Chapter 1857 No matter the process

  With Bai Mu’s will, the aunt no longer persuades Luo Haofeng to leave the kitchen, but instead helps him.

  In the living room, Mo Xiuchen chatted with Father Bai.

  Wen Ran, Bai Xiaoxiao, and Bai Mu, the three coaxed the three children to play.

  The atmosphere is warm and pleasant.

In the middle of   , Bai Xiaoxiao wanted to go to the kitchen several times, but she was stopped by her eyes.

  There was a small complaint in her heart, she felt that his mother shouldn't let Luo Haofeng come to the house for the first time and let him cook.

   But Bai Mu threw one to her. Whose look is this for me.

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s complaint in her heart had to be put away, but she looked at the kitchen from time to time.

  Facts have proved that Wen Ran's words are right.

  Compared with the gifts Luo Haofeng collected from Gu Kai and Wen Jin, the delicious and delicious meals he made can alleviate Bai Mu's dissatisfaction with him.

  After tasting a few samples, Bai Mu even praised, "The cooking is good."

   Hearing the praise from the future mother-in-law, Luo Haofeng immediately blossomed, "Thank you for the praise, auntie."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was as happy as him. She had no appetite because of her early pregnancy reaction. She also ate a lot of this meal.

   "Uncle Luo's cooking is so delicious, Uncle Luo, next time you go to our house to cook!"

  Momo's unintentional words made everyone laugh.

  Wen Ran wiped off the rice grains from the corners of Mo Mo's mouth, and said funnyly, "Mo Mo, your Uncle Luo needs to cook for your godmother, you can't grab someone."

Mo Mo blinked a pair of clear eyes, and innocently defended himself, "I didn't let Uncle Luo go to our house every day to cook, but I felt that Uncle Luo had been to our house so many times, and he was not in our house. Cook a meal."

  Sure enough, Tong Yan has nothing to say!

  Wen Ran was a little dumbfounded.

Mo Xiuchen, who was sitting next to her, smiled and answered her daughter gently, "Momo, we don’t care about the food your Uncle Luo cooks. What do you want to eat? Dad will cook it for you. In the future, you will grow up. Many people are willing to cook for you."

"I grew up?"

  In Mo Mo’s clear and big eyes, a little doubt appeared, "Are you a handsome boy like Uncle Luo?"

   "Haha, it seems that Momo likes your Uncle Luo very much?"

   Father Bai couldn't help but interject.

  If he reluctantly accepted Luo Haofeng for Xiaoxiao before, then after today's lunch, Father Bai is really satisfied with Luo Haofeng.

  Whether it is cooking skills or character at the dinner table.

  I have to say that Luo Haofeng is hard to fault.

   "Like it, godmother also likes Uncle Luo, Grandpa Bai, Grandma Bai, do you like Uncle Luo?"

  Momo looked at Father Bai and Mother Bai again. She seemed to be afraid that they would not like her Uncle Luo. She was busy adding, “Uncle Luo is not only handsome, but also good.”

  Even Wen Ran was surprised.

  Before they came, they did not explain that the three children wanted to say so many good things about Luo Haofeng.

After Mo Mo finished speaking, Xin Xin, who was sitting next to him, nodded, "Grandpa Bai, Grandma Bai, you must like Uncle Luo."

  The white mother looked at Luo Haofeng, then at the two children, and said with a smile, “You all like your Uncle Luo so much, do you dare to say that you don’t like your grandpa and grandma?”

   "Do you like Grandpa and Grandma Bai?"

  Although they are smart, Mo Mo and Xin Xin are still too young, not sure if Bai Mu's words like it or not.

  And they wanted to be sure, the two little cute babies looked at the mother white expectantly.

   With that cute and cute expression, the white mother's heart is almost broken.

   Regardless of whether he was really satisfied or not, he continued to say "I like it, we all like you Uncle Luo."

  Luo Haofeng not only made a table of delicious meals, but also had the beginning and the end. He rushed to clean up the dishes after the meal.

  Seeing that Bai Mu did not stop, Bai Xiaoxiao knew that it would be useless to stop it.

  So, Luo Haofeng went to visit his father-in-law for the first time and became a free chef.

  Mo Xiuchen received a call when he moved from the dining room to the sofa in the living room, and there was something temporary in the company that needed him to go back to deal with it.

  He had to go back to the company, "Of course, you come back to the company with me."

   To Mo Xiuchen's request, he nodded and agreed without hesitation.

  Qiao Xiuyun saw this and smiled and said, "Since something is going on in the company, then you should hurry up. It's rare for me to see three children at once. This afternoon, let them play at my house."

   "Then trouble Aunt Joe, if they are naughty, you must not bear it, scold if you should scold, or beat if you want."

As soon as Wen Ran said this, Qiao Xiuyun didn't want to wait for the three children to refute, "In my opinion, the three of them are the best, so they won't be naughty."

   "Mom, you can rest assured to go to the company with Dad. I will take care of Momo and Xinxin."

  Zi Yi said like a little adult.

  He was born a few minutes later than Mo Mo, but mentally he did mature a bit earlier than Mo Mo.

  Because, in the past few months, I have been taking care of Qingqing. Many times, Zi Yi is really like the brother of Mo Mo and Xinxin, not the younger brother.

  After the car hit the road, Wen Ran said doubtfully, “How do I feel that Momo and Xinxin seem to have been taught by Luo Haofeng.”

  Mo Xiuchen smiled, his generous palms held her hands in her palms, and her voice rang softly in her ears, "It's not like, it's A Feng who really taught them."

  If it hadn't been taught, Momo wouldn't say such a thing.

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen with his eyes wide open, "Why don't I know when?"

   "When he went to our house, didn't Mo Mo, Xinxin, and Zi Yi play in the yard? That was when he taught them."

"how do you know?"

   "I just saw it."

  Mo Xiuchen and Luo Haofeng have been together for more than ten years, how could they not understand him.

   "So that's the case, I'll just say it, if no one teaches, how could Momo say that."

  Mo Xiuchen's smile deepened, and his handsome eyebrows raised lightly, "No matter what the process, A Feng can make Aunt Qiao satisfied with him. This result is worthy of joy."

   Hearing what he said, Wen Ran also smiled, "Yes, I didn't expect Luo Haofeng to pass the level so smoothly."

On the way to   , she was still worried.

  Afraid that Aunt Qiao would get angry and kick them all out.

   "Not only did Aunt Qiao agree, but A Feng's mother also agreed that they were together." Mo Xiuchen took Wen Ran's shoulder with his other hand and took her into his arms.

  Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao have had several twists and turns in their relationship, but as of today, there has been a good turning point.

   is also a good start.

  I believe that the difficulties in the future can be overcome quickly, and they will soon be able to achieve a positive result and be happy.

  Mo Xiuchen felt happy for Luo Haofeng. Several friends who were close to brothers finally found their happiness one by one.

  If anyone else wants him to worry about, then Wen Jin is the only one left.

  (End of this chapter)

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