Chapter 1854

  Bai Xiaoxiao was startled.

  The look in the eyes of the mother-in-law was a little more guilty.

  Luo Haofeng rushed to visit her parents because of her pregnancy, but his own parents should still be traveling outside.

  Seeing her eyes flickering away from her own eyes, the white mother's face became more displeased, "Xiao Xiao, if Luo Haofeng can't let her parents agree, I won't agree with you."

Upon hearing this, Bai Xiaoxiao frowned.

The father Bai who quietly turned to the side winked. Father Bai smiled and said roundly, "Xiuyun, isn't this for our daughter? She and Luo Haofeng are already like this. You can't let me be with someone else. If you are wronged, let her be wronged again."

  The white mother's face changed.

  I only felt depressed for a while, what kind of evil was this? Only then did Xiao Xiao meet Luo Haofeng.

  There are so many men in the world, she doesn't love it, but she has a crush on Luo Haofeng.

Of course she didn’t want her daughter to be bullied by Wu Jingfang’s woman, she twisted her eyebrows for a while, and asked solemnly, “Xiao Xiao, even if you marry Luo’s family, Wu Jingfang’s woman will not treat you well, you really decided to be with Luo Hao Feng together?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded firmly, "Mom, I'm pretty sure, I want to be with Luo Haofeng."

   "Eat breakfast, he will come later."

  Mother Bai had her own idea in her heart, she didn't want to talk about this topic any more, picked up the chopsticks, and started to eat breakfast.

  Bai Xiaoxiao blinked blankly, and couldn't figure out for a while, what did her mother mean?

  Can't help but quietly look at Father Bai next to him.

  Father Bai smiled faintly, pointed to the chopsticks on the solid wood dining table, and said softly, “Hurry up and go buy some food with your mother later.”

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s eyes lit up, and happily picked up the chopsticks, and added a three-xian dumpling to Father Bai and Mother Bai, "Dad, Mom, you guys too."


  At nine o'clock in the morning, Luo Haofeng took the gift from Wen Jin's house, then took the gift from Gu Kai's house, and finally came to Mo Xiuchen's house.

  When he arrived, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran had just come downstairs.

  Looking at the two holding hands, loving and happy, Luo Haofeng laughed and teased, "Xiu Chen, can you not show affection for a minute? Ouch, my eyes hurt."

Mo Xiuchen's cold eyes swept towards Luo Haofeng who was sitting on the sofa, and his narrow eyes looked at him from head to toe, "Why isn't it as grand as the last time you went to see Uncle Bai, you are today? Are you going to beg for food?"

  Luo Haofeng’s mouth twitched. Have you ever seen someone dressed so well, going to beg for food?

   Wen Ran pursed his lips and chuckled, "Xiu Chen, you are too serious. No matter what, Luo Haofeng still has a nice face, so he won't beg for food."

  Luo Haofeng frowned, "What do you two mean?"

   Not to beg for food, with a pretty face?

  Luo Haofeng raised his hand and touched his handsome face, and looked at Wen Ran's weird smile. How did he think, she was saying that he could be a little white face and eat soft food.

  Mo Xiuchen lowered his eyes, and after looking at each other with Wen Ran, the corner of his mouth curled up with a beautiful arc, "Literally, when you came in, you can see that the three of Zi Yi are outside?"

   "Yes, the three of them are playing games in the yard, saying you haven't gotten up yet."

  In the second half of the sentence, Luo Haofeng joked.

  Unfortunately, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran are not embarrassed at all for his teasing.

  Instead, Mo Xiuchen looked at him coldly. Who asked him to give him an idea in the early morning and disturb people's rest?

  Luo Haofeng smiled and raised his hand to touch his nose, "Xiu Chen, of course, when can we leave?"

  He told Bai Xiaoxiao that he arrived at her house around ten o'clock.

  You can't be late without keeping promises.

  If he goes again at noon, he is sure he will be kicked out of the house, he is not going to be a guest.

  Mo Xiuchen raised his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist, and said faintly, “What hurry, it’s early to go to lunch.”

  Luo Haofeng's expression changed, he looked at Wen Ran beggingly, his hands clasped together.

  Wen Ran couldn't help but laugh, "Xiu Chen, Luo Haofeng is not going to be a guest today. We should go earlier. If we are kicked out, we can go home for lunch."

  Luo Haofeng's expression froze, and he silently complained in his heart, not daring to speak out.

  Mo Xiuchen nodded in agreement, "Of course, what you said makes sense, then we'll accompany him early, but you have to have breakfast first."


  Wen Ran did not refuse, and said to Luo Haofeng, "Luo Haofeng, wait for us for a while, and go after breakfast."


  B City

  Wu Jingfang, who was under house arrest in the room, irritated a pillow on the sofa, squeezing it again and again.

  Beside, Luo Rongbin, holding the remote control in his hand, has just switched to a show about emotional stories.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Wu Jingfang’s ugly expression. He changed two more stations. Next to him, Wu Jingfang said angrily, “Don’t always change. Stop changing channels, I feel uncomfortable."

  Luo Rongbin said nothing, placing the remote control in his hand on the coffee table in front of him.

  In the next second, Wu Jingfang's questioning sound rang again, "What kind of ghost show is this?"

  Luo Rongbin took a closer look and realized that this is a TV series about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

  On the TV, the fierce mother-in-law was teaching Wei Weinuo's daughter-in-law. The door was opened. His son came back and saw this scene. He immediately asked his mother dissatisfied how to teach his wife.

  Luo Rongbin sighed and said calmly, “It’s not that the TV series are not good, but that you are not in the mood to watch it.”

  "Go and ask the two of you to call Ah Feng. We are his parents. How could he put us under house arrest for a woman."

  Luo Rongbin looked cold, "I thought about it all night, but you still didn't think clearly."


  When Luo Rongbin is not angry, Wu Jingfang can lose her temper or complain, but when Luo Rongbin’s face becomes cold, she can’t help panicking.

   Now there is Luo Rongbin with her. If it annoys him, she is the only one who is locked in this room.

   "A Feng is definitely not joking with you, you should recognize this clearly."

  Wu Jingfang tightly grasped the pillow in her hand, gritted her teeth and said, "I know, he will definitely deny me as a mother for that woman."

  "Can't you take a step back for your son, A Feng said, Bai Xiaoxiao is already pregnant with his child, Wu Jingfang, you can't let your son ignore his own flesh and blood."

  The sound of Luo Rongbin's first name and last name made Wu Jingfang breathless.

  She remembered. Luo Haofeng told her last night that Bai Xiaoxiao had already been pregnant with his child. He couldn't let anyone hurt Bai Xiaoxiao anymore, even if she was a mother.

  (End of this chapter)

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