescending, looking at Luo Haofeng sharply, "Do you want me to wake you up?"

  His voice is somber and angry.

  It seems that the next second will hit Luo Haofeng with a fist.

  Luo Haofeng raised his face slightly, looking at Mo Xiuchen's eyes, painful and at a loss.

  After a few seconds of confrontation, he sarcastically said, "You fight!"

   Beat him fiercely, maybe the pain in his heart will be reduced by a minute or a half.

  Mo Xiuchen gritted his teeth, and the next moment, he really hit Luo Haofeng's face with a fierce punch, he snorted, and the corners of his mouth were immediately dredged.

  Mo Xiuchen asked, "Luo Haofeng, don't forget that you said that you will never let go no matter what."

  (End of this chapter)

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