Chapter 1859 But I miss you so much

  Since the love affair between Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao was approved by the elders of both parties.

  They moved from their previous underground love to the ground.

  Frankly fall in love.

   But despite this, the situation between the two of them was not resolved for a while.

   And Luo Haofeng, three phone calls every morning, afternoon and evening, became an indispensable communication in his love with Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Summer came quietly in their love.

  Bai Xiaoxiao adheres to the principle of losing weight every summer. Even though she is pregnant, she still loses two catties.

  She, who is about to be a mother, has a touch of tender maternal love at the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, and she is even more charming and moving.

  This afternoon, Bai Xiaoxiao had just finished talking with the client and returned to the office from the meeting room, and the phone rang.

After    was adjusted to the special ringtone setting, she didn't need to look at the phone display, she already knew that it was Luo Haofeng's call.

  After returning to the office, Bai Xiaoxiao took a sip of the water on the table before leaning back in the chair and answering the phone comfortably, "Hey!"

  Across the radio waves, Luo Haofeng’s deep, magnetic voice penetrated into his eardrums, “Xiao Xiao, I’m too busy at noon and didn’t make time to call you. Did you miss me?”

   Speaking of the back, there is a three-point smile in his tone.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyebrows were dyed with tenderness unconsciously, and the corners of her lips curled up with happiness, "Why do I miss you, I am also very busy."

   "Haha, Xiaoxiao, but I miss you very much, what should I do?"

  The voice that drilled into the eardrum was low and cheerful, and when she heard Bai Xiaoxiao's ears, her heart was as sweet as honey.

  It turns out that the feeling of being open and honest in a relationship is different from sneaking in before.

  This kind of happiness is blessed by the elders, she will not be happy, from time to time guilt and worry.

   "How do I know what to do, that's your business."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said so in her mouth, but her face was filled with a happy smile.

  Even the air in the office seems to be stained with a touch of romance.

  "Xiaoxiao, I will go to G city to see you tonight."

  Luo Haofeng finished smiling before telling Bai Xiaoxiao the good news.

  Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled. Today is the weekend, and she knows that Luo Haofeng will come. Speaking of which, they haven't seen each other for half a month.

  Last weekend, just in time for Luo Haofeng on a business trip, he did not come to City G.

  "You didn't have a good rest last weekend because of a business trip. Did you not rest at home this weekend?" Bai Xiaoxiao felt that she was duplicity.

  She obviously wanted to see Luo Haofeng too.

   However, what I said was contrary to what I thought.

  Luo Haofeng sighed on the phone, "Xiao Xiao, although I want to rest, I want to see you more. Therefore, I don’t know what to do. Let’s go to City G to rest tonight."

  Bai Xiaoxiao giggled at Luo Haofeng's words.

  She knew that Luo Haofeng’s complaint was false. But in my heart, I still couldn't help but feel sorry for him running between the two places.

  Since she became pregnant, Luo Haofeng not only has to manage the company, but also care about her. Normally there are no less than three calls a day.

  Even if it’s a business trip, it’s the same.

  On weekends, I still have to come to City G to accompany her, and push away all other entertainment.

   "Why don't you come back tomorrow."

   "Then I will have insomnia tonight."

   "Why insomnia?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao asked pretendingly.

   Turned on the hands-free, put the phone on the solid wood desk, and took the cup on the desk.

  "Xiaoxiao, you know, I think you want to have insomnia. Going to G city this weekend, I must confirm our wedding date with my uncle and aunt."

  As for the proposal, Luo Haofeng had already done it.

  On the second weekend that he was approved by his white mother, that is, after sending away his parents for a trip, he rushed to City G, asked Mo Xiuchen and the others to help, and gave Bai Xiaoxiao a romantic and touching marriage proposal.

  If not for a business trip last week, he would go to discuss the wedding date last weekend.

   "I can't be the master of this, you really have to ask my parents."

  Bai Xiaoxiao has no stubborn requirements for what wedding date. She is willing to marry Luo Haofeng any day.

  But her parents could not agree so casually.

  I also said two days ago that we should be optimistic about the auspicious days.


  Luo Haofeng readily agreed on the phone.

  Of course, he must respect the ideas of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, and meet their requirements as much as possible.

   "It's working time now, don't be lazy, and work quickly."

  The two chatted for another ten minutes. Although Bai Xiaoxiao liked to chat with Luo Haofeng, she didn't want to delay his work.

  Just in time, someone knocked on the door outside, and Luo Haofeng smiled and said, "Okay, I will take care of the matter first, and I will call you when I arrive at City G at night."

   "If you are too tired, I will come back tomorrow. I really don't have to come tonight."

  Bai Xiaoxiao thought for a while, then added softly.

  Hung up the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao stared at the phone call record for a long time before putting the phone away and starting to work.


  At dinner, the white mother asked Bai Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, will Luo Haofeng come to G city this weekend?"

  Aside, Father Bai smiled and gave Bai Xiaoxiao the vegetables, and then to Bai Mu.

  Bai Xiaoxiao said "Thank you Dad" to Father Bai before answering the question from Mother Bai, "Mom, Hao Feng said to come over tonight."

  "Since he will come, please discuss your marriage and arrange the wedding earlier. The later the day, the harder you will be."

  White mother glanced across Bai Xiaoxiao's abdomen.

  It's only been more than two months now, and it's still not visible.

  But in a few months, it will be hard to hold a wedding with a pregnant belly.

  Anyway, she agreed to be together. Bai Mu didn't want to keep Xiao Xiao at home anymore. It's best to marry her quickly when her belly is not visible.

   "Mom, Hao Feng also has this plan."

  Bai Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

  Since her mother agreed, she has made no secret of her happiness at home.

   "Then his parents, getting married is not a child's play. His parents are now traveling abroad and discuss not using them during the wedding, but they always need them to attend the wedding."

  This is the first time that the white mother has mentioned Luo Haofeng's parents in front of Bai Xiaoxiao after she agreed to the date of Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Love is a matter for two people, but marriage is definitely a matter for two families.

  If there is a choice, the white mother really hopes that Luo Haofeng is not Wu Jingfang's son. She feels that when she meets that woman, no one can understand.

   Therefore, when mentioning Wu Jingfang, Bai Mu's tone was still a bit blunt.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled softly and said softly, "Mom, I haven't asked Haofeng about this question. I will ask him when he comes."

   "That woman might not want to see us. If she doesn't want to attend your wedding, don't force her to attend."

  The white mother added a cold expression.

  She didn’t know how Wu Jingfang promised Luo Haofeng and Xiao Xiao to be together, it could not be because Xiao Xiao was pregnant.

  Neither Qiao Xiuyun nor Wu Jingfang can figure this out.

  (End of this chapter)

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