Chapter 1873 Follow her

  Mo Xiuchen is really unaccustomed to taking women other than Wen Ran on business trips.

  Unaccustomed to getting along.

  Even with Bai Xiaoxiao, he still regretted not bringing Ranran with him.

  So much so that on the plane, Mo Xiuchen closed his eyes and fell asleep, and refused to say a word.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was easy to get sleepy at first, and after a while, she closed her eyes and rested. Only Jiang Hui was left with a pair of eyes open, staring straight at Mo Xiuchen.

  The more I look at it, the more I like it.

   Letting a heart fall, she suddenly felt a little annoyed at herself. She was born a few years late.

  If she could meet Mo Xiuchen before Wen Ran and come to him when he was lonely, maybe she would still have a chance.

  Even though she has a face similar to Mo Xiuchen's mother, there are many men with Oedipus complex in this world, not to mention Mo Xiuchen's mother died when he was a child.

  Who is sure he will not like a woman who looks similar to her mother.

   "Miss Jiang, have you been tired without rest?"

The sudden sound of Bai Xiaoxiao shocked Jiang Hui. She hurriedly moved her gaze away from Mo Xiuchen, but a stiff smile was squeezed out on her face, "I am not sleepy, I slept well last night. ."

Hearing them talking, Mo Xiuchen slowly opened his eyes, and said to Bai Xiaoxiao, "A Feng must have been waiting at the airport now."

  Bai Xiaoxiao glanced at the white clouds outside the cabin, a hint of warmth appeared in his eyes, and his voice was also dyed with a hint of joy, "He waited there early."

  Luo Haofeng called and said that he was on his way to the airport.

  Bai Xiaoxiao also asked her not to worry so much. Without saying a lot, he wanted to go there and wait earlier, but there was nothing to do at home anyway.

  Thinking of the time he waited at the airport for so long, Bai Xiaoxiao was moved in her heart, and a trace of distress quietly breeds.

  Maybe the people in love are the same as them.

  No, it's not the person in love, but the person in love, it's all like this.

  It's not only women who make people feel sorry for them, but men too.

   "It doesn't matter if he waits there, so I don't have to go late and traffic jams on the road."

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and said nothing.

  From city G to city B, it only takes an hour.

  It is the hot summer, and the red sun is hanging high in the sky.

  Any place where the sun shines is covered with a layer of golden color.

  Luo Haofeng in shirt and trousers, standing in the crowd, exceptionally handsome and tall.

  As soon as Bai Xiaoxiao and the others got out of the security check, Luo Haofeng waved to them and greeted them quickly.

   yelled "Xiao Xiao" in joy, her big warm hand, and then she held her soft little hand.

   Following the driver beside Luo Haofeng, he took the luggage in Mo Xiuchen's hand.

   must have been ordered by Luo Haofeng early in the morning, and the driver would only take the luggage in Mo Xiuchen's hand and ignore Jiang Hui.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Jiang Hui's face, but he quickly returned to his normal expression.

   "Xiu Chen, where are you going? I will ask the driver to take you off." Luo Haofeng asked Bai Xiaoxiao with concern, but looked up at Mo Xiuchen.

   Hearing the words, Mo Xiuchen's beautiful brows frowned slightly, and did not speak.

  Luo Haofeng understood the question in Mo Xiuchen's eyes. You are really a friend. I sent Xiaoxiao to you safely, but you sent me a driver.

  Luo Haofeng raised his handsome eyebrows, holding Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, deliberately raising it.

  I’m a brother, so don’t bother me and Xiaoxiao’s two-person world.

  He glanced over Jiang Hui who was walking beside Mo Xiuchen. Aren’t you still following a confidante? You don’t have to pretend to be a gentleman, you don’t have to pretend to be a gentleman.

  Bai Xiaoxiao and Jiang Hui didn't know Mo Xiuchen and Luo Haofeng, they had already had so many exchanges in their eyes.

  Walking out of the airport, Luo Haofeng asked the driver to send them off regardless of whether Mo Xiuchen was willing or not, and then took Bai Xiaoxiao's hand to his car.

   "President Mo, if you are tired, go back to the hotel to rest, and there is no work this morning, I want to walk around."

   Seeing Luo Haofeng leading Bai Xiaoxiao to leave, Jiang Hui smiled gently and said to Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his hand to support his forehead, a faint trace of tiredness appeared between his handsome eyebrows, "I'm a little tired, let the driver see you off."

   "No, no, since President Mo is sleepy, let the driver take you back to the hotel to rest, and I can just take a taxi by myself."

   Jiang Hui looked like how could I be a driver, and quickly shook his head and waved his hands to refuse.

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth twitched slightly, and his deep eyes narrowed, "Okay, you can go shopping by yourself! Just go back to the hotel before two o'clock in the afternoon."

   "Thank you, President Mo, I must rush back in time." Jiang Hui immediately thanked him with joy, and his brows made no secret of the joy of being able to stroll around.

  Looking at Jiang Hui getting into the taxi, Mo Xiuchen said to the driver beside him, "Follow her, don't be found by her."

   "Yes, President Mo."

  The driver replied respectfully and got on the bus immediately.

  Mo Xiuchen walked a few steps away and raised his hand to knock on Luo Haofeng's car window.

  "The door is unlocked, you can't get in the car yourself!" The window glass lowered, Luo Haofeng frowned, looking at Mo Xiuchen dissatisfied.

  Bai Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, yelled softly, ‘Hao Feng. ’He told him not to have such an attitude towards Mo Xiuchen.

  Mo Xiuchen opened the back door and sat in, "Send me back to the hotel first, and then you go romantic."

   "Why don't you follow along to see where Jiang Hui has gone, you are fine anyway."

  Luo Haofeng looked in the rearview mirror, and Mo Xiuchen, who was leaning on the rear seat, was very upset that he came to disturb him and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  This guy is too dumbfounded.

  Mo Xiuchen ignored Luo Haofeng’s complaints and dissatisfaction, "Why do you think I should take her to city b for a business trip?"

   "Cut, that of course is because you have a job here!"

  Luo Haofeng retorted disapprovingly, he still wanted to take Jiang Hui abroad.

Mo Xiuchen sneered, "Because City B is your site, although Jiang Hui was sent by Meng Ke to approach me, I heard that she received a task assigned by Meng Ke. I don't think she is going to deal with it. I."

   "Can't she seduce you?"

  Luo Haofeng asked unwillingly, Mo Xiuchen only sneered back.

  There are countless women who want to seduce him, but no one can succeed. When he lost his memory, no one could seduce him, let alone he is normal now.

   "Do you think I am you? Any woman will seduce success."

   "Xiu Chen, don't talk nonsense, I haven't been seduced by any woman." Luo Haofeng frowned, for fear that Bai Xiaoxiao next to him would misunderstand him.

  Two seconds later, he asked in confusion, "Xiu Chen, what do you say Jiang Hui is going to do?"

  Mo Xiuchen leisurely took out his mobile phone, dialed the Wen Ran number, and answered lazily, "I don’t know."

  (End of this chapter)

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